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When wondering why such a divide exists in America, never forget the warning:
"We are just days away from Fundamentally Changing the United States of America."

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Author Topic: Communists in America.  (Read 20139 times)
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63450

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« on: 03 12, 10, 04:47:43:AM » Reply

Beck University. Communists in America.

The history of the United States that we were never told about.



August West
Sr. Member

Posts: 13661

« Reply #1 on: 03 12, 10, 05:24:15:AM » Reply

Yup. Bob Dylan was right.                               http://www.bobdylan.com/#/songs/talkin-john-birch-paranoid-blues                                                             
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #2 on: 03 12, 10, 05:39:29:AM » Reply

Full Member

Posts: 219

« Reply #3 on: 03 12, 10, 05:45:49:AM » Reply

Whats the matter west, are you guys having a tough time marginalizing these days?  That shit caught up to you, didn't it.
One thing is for sure. You can bitch and call names, but you can't dispute what beck says here. Of course, you are more than welcome to try.
August West
Sr. Member

Posts: 13661

« Reply #4 on: 03 12, 10, 06:36:26:AM » Reply

Not all of us spend every hour of the day worrying about commies,terrorists,ACORN,etc. I find Beck and his gullible followers to be hilarious and I appreciate the entertainment. Thanks again.
Sr. Member

Posts: 41944

Obama shit on Blacks, They are Arab toilets.

« Reply #5 on: 03 12, 10, 06:37:55:AM » Reply

McCarthy was Right.

 We need hearings on this takeover.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #6 on: 03 12, 10, 06:46:15:AM » Reply

McCarthy was one of the most demonized American politicians of the last century, new information -- including half-century-old FBI recordings of Soviet embassy conversations -- are showing that McCarthy was right in nearly all his accusations.
"With Joe McCarthy it was the losers who've written the history which condemns him," said Dan Flynn, director of Accuracy in Academia's recent national conference on McCarthy, broadcast by C-SPAN.
Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Vanona Intercepts -- FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 -- the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct.
Next let’s hear more about the “energetic” & “engaging” ruthless dictator who had no issue with confiscating private property and forcing Cuban citizens to labor camps on the state-run Sugar plantations… Fidel Castro.  I know just the patriotic, freedom loving Congresswoman to go to:  Congresswoman Barbara Lee – 9th District California.  Is anybody else wondering… “California, what the hell is wrong with you?!”
Also, if you heaven’t heard about the book “The Coming Insurrection”, you need to know about it – we can expect pro-communists here in America to spew this Communist Call to Arms everywhere they get the chance – in fact in a recent interview… Michael Moore said it happened to be the last book he read.  Learn more about it here and read it for free in pdf:  http://excellenceinamerica.com/?p=898
Sr. Member

Posts: 16585

Democrats are all Communists

« Reply #7 on: 03 12, 10, 06:51:44:AM » Reply

I thought the last book Michael Moore read was a Little LuLu Comic book.
Sr. Member

Posts: 16585

Democrats are all Communists

« Reply #8 on: 03 12, 10, 07:00:22:AM » Reply

I am not worried about the Communists, the Marxists, not even the Fascist Muslims, what I am worried about is how a great portion of the American people can elect a man like Obama President without a fundamental change in what an American really is these days. It may already be too late to save this country.
Sr. Member

Posts: 20417

« Reply #9 on: 03 12, 10, 07:01:23:AM » Reply

Not all of us spend every hour of the day worrying about commies,terrorists,ACORN,etc. I find Beck and his gullible followers to be hilarious and I appreciate the entertainment. Thanks again.

Gee anybody else notice that August in true goose stepping fashion ignores the facts, I suspect that since he can't refute them he will in true liberal fashion simply bend over and take it for the team.ROFLMAO, I am always entertained by the pathetically stupid loyalist, They say, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity are all LIARS, yet they can't seem to post FACTS to disprove their point, It is apparent, those goose steppers are laced up real tight cutting off circulation to the few brain cells they MAY have left
Sr. Member

Posts: 16585

Democrats are all Communists

« Reply #10 on: 03 12, 10, 07:04:18:AM » Reply

Nobody has proven Beck wrong yet and the White House hasn't responded either.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #11 on: 03 12, 10, 07:11:04:AM » Reply

Obama may be resorting to fascistoid temporary measures, but socialism is definitively his objective, and if he can muster it, probably communism.
Others are opening their eyes to the threat that Obama poses to the world. In Central America, the Panamanians elected a conservative president, businessman Ricardo Martinelli. In Europe, the Germans are opening their eyes and giving continually increasing support to the pro-free-enterprise Free Democratic Party (FDP). This latter development is of a great importance, for Germany is now setting the political-economic tone in Western Europe. Read it for yourself.
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