All Boards => Guest Posting Area => Topic started by: jerry pickard on 09 29, 13, 10:51:34:AM

Title: Why we Americans passed health reform
Post by: jerry pickard on 09 29, 13, 10:51:34:AM
"I have health insurance from my company and my co-pay is 1,000 per year and I pay 115 a month in premiums matched by the company - sounds great - I have a card in my wallet that says I have health insurance.
So my indigestion for weeks turned out to be colon cancer - the coloscopy alone cost 2,000 and now I need to have surgery and chemo thats going to cost at least 50,000 over the next two years, if I live that long.
I got a letter from the insurance provider telling me that my lifetime limit on this "claim" has been reached and my policy is thus cancelled. In the same mail delivery was a bill from the hospital for 35,700 that was unpaid by insurance.
I had a card in my wallet that said I had health insurance.
And the Republicans say we don't need health insurance reform."
- John Grant, October 2008 [deceased]