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Author Topic: Democrats drop demand for new tax  (Read 118 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« on: 12 15, 11, 06:32:51:AM » Reply

 a big loss for them
Democrats backed away from their demand for higher taxes on millionaires as part of legislation to extend Social Security tax cuts for most Americans on Wednesday as Congress struggled to clear critical year-end bills without triggering a partial government shutdown…
Republicans minimized the significance of the move. “They’re not giving up a whole lot. The tax they wanted to implement on business owners was something that couldn’t pass the House and couldn’t pass the Senate,” McConnell said in a CNBC interview.
Jettisoning the tax could also require Democrats to agree to politically painful savings elsewhere in the budget to replace the estimated $140 billion the tax would have raised over a decade.
CNN calls it a “major concession,” which is true insofar as this was part of The One’s big populist Elizabeth Warren-esque push against “the one percent” ahead of the election. His base will hate being forced to drop it given how well tax hikes on the rich poll, even though realistically there was no way Democrats were going to walk away from extending a payroll-tax cut for the middle class to try to get Republicans to bend on this. The quid pro quo, I take it, will be the GOP agreeing to drop the Keystone pipeline provision from whatever compromise bill ends up on the House floor. Which means less revenue and fewer jobs in exchange — hopefully — for new spending cuts, or just maybe another hundred billion or so in deficit spending. Doesn’t feel like a major victory, but at least the kabuki phase of these dull negotiations is over.
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The Democrat campaign of hate and envy towards the successful is not working evidently. Otherwise, they’d fight to the death to keep this tax. Blood is in the water, and Republican leadership is too spineless to take advantage of it.
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« Reply #1 on: 12 15, 11, 06:37:12:AM » Reply

fuck you.  goddamn, like you are a fucking millionaire.  it just shows that republicans care more about rich people than they do the deficit.  and you are such a dumbfuck you like bending over for the rich. 
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« Reply #2 on: 12 15, 11, 06:45:09:AM » Reply

Democrats are getting their ass kicked by the American people, they will be lucky if they can even survive as a viable party after the election.
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Posts: 99142

« Reply #3 on: 12 15, 11, 07:00:05:AM » Reply

Republicans have noted that raising taxes on businesses and investors while the economy is suffering is a bad idea. Democrats have been struggling to keep even their own caucus together on the issue.

Republicans, frustrated that a bipartisan $1 trillion funding bill was being blocked by Democrats in the Senate, floated the possibility of repackaging the measure and passing it on Friday.

With time beginning to run out, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev), met with Obama at the White House, then returned to the Capitol and sat down with the two top Republicans in Congress, Speaker John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

It has been a year of disputes- with a GOP majority in the House and Obama's allies in the Senate - that has veered from near-catastrophe to last-minute compromise repeatedly since last January.

The bill would extract $43 billion from the year-old health care bill; extend a pay freeze on federal employees while also increasing their pension contributions and raise Medicare premiums on seniors with incomes over $80,000 beginning in 2017.

It also would raise a fee that is charged to banks whose mortgages are guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The legislation would avert a threatened 27 per cent cut in payments to doctors who treat Medicare patients, and Obama and Democrats are willing to accept that.

Read more: <A href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074392/Democrats-drop-millionaire-tax.html#ixzz1gbV1g2Ml">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074392/Democrats-drop-millionaire-tax.html#ixzz1gbV1g2Ml
Sr. Member

Posts: 18174

« Reply #4 on: 12 15, 11, 07:04:58:AM » Reply

raise Medicare premiums on seniors with incomes over $80,000 beginning in 2017.

So they raised taxes on those making $80,00 or more.... I see no millionaires at that level. I see that as a contradiction.

 Yes Hooty, there are millionaires on the internet in forums just like this. Your small mind can't comprehend reality , can it?  You're great at DENIAL Though, even phrased your statement that way Huh?  If you think spouting that ignorance helps you in any way, call your nurse for assistance.
Sr. Member

Posts: 20417

« Reply #5 on: 12 15, 11, 07:05:57:AM » Reply

fuck you.  goddamn, like you are a fucking millionaire.  it just shows that republicans care more about rich people than they do the deficit.  and you are such a dumbfuck you like bending over for the rich.   

Yes sir, let's get the perspective of the "less fortunate" My god Hoosier you can't suck the party dick any harder could ya? If your hero in the WH really cared about the "Less fortunate" he'd be eating a value meal at Micky D's. If you liberal dicklickers really cared about the "less fortunate" you'd get involved with your local organization and FEED them instead of bitching about somebody else doing YOUR bidding. If you liberal dicklickers really cared about the "less fortunate you'd abolish ALL PORK and feed the hungry.

Cry me a fucking river moron, you sit there and DO NOTHING but show your jealosuy because YOUR incapable and unwilling to do ANYTHING

Barack Obama was in New York City Wednesday attending three fundraisers to raise money for his re-election bid.
The fundraisers included one at Gotham Bar and Grill, located in Greenwich Village, which went for $35,800 per head.  Obama also attended a fundraiser at the home of businessman Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress, where tickets went for at least $10,000, and another event at the Sheraton Hotel, where tickets began at $1,000.
Don't hate me because I am beautiful
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

how cool that chemtrail can change profiles

« Reply #6 on: 12 15, 11, 07:16:05:AM » Reply

why does baretta have to exhibit his gay tendencies and fantasies in his posts?  we get it, you think about being gay a lot...who cares?  keep it to yourself.  and what does having rich people show up for a campaign have to do with taxing the rich at a higher rate to pay for other spending programs that allow the middle class and working poor more discretionary income WHICH DOES HELP THE ECONOMY, YOU STUPID SHIT CLOWNS.  the rich already spend as much as they want...that is why they are rich...durrrrr....you give a thousand bucks a year in tax cuts to the middle class and working poor and they might buy a new refrigerator, a new tv, new furniture, thus stimulating the economy...a thousand bucks to a millionaire is chump change...how did you boys get fooled into supporting a party that wants to fuck you so the rich can have even more?  what a bunch of easily played sheep. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 18174

« Reply #7 on: 12 15, 11, 07:20:35:AM » Reply

You're right , Who care hooty, the rest was boring, You lonesome? Go find your sheep.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #8 on: 12 15, 11, 07:23:47:AM » Reply

The bill would extract $43 billion from the year-old health care bill; extend a pay freeze on federal employees while also increasing their pension contributions and raise Medicare premiums on seniors with incomes over $80,000 beginning in 2017.

It also would raise a fee that is charged to banks whose mortgages are guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The legislation would avert a threatened 27 per cent cut in payments to doctors who treat Medicare patients, and Obama and Democrats are willing to accept that.

Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #9 on: 12 15, 11, 07:38:37:AM » Reply

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