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Author Topic: 67% Oppose Light Bulb Ban  (Read 241 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #12 on: 07 15, 11, 02:56:40:PM » Reply

have any of you bothered to do any research into CFL's?   Well I have and they are nowhere as dangerous as some would like you to believe.
Irrelevant.  This discussion is about freedom of choice, not which bulb is superior.
But since you brought it up, if the CFLs are not dangerous, why do the instructions tell you to call in a HAZ-MAT team to clean it up if you break one?
Evil does not exist within a gun. It exists in the minds and hearts of those who pull the trigger for evil purposes.---Laus Deo
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Posts: 33442


« Reply #13 on: 07 15, 11, 03:04:49:PM » Reply

did you even bother reading the Popular Mechanics article???  And I don't recall seeing that particular warning on any packaging I have ever used.  Perhaps you could enlighten me as to which manufacturers include those instructions?   Also...are you aware that incandescent lights bulbs are 90% heat and 10% light...how much do you think that heat adds to your AC bill each year???

lastly...there are very few times government does anything right...but this is one of those times.  I hate to say that that...but the evidence is clear
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #14 on: 07 15, 11, 03:18:03:PM » Reply

did you even bother reading the Popular Mechanics article???  And I don't recall seeing that particular warning on any packaging I have ever used.  Perhaps you could enlighten me as to which manufacturers include those instructions?   Also...are you aware that incandescent lights bulbs are 90% heat and 10% light...how much do you think that heat adds to your AC bill each year???

I said it is irrelevant.  I don't care how superior the CFL bulbs are.  The issue is freedom of choice.  I should not have to be coerced to buy them, if they are superior.  I will buy them by my own free will.
You can't know what is important to every person in the country.  That is why you are supposed to leave it up to them to decide for themselves what they want to do.  Some people might like the fact the old bulbs give off heat.  Why should you take away their right to buy those bulbs if that is what they want?

there are very few times government does anything right...but this is one of those times.
Taking away our freedom to choose what kind of light bulb we want is not right.
I hate to say that that...but the evidence is clear
Remember, our founding fathers said we tell the government what to do.  The government doesn't tell us what to do.
Evil does not exist within a gun. It exists in the minds and hearts of those who pull the trigger for evil purposes.---Laus Deo
Sr. Member

Posts: 33442


« Reply #15 on: 07 15, 11, 03:59:56:PM » Reply

than I suggest you start a stockpile of incandescent bulbs...and I will start using the LED's and save energy on my total electrical and cooling costs.   BTW...is there a factory in the US still manufacturing your incandescent bulbs or have they all moved to china because of the abusive taxation and union dog costs?
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #16 on: 07 15, 11, 04:40:33:PM » Reply

than I suggest you start a stockpile of incandescent bulbs.
This is not about me.  What about every other American?  Shouldn't they have the right to have whatever kind of light bulb they want?
BTW...is there a factory in the US still manufacturing your incandescent bulbs?

There will be soon in Texas.
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