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Posts: 2682

« on: 07 15, 11, 11:03:09:AM » Reply

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 | Posted by Michael E.
Why Liberals Lie

Rational people sometimes have difficulty in understanding the mind of the Liberal and why they do the things that they do. Part of the confusion may come from the fact that there are different levels (types) of Liberals (Liberalism). So before we ask why liberals lie,  let us first understand who they are?

I. Hippy Eco-Freak.  At the bottom of the Liberal Freak scale is the Hippy Eco-Freak. Hippy Eco-Freaks are basically harmless “flower children”. While many are left over hippies from the 60′s who have moved on to relatively normal lives, there are a growing number of younglings who are becoming seduced by “how cool” they perceive the 60′s to have been. Of course, these new hippies really have no context of the issues that the country faced in the 60′s. They see what they want to see and omit any information which conflicts with their personal desire for self-gratification. Hippy Eco-Freaks actually believe in their cause. When in dialog with these people, It’s best to just nod and smile. They pose no threat to our democracy.

II. Eco-Pacifier. Like the Hippy Eco-Freak, the Eco-Pacifier is relatively benign. Their focus is mostly on environmental causes, but they will support other Liberal agendas without much question. They do however make up a fairly large portion of the Democrat party as well as a portion of the Republican party which should not be underestimated. These are people who have bought in to the Eco-Craze but actually do little about it. They recycle and think of themselves as “good Sheppard’s” of the earth’s resources. They will alter their purchase choices (and even spend more) if they can be convinced that the moral virtues of one company outweigh another, but they are unlikely to change their lifestyle in order to “be green”.  Truthfully, they are Hippocrates who are “green” when it’s convenient for them or when it is necessary to keep up with the Jones’.  While you cannot persuade them that they are foolish, they won’t fight to support their position either. They are easily intimated with fact and simple “in your face” confrontation.

III. Activist Drone. The third level on the Liberal Freak scale is the Activist Drone. These are the soldiers of the Liberal Elite. Actually, they are more like pawns because the elite will sacrifice them when necessary to further the agenda. Most of the time, Activist Drones don’t know that they are being used and manipulated. Like soldiers,  they work with different ranks or positions. They consist of:

    Community Organizers
    Agitators & Disrupters
    “For Hire” supporters
    Foot Soldier Zombies
Honored Member

Posts: 2682

« Reply #1 on: 07 15, 11, 11:03:40:AM » Reply

IV.  Liberal Elitists. The Generals of Liberalism are the Elitists. At their core, these people seek power. Some seek power to gain wealth, some seek power to “change” the world. Some act from selfish motivations and some act out of a deep seated Utopian fantasy of how the world should be. Of course, in order to build that world they will have to be in charge of it. For the sake of the little people. These “Generals” are responsible for putting the action plans to work. They may have some influence on the agenda, but for the most part they just manage the battlefield. They set up and manage the “non-profit” organizations which funnel money where it is needed. They write and pass the laws which progress towards socialism, making sure that the laws are so complex that the uninitiated will not be able to navigate the maze of bureaucracy. They use the Activist Drones as slaves to do the dirty work, and are careful not to get their hands dirty.

It is not necessary for the Elitists to actually believe in the cause that they are pushing. It helps, but it’s not a pre-requisite. Some are just in it for the power and money.  Morally bankrupt, they are snobbish, cold and calculating. Regardless of motives, they believe themselves to be superior and have a “let them eat cake” attitude.

V. Bilderberg Group. Despite the massive power held by the Liberal Elitists, most are not actually at the top of the food chain. That honor goes to the 150+/- members of the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg Group is comprised of the top 1% of the world’s most influential powerbrokers in government, industry, banking, media, academia and the military-industrial complex. The  group operates under orders that no details of what is discussed can ever be leaked to the media. This is especially interesting considering that attendees include CEO’s of *General Electric, *Westinghouse, *Viacom, *Disney, *Time Warner and Yes, even *Fox News (Rupert Murdoch);  as well as the Washington Post, New York Times and the Associated Press; who collectively own 95% of all news sources (Print and Television). Which explains why the only place you will EVER see any information about the Bilderberg Group is on the internet.

While no one actually knows for certain what the Bilderbergs’ discuss at their secret meetings, you can be sure that these people are not gathering together to exchange salsa recipes’.  Furthermore, these people are not “philosophers” contemplating the meaning of life. So what is it that they discuss?

Judging by the character of the people with whom we know have attended the conference you can be sure that they are NOT looking out for your welfare. The general consensus is that these people meet to discuss steps (that they will take) in order to move the world toward a Single World Government (ie: them). They are not Illuminati, or Free Masons or any other such “conspiracy” crap – but they are power hungry bastards who will stop at nothing to get what they want. And guess what? They GET what THEY want.

So with this understanding of Liberals in mind, we can now explain Why Liberals Lie. There are basically two reasons.

1. At the lower levels, Liberals are just ignorant and/or following orders. They don’t really have any understanding of what (or why) they say the things they do, they are really just parroting what they have heard or been told. Of course, they are too stupid to know that they are ignorant.

2. At the upper levels and for the elite, “truth” is irrelevant. All that matters is the Progressive Socialism that they must continually march toward. They truly believe that the “ends justifies the means” and that it doesn’t matter if what is said it true or not. They believe Adolf Hitler when he said:

“It is not truth that matters, but victory.”
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

They also understand that they will never be called upon to answer for their lies or deceit.  If caught in a lie, they simply step out of the light and let someone else run the point position. They are sick, morally depraved and evil people who frankly don’t deserve to suck oxygen. But that is a discussion for another day.

I hope this helps to clarify Why Liberals Lie.
Sr. Member

Posts: 65051

« Reply #2 on: 07 15, 11, 11:14:34:AM » Reply


Your bullshit about liberal behavior is truly interesting asshole.  However, no one really cares about liberal behavior since it was you RWF cock suckers who shit all over America by running up over $10 trillion debt, Letting terrorists attack America and get away with it, made Americans pay to ship millions of American jobs overseas, let millions of illegals flow into the country, collapsed our economy and then gave wall street and the banks a cool trillion to pay their fucking bonuses.  This bullshit isn't going to distract anyone from what you did and are trying to do to American now asshole.  Kiss our American asses.
Bob Huntress
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Posts: 9907

« Reply #3 on: 07 15, 11, 11:15:40:AM » Reply

How about "Liberals lie, because it is who they are"? Why do cooks cook, or builders build? It is the same with liberals. They lie because it is who they are!
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #4 on: 07 15, 11, 11:17:23:AM » Reply

liberals are stupid and don't bathe, they lie and steal, that's why America is tired of them...
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #5 on: 07 15, 11, 11:17:57:AM » Reply

"no one really cares about liberal behavior"

Are you fucking kidding, gwgayboy?  Are you still high from your gay orgy?

Assholes like you fucked up the country and want to finish the job they started.  Fuck you, bitch.
Sr. Member

Posts: 65051

« Reply #6 on: 07 15, 11, 11:22:02:AM » Reply


Yes nobody cares.  I am aware that the handful of remaining RWF assholes such as your self are very interested in liberal behavior, since you use that bullshit in your pathetic attempts to distract Americans from what you RWF cock suckers did to America.  But asshole, the fact is that you are nobody and you never were anybody.  As for me fucking over America, well asshole fucking over America was why you RWF assholes were removed from leadership and your continued attempts to keep fucking over America is going to ensure that you will never lead again.  Kiss our American asses
Are you dumb all the time or just when I'm around?
Honored Member

Posts: 5452

My guess is - all the time.

« Reply #7 on: 07 15, 11, 11:23:41:AM » Reply

What gwb said, he is 100% right, no lie here


People do lie, some intentionally, some unintentionally. Do you really think you and people on your side do not lie? Then I have the Moon for sale. Wanna buy?
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #8 on: 07 15, 11, 11:25:09:AM » Reply

You're shitting again, that nobody cares?

About what, fuckwad, your gay fantasies or the damned lies you tell all the time about the Right?

You're so fucking up Obama's ass it's hardly believable that you can have your flaming fag orgies.
Sr. Member

Posts: 65051

« Reply #9 on: 07 15, 11, 11:28:40:AM » Reply


You are nobody and you obviously care.  I said nobody cares so obviously I am correct.  America, on the other hand, cares very fucking much about what you RWF cock suckers did to Americans and as you well know that was why America removed your toe tapping RWF asses from leadership.  And asshole since it is obvious to us Americans that you intend to continue fucking us over you can bet your ass you will never be leaders again.  Kiss our American asses Porky.
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #10 on: 07 15, 11, 11:34:35:AM » Reply


You are a fucking moron who fucks flaming fags and loves to get fucked by flaming fags.  What you say means nothing to anyone who cares about America's future.

Go back to enjoying your butt buddies man tool and let real Americans get our country back on track.

Understand, gwbugger?
Sr. Member

Posts: 65051

« Reply #11 on: 07 15, 11, 11:40:48:AM » Reply


That is simply not true asshole.  It is true that what I say means nothing asshole, but that doesn't alter the fact that what I say is true. 
Why Asshole no one is going to get out of the way so you toe tapping faggots can get the country back on the fucked over track again.  We simply are not going to let that happen asshole.  Tough titty for you.
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