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Author Topic: The Cat’s Out of the Bag! Obama Admits Social Security is Officially B  (Read 275 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 16254

« on: 07 15, 11, 09:31:42:AM » Reply

Ok, everyone. You should all know by now that Social Security is not a retirement program. It’s a legalized Ponzi Scheme run by politicians to make you slaves to the State. You should also know that there is no money in the Social Security program. All that money you paid in and/or are paying in goes straight to other programs and those who are withdrawing today. You have no investment account with a balance; just an IOU from your Federal Government with a promise to pay. Who would even want to rely on a promise from our Federal Government?

 Obama, in his recent self-destructive behavior (just today he admitted he is bluffing on the budget talks), admitted that Social Security is broke. We all should have known better. Why would a government need to ‘borrow’ money if it is flush with cash? Why would we believe this very same government that is so irresponsible is able to manage all of these social programs with any hint of responsibility?

So here’s the deal.  Obama said that if we can’t come to a budget agreement by August 3rd and the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security checks will not be mailed because their will be no money to fund them. What!! I’m not actually surprised by the revelation but I am surprised this actually came out of the mouth of the Hope and Change president the media and Liberals have come to love. He actually admitted this on CBS news.

There you have it, there is no special lock box with a secret stash of funds. There is no Social Security money to be paid because it doesn’t exist!

* federal-governemnt-broke-150x150.png (44.87 KB, 150x150 - viewed 36 times.)
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« Reply #1 on: 07 15, 11, 09:33:23:AM » Reply

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Posts: 27517

« Reply #2 on: 07 15, 11, 09:35:26:AM » Reply

Read the post before yours....
Well, it happened...

Social Security, like Medicare, is an insurance program.  You pay premiums and cash in the benefits when you retire.
Sr. Member

Posts: 16254

« Reply #3 on: 07 15, 11, 09:40:22:AM » Reply

Liberals continue to belief that their is a lock box where Social Security moneys are kept (instead of US backed IOU's). If a business was this irresponsible, the federal government would be all over them. If the Federal Government cannot pay interest on our 14 trillion debt, how can it pay for social security? It is estimated that with national debt, social security, medicare, and medicaid the US federal government has 100 trillion dollars of obligations. And now Obamacare??? Start smelling the roses and it is ugly!

The only cat out of this bag is that while the POTUS may be a supposed Harvard educated Constitutional Scholar and great community organizer. He really has no idea how the government works. Maybe if he had at least a couple professionals around him instead of yes ‘men he might have at least a clue. Until then I guess that he will continue to act like a two year old and stomp out of the room when he doesn’t get his way. I just look forward to the day that he gets to take his ball and go home.

We need to get rid of this scum from the WH

* Change you wanted it.jpg (24.41 KB, 175x175 - viewed 34 times.)
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #4 on: 07 15, 11, 09:43:17:AM » Reply

Americans should have a choice whether or not they want to participate in Government programs like SS.
Sr. Member

Posts: 16254

« Reply #5 on: 07 15, 11, 09:46:37:AM » Reply

its time to march on washinton and throw the lying thieves out on their butts. if we don't the american people are in line for the greatest downfall in history. remember that all the empires of the past were destroyed from within. as long as we are represented by these .thieving rats, we are on the road to repeat history
Honored Member

Posts: 8291

Democrats are SOCIALISTS!!! Admit it already!!!

« Reply #6 on: 07 15, 11, 09:51:51:AM » Reply

LBJ (D) started "borrowing" money from the SS Trust Fund for his "Great Society" giveaway programs in the '60's.
Over the years, SOOOOO much money was borrowed & given away that NOW the "TRUST" Fund is broke!!!!
Now, the entire "Great" American Society is broke!!!!
How about THAT for the oxymoron of all time - Fed Govt TRUST Fund!!!!!!!!!
Sr. Member

Posts: 27517

« Reply #7 on: 07 15, 11, 09:58:24:AM » Reply

It's only broke if T-Bills are worthless... 
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #8 on: 07 15, 11, 10:02:09:AM » Reply

Obama has plenty of revenue for SS checks to go out.  It is just another lame political tactic like he used against the military in the Spring.  Pure BS.
Don't hate me because I am beautiful
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Posts: I am a geek!!

how cool that chemtrail can change profiles

« Reply #9 on: 07 15, 11, 10:10:23:AM » Reply

bullshit, asshole.  instead of running your mouth, read something. obama did not say there was no way social security payments would go out, he said he could not guarantee they would...i know english is your third language, but there is a hell of a lot of difference in the two...
Sr. Member

Posts: 16254

« Reply #10 on: 07 15, 11, 10:11:35:AM » Reply

Mr. Obama, you and your colleagues have driven this economy and this country as a whole into a ditch and you are asking us to break out the shovels and make a bigger hole.  You want something from the House, and we want something from you.  We want to pass a bill that will defund Planned Parenthood, NPR, and all climate change propaganda programs and grants.  Right now we cannot afford to pay for either biased media coverage or an unproven theory that is losing traction by the minute.  We want to repeal the previous light bulb act to allow incandescent light bulbs to be used by this country legally instead of a dangerous mercury vapor containing health hazard.  We want to repeal your outrageously large and bureaucracy growing health care law, and we want to use the money we get from all of this along with guaranteed spending cuts and a guarantee that taxes will not be raised on any Americans regardless of income.  If you can meet these requests, we'll sign the debt ceiling extension because Mr. Obama, the real source of the massive debt we've accrued lately is because of your policies and pet projects.  You've discounted this House and those who legislate here repeatedly, and now the only way to get your increase is to give us our decrease: Decreased spending, decreased grants, decreased rewards for political allies.  You give us that, Obama, and we'll give you the tow truck.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #11 on: 07 15, 11, 10:13:27:AM » Reply

If Obama decides to use the SS people as pawns that is his choice not a revenue problem.   
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