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Author Topic: Pelosi Proves It Again....  (Read 272 times)
Honored Member

Posts: 3292

« on: 07 15, 11, 06:37:02:AM » Reply

Jesus! This pelosi is just plain clueless.....she makes a reference to the Biblical Job and president nobama completely out of perspective. Guffaw!

She said, "nobama has the patience of Job". If the queen bee of confusion ("Unemployment creates jobs", "We have to pass this bill to see what's in it.") had any clue abut what Job was all about she sure as hell didn't reveal it to anyone with that statement.

Job was about integrity and faith.....maybe she should have read the Old Testament before quoting it....Guffaw!
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« Reply #1 on: 07 15, 11, 06:43:21:AM » Reply

wow, you've never heard that expression...and you are calling pelosi clueless?  what a dumbfuck you must be- guffaw. 
The Patience Of Job
Where did the term “patience of Job” come from?
Q. Where did the term “patience of Job” come from?
A. It refers to Job’s refusal to condemn God when Satan was allowed to destroy his family and his livestock, essentially turning him from a rich man into a childless pauper overnight. Instead he entered into a series of dialogs that culminated in a fascinating conversation with God Himself. In the end Job saw the error in his ways, sought forgiveness, and everything was restored.
The main idea running through the Book of Job is that when we justify ourselves, by saying that we don’t deserve to experience catastrophic loss, we condemn God, in effect accusing Him of being unjust.
Had Job not been a sinner, God could not have authorized Satan to torment him, and through his patient attempts to understand this, we learn valuable lessons. “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)
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Posts: 3292

« Reply #2 on: 07 15, 11, 06:50:20:AM » Reply

An incorrect allusion.........again...perhaps if someone read the Book of Job they'd have a clue!
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« Reply #3 on: 07 15, 11, 06:59:54:AM » Reply

have someone who can read and use a computer go to google and type patience of job.  then see how many hits you get..it is a very common phrase.  i guess you don't get out much...from under that rock....
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« Reply #4 on: 07 15, 11, 07:22:14:AM » Reply

Obama has plenty of patience as long as he gets his way, like a three year old.
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« Reply #5 on: 07 15, 11, 07:29:02:AM » Reply

If, as the White House insists, hitting the debt ceiling would be the economic equivalent of an asteroid hitting the Earth, and if the only way to avoid that (i.e. the only way to get something through the House) is with a scaled-down bill that would raise the ceiling only until mid-2012, why isn’t he okay with that? Granted, it would mean he’d have to face another asteroid next year in the middle of the campaign, but so what? How is that a reason to let this asteroid hit right now?
To put it another way, is there any policy reason why Obama won’t agree to a short-term deal or is this really as horribly cynical as it looks — that he simply refuses to do anything that might complicate his reelection campaign, even if that means a default by the United States?
How many points would Obama need to see markets drop before he decided a deal was more important than his own political convenience?
Honored Member

Posts: 3292

« Reply #6 on: 07 15, 11, 07:41:07:AM » Reply

Hooty....I'm not argueing that there are plenty of wrong allusions to Job....I'm merely stating that Job was all about Faith...not "Patience" as many have ascribed. I can see where someone might read the story and remark..."Geezzz, that guy had a lot of patience with God, but that is NOT what was to be gleaned from the story.....whatever..........
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« Reply #7 on: 07 15, 11, 07:47:06:AM » Reply

fuck the repubs.  how does that work for ya?  they only own the house, we own the other two...fuck them and their stupid shit demands.  we are the majority, not them.  they need to give more than they take...if not, just keep spending as if the debt ceiling was raised...there is a law on the books that says the treasury must spend all the money allocated by the congress....using that law, we have no choice but to keep spending the money already allocated by congress...
Honored Member

Posts: 3292

« Reply #8 on: 07 15, 11, 07:57:37:AM » Reply

Hooty....if you're talking about the "Taxing and Spending Clause"....you might want to go read it.

The General Welfare Clause states........... "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States"...unfortunately, many dems take this clause literally....guffaw!
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« Reply #9 on: 07 15, 11, 08:01:18:AM » Reply

Pelosi personifies dumb Democrat women that should stick to cleaining house and having kids instead of politics.
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Posts: 99142

« Reply #10 on: 07 15, 11, 08:03:14:AM » Reply

The House and the Constitution:

The Budget Committee’s chief responsibility is to draft a concurrent resolution that reconciles spending details with the overall comprehensive budget package. The committee is required to draft a budget resolution, agreed to by April 15 of each year, which establishes total targets in five budget areas: authority; outlays; revenues; surplus or deficit; and public debt.

Derives from the constitutional mandate that fixes control of the nation’s purse in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The power of the purse plays a critical role in the relationship of the United States Congress and the President of the United States, and has been the main historic tool by which Congress can limit executive power.

Congress used the power of the purse to choose whether to appropriate funding to any area which the executive might desire. If the executive wanted to spend money, Congress would have to write a bill, pass that bill into law, and appropriate the funds for it. This was the check of the legislative upon the executive authority in domestic as well as foreign affairs.

So F' Barry...
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Posts: I am a geek!!

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« Reply #11 on: 07 15, 11, 08:14:33:AM » Reply

congress has already appropriated this year's spending...dufus.  can you read at all?  the debt ceiling is so we can pay past and current obligations, not future....what part of that don't you understand?
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