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Author Topic: China's war against its neighbors!  (Read 1816 times)
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #72 on: 07 18, 24, 11:52:24:AM » Reply

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/1BvNBz3phsI" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/1BvNBz3phsI</a>

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #73 on: 07 18, 24, 11:31:51:PM » Reply

Democrats are desperate for China to win!
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #74 on: 07 19, 24, 02:01:25:PM » Reply

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/dayNFOFnozc" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/dayNFOFnozc</a>

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #75 on: 07 19, 24, 02:59:07:PM » Reply

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/llEyS5zrqOo" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/llEyS5zrqOo</a>

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #76 on: 07 20, 24, 11:57:57:AM » Reply

Key Takeaways
  • Taiwan Affairs Office Spokesperson Chen Binhua accused the DPP of intentionally distorting information about the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) recent legal guidelines for punishing Taiwanese separatism and generating undeserved fear among the Taiwanese public.
  • Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) spokesperson Sun Li-fang warned about the PRC’s weaponization of AI and deepfakes to conduct cognitive warfare operations.
  • PRC state media promoted “high-quality development,” self-reliance, and overcoming “obstacles” to economic reform ahead of the CCP Central Committee’s Third Plenum. The CCP is trying to shore up perceptions of a weak economy and lay the groundwork for upcoming economic reforms because its domestic legitimacy increasingly rests on its ability to deliver economic prosperity.
  • A PRC-Philippine agreement signed after the Bilateral Consultation Mechanism on July 2 set up a direct presidential-level line of communication for bilateral crisis management. The hotline may provide a mechanism for escalation management but does not indicate a change in the PRC’s aggressive posture in the South China Sea.
  • The PRC and Russia conducted joint naval exercises in the South China Sea concurrently with a joint naval patrol in the North Pacific.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #77 on: 07 20, 24, 02:28:01:PM » Reply

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/ulnQ7X_30_g" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/ulnQ7X_30_g</a>

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #78 on: 07 21, 24, 12:00:13:PM » Reply

Democrats want America to be run just like China is!
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #79 on: 07 22, 24, 02:09:14:PM » Reply

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/a8Q3ThQ6ysA" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/a8Q3ThQ6ysA</a>

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Posts: I am a geek!!

« Reply #80 on: 07 22, 24, 02:11:03:PM » Reply

China is supporting trump in the election doodly.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #81 on: 07 22, 24, 05:45:45:PM » Reply

China is supporting trump in the election doodly.
That is a lie!

A Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer’s U.S. subsidiary has reportedly lavished many tens of thousands of dollars on climate-crazed Democrats’ campaigns!

BYD USA and its top executive Stella Li have been pouring cash into Democrat organizations and candidates for a decade, The Daily Caller reported. In China, the government practices “civil-military fusion,” where everything in the economic and tech spheres is accessible to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) military. Just because BYD USA is an American subsidiary, don’t believe for a second it’s not connected to and answerable to the US-hating CCP and its military.

Among the BYD beneficiaries are Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom, according to The Daily Caller. Last year, BYD boastfully reported its dedication to the CCP’s influence operation, the Belt and Road Initiative.

For example, BYD and Li gave more than $40,000 to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) between 2020 and 2023, according to the DCNF’s review of political spending records. The company and Li have also poured more than $30,000 into organizations boosting President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection effort to date.
Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom received about $60,000 from Li and BYD USA between 2018 and 2023. Newsom drew scrutiny for his administration’s decision to give BYD a $1 billion no-bid contract to supply protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic despite the company’s core competency being in a different business, and Newsom subsequently took a BYD vehicle for a publicized test drive during a 2023 trip to mainland China.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/IPcnJXlvGAA" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/IPcnJXlvGAA</a>

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #82 on: 07 23, 24, 12:03:14:PM » Reply

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/FQ2myWq6gms" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/FQ2myWq6gms</a>


Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #83 on: 07 23, 24, 12:03:56:PM » Reply

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