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Author Topic: Is Israel really Palestine  (Read 7698 times)
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #36 on: 11 25, 23, 05:50:37:PM » Reply

Iranian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Retired IRGC General Ezzatollah Zarghami said during an interview this week that he personally visited Hamas’ underground tunnels inside Gaza to teach them how to use Iranian rockets.

The remarks come after there has been strong evidence linking Iran to Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack when the group murdered 1,200 Israelis.

“Fajr-3, which is a 240mm rocket, was one of our products,” he said during an interview in Iran. “Later, we made its warhead smaller and it had a range of 70 km. My first mission was to take this rocket — I say this with the utmost pride and with no fear of anyone — the leader has already said that we were helping (Hamas). We support the oppressed everyone — Shiite Hezbollah as well as Sunni Hamas. These are what (Khamenei) has declared in the past. I traveled to the region as the production manager of those rockets, and I supplied them to both Hezbollah and the Palestinians.”

“For some time, I was inside the very same tunnels that they are fighting from,” he continued. “Six or seven years ago, I posted about this and got the nickname ‘yellow canary.'”

“In the tunnels, I provided training about the usage and specifications of the rockets,” he said. “These training course were highly successful.”


Without Iran, Hamas wouldn't exist!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

« Reply #37 on: 11 25, 23, 05:56:45:PM » Reply

While the Israeli and US governments have yet to find any direct role by Iran in last weekend’s raids, experts say the Islamic Republic has long been Hamas’ main military supporter, smuggling weapons into the enclave through clandestine cross-border tunnels or boats that have escaped the Mediterranean blockade.

“Hamas’ tunnel infrastructure is still massive despite Israel and Egypt regularly degrading it,” said Bilal Saab, senior fellow and director of the Defense and Security Program at the Middle East Institute (MEI) in Washington.

“Hamas has received arms from Iran smuggled into the (Gaza) Strip via tunnels. This often included longer-range systems,” said Daniel Byman, a senior fellow with the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

“Iran also helped Hamas with its indigenous manufacturing, enabling Hamas to create its own arsenals,” said Byman at the CSIS.

A senior Hamas official based in Lebanon gave details of the Hamas’ weapons manufacturing in an edited interview with Russia Today’s Arabic-news channel RTArabic published on their website on Sunday.

“We have local factories for everything, for rockets with ranges of 250 km, for 160 km, 80km, and 10 km. We have factories for mortars and their shells. … We have factories for Kalashnikovs (rifles) and their bullets. We’re manufacturing the bullets with permission from the Russians. We’re building it in Gaza,” Ali Baraka, head of Hamas National Relations Abroad, is quoted as saying.

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #38 on: 11 25, 23, 05:58:06:PM » Reply


What is your point?

Who financed those tunnels?

Do you know?

Aid organizations Americans pay taxes to!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

« Reply #39 on: 11 25, 23, 06:46:31:PM » Reply

I don't know who paid for or dug the tunnels dan.   Do you?
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #40 on: 11 25, 23, 07:07:01:PM » Reply

Anyone who gave aid to Gaza funded the tunnels!

Why don't you know that?
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Posts: I am a geek!!

« Reply #41 on: 11 25, 23, 07:08:07:PM » Reply

Is that another of your baseless opinions dan or do you have something you can share on this claim of yours?
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Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #42 on: 11 25, 23, 10:30:53:PM » Reply

Is that another of your opinions, Dan

can share on this claim of yours?

Ummmmm ... I didn’t make any claim, vit.  Are you OK?
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Posts: I am a geek!!

« Reply #43 on: 11 25, 23, 10:33:27:PM » Reply

you're the one playing with multiple characters here dan.   are you OK?
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Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #44 on: 11 25, 23, 11:06:36:PM » Reply

you're the one playing with multiple characters here, Dan.

Says who, Vit?  YOU?  Where is your proof?  Let’s ask Jim.  He is the only one other than ME who knows for sure.  Clearly, you are in no position to make that determination.

are you OK?

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #45 on: 11 25, 23, 11:06:57:PM » Reply

As you can see, CCPWvit will defend Hamas no matter what!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

« Reply #46 on: 11 25, 23, 11:08:07:PM » Reply

hahahahahahaaa.   troll'n old man dan is a troll'n.   hahahahahhahhaaa
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Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #47 on: 11 25, 23, 11:10:50:PM » Reply

Riiiiiiiight.  I’m the troll here.  Not you who makes up schizophrenic fantasies. 
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