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Author Topic: GOP and Trump Just Don't Get it!  (Read 152 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« on: 02 15, 23, 12:34:45:AM » Reply

Why don't today's kids want to join the military?

NOT for the reasons they seem to think. 
A new poll explains it, and it's VERY simple.
They prefer living to dying.

Wow, imagine that?


Republicans have insulted the U.S. military over the issue. Last month, Donald Trump claimed that
“we have a woke military that can’t fight or win,” while last year Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) whined
that the military is “more interested in pronouns than winning wars.”

Yet in the new poll, just 5% named “wokeness” as a reason for not enlisting. The much bigger rea-
sons include fear of injury or death, post-traumatic stress disorder, leaving friends and family, and
putting life on hold.

Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #1 on: 02 15, 23, 01:47:17:AM » Reply

Because it’s been corrupted by the left.  Why do you ask?
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #2 on: 02 15, 23, 01:50:23:AM » Reply

They prefer living to dying.

So did the WW2 volunteers.  Are you saying this generation are more cowardly?  Or they have been taught to believe this country is not worth fighting for?
Sr. Member

Posts: 71329

Let's go Brandon!

« Reply #3 on: 02 15, 23, 02:16:53:AM » Reply

Obviously, the wokers don't get it, nor do they give a fark.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #4 on: 02 15, 23, 02:38:21:AM » Reply

When young people are taught by left wing wokester teachers that America is an oppressive racist nation, why be surprised they are not lining up to join the military to defend America?

Why would they fight to defend a nation they were taught to hate!
Sr. Member

Posts: 41226

« Reply #5 on: 02 15, 23, 09:07:03:AM » Reply

Dan is 100% correct and Truman is a turd throwing troll moron.

I did 20 years in the Army and am SO glad I'm not in today.

Liberals trash everything they touch because they think identity is more important than character.

Look at Biden's clusterfuck of a cabinet for proof. Trannies, gays, lezzies and other fruitcakes wallowing in incompetence while thios nation crumbles from a lack of qualified actors.
TRUMP = GREAT President; SOBama/Biden = WORST Presidents
Sr. Member

Posts: 22411

Libs are Racists/Bigots against all White People.

« Reply #6 on: 02 15, 23, 09:28:35:AM » Reply

Military Men are very willing to serve with Real Men and Fully Capable Real Women.

Real Men DO NOT want to serve with FAGGOTS and LEZZIES and TRANNIES and NON-BINIES and people that CANNOT figure
    out what sex they are!!!!!!!!!

Real Men want to serve with people that are STRONG and SELF-CONFIDENT and FULLY CAPABLE in ANY & ALL SITUATIONS!!!

Real Men DO NOT want to serve with WIMPS and PUZZIES and WEIRDOS!!!

THAT is WHY the current the Military is having trouble getting volunteers, PERIOD!!!!!

Dem-Commies and LibTards and Homos have destroyed the capability of our Military!!!!!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #7 on: 02 15, 23, 10:48:53:AM » Reply

Once again, the MAGA-Trumpers here are STUCK on stupid.

The poll told us EXACTLY why young folks don;t want to join the military,
he MAGA-Trumpers totally ignored what they had to say.

Conclusion: MAGA-Trumpers DON'T listen to anyone but their inner opinions,
which are totally wrong, most of the time.
Sr. Member

Posts: 41226

« Reply #8 on: 02 15, 23, 10:57:52:AM » Reply

Your lies are an indicator of your character of which you are void.
Sr. Member

Posts: 41226

« Reply #9 on: 02 15, 23, 11:00:12:AM » Reply

Your lies are an indicator of your character of which you are void.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #10 on: 02 15, 23, 11:07:21:AM » Reply

What lies?

I'm just telling you what the poll said.

You MAGA-Trumpers are the ones insisting that only YOUR opinions matter.

If anyone here is lying, it's you guys, NOT me.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #11 on: 02 15, 23, 01:15:21:PM » Reply

Once again, the MAGA-Trumpers here are STUCK on stupid.

The poll told us EXACTLY why young folks don;t want to join the military,
he MAGA-Trumpers totally ignored what they had to say.

Conclusion: MAGA-Trumpers DON'T listen to anyone but their inner opinions,
which are totally wrong, most of the time.

So you don’t want to address any of our points?  You don’t want to argue your position at all?  All you are willing to do is make personal attacks?

Alright then.  In the absence of any credible counterpoint, I have no choice but to assume my opinion is correct.
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