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Author Topic: House Democrats Kill Resolution to Investigate Hunter Biden  (Read 171 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 37272

God is Great Beer is Good and People are Crazy

« on: 09 21, 22, 08:40:11:AM » Reply

House Democrats on the Oversight Committee on Tuesday voted against a Republican resolution that would have ordered President Joe Biden’s administration to turn over documents about Hunter Biden’s business deals.

The “resolution of inquiry,” led by Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the top Republican on the Oversight Committee, would have ordered Biden’s administration to provide a plethora of documents about the Biden family’s overseas business deals, including those involving the president’s son, Hunter.

Although all 19 Republicans voted in favor of the resolution, 23 Democrats voted to kill the resolution after just two hours of debate, according to CNN.

Comer accused the Biden family of peddling “access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves,” CNN reported.


If this doesn't convince you of double standards nothing will.
Sr. Member

Posts: 41126

« Reply #1 on: 09 21, 22, 08:45:08:AM » Reply

Disgusting, sickening and proof democrats are above our laws, and America has a two tiered justice system.

You think for one second if Don Jr. was a big of a disaster Hunter is, that dems would look the other way?

C'mon man!

The mid terms will be a bloodbath for these corrupt, criminal dems.

If not, America is doomed based on what we're seeing today as "progress"according to Comrade Biden and crew.
August West
Sr. Member

Posts: 13661

« Reply #2 on: 09 21, 22, 10:01:31:AM » Reply

The crazies wanted to lock up Hillary for using email and now they want to arrest the Biden kid for owning a laptop. I think I see a pattern.
Sr. Member

Posts: 41126

« Reply #3 on: 09 21, 22, 11:01:41:AM » Reply

Yeah, the pattern of democrats operating at levels of autonomy we regular slobs are not allowed to.

Hillary is guilty of far more shit than the recent Dossier fraud that she walked from unscathed.

Don's laptop is a trove of evidence against him, his corruption, the evidence of multiple criminal activities, and his father was skimming some cream
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #4 on: 09 21, 22, 04:23:25:PM » Reply

Beijing Biden is the most corrupt president in history!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #5 on: 09 22, 22, 01:10:23:AM » Reply

And yet EVERY time we ask you,
what did Hunter do that was illegal,
you Trumpers have NO ANSWER!

Hunter made a private business deal
with a private company
in a foreign country
as a private citizen.

Why would Govt want to investigate

If THIS should be investigated, then
WHY are we NOT investigating both
Trump boys for THEIR overseas
shenanigans, and Jared's $2 Billion
Deal with the Saudis?
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #6 on: 09 22, 22, 02:21:06:AM » Reply

We have presented voluminous accounts of Hunter/Joe's corruption and you ignored it all as is your tendency to do!

You have nothing!
Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #7 on: 09 22, 22, 05:12:40:AM » Reply

I am not a trumper and have pointed out exactly what hunter and his dad did thtwas illegal and corrupt. hunter made that business deal for only one reason, to funnel money to his dad, he only got the job bc his dad was vp, it was a clear way to buy influence.

as for investigating the trump family, i say go ahead, trump certainly made money off his office too.

BOTH dems and reps are corrupt and these stories are not even th worst. The worst are their damn wars. Though the hunter story was ukraine, so it ties in.

What the people of this country put up with and defend is absurd.

And dont ask me to move. Cowards run from evil. Normal people condemn it.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #8 on: 09 22, 22, 05:10:55:PM » Reply

I am not a trumper and have pointed out exactly what hunter and his dad did thtwas illegal and corrupt. hunter made that business deal for only one reason, to funnel money to his dad, he only got the job bc his dad was vp, it was a clear way to buy influence.
True the Bidens have always sold their loyalty to the highest bidder!
as for investigating the trump family, i say go ahead, trump certainly made money off his office too.
You have no proof of that!  In fact, Trump and his family lost money!
BOTH dems and reps are corrupt and these stories are not even th worst. The worst are their damn wars. Though the hunter story was ukraine, so it ties in.
Democrats have always been the pay-to-play party!  When Democrats rule so do bribes! 
What the people of this country put up with and defend is absurd.
That would be?
And dont ask me to move. Cowards run from evil. Normal people condemn it.
Evil has always been Monarchism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, and Communism!

Capitalism is freedom and freedom is good!

Care to tell me what nation is better than America and why?
Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #9 on: 09 22, 22, 10:05:54:PM » Reply

usa ranks low on pretty much every single measure. happiness, gini index, healthcare, education, etc. it does lead in imprisonment, wars, and concentrated power. want a better nation and why, just pick one of those measures and check the rankings for your answer. go on, try it. happiness rating is a good start.

Top 10 happiest countries
Finland- 7.821.
Denmark- 7.636.
Iceland- 7.557.
Switzerland- 7.512.
Netherlands- 7.415.
Luxembourg- 7.404.
Sweden- 7.384.
Norway- 7.365.

Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #10 on: 09 22, 22, 10:18:45:PM » Reply

how nations treat each other is the best measure imo. and usa ranks dead last on that. nobosy else does more to destroy other nations and steal their sovreignty and resources than usa, not even close.and even now it is pushing nuclear war with both russia and china and i have to wonder if that is to cuse nuclear war on purpose or just arrogant foolishness. either way world destruction is a real possibility and 100% usa fault and the cockroaches in power who are behind it wil survive in luxury in their bunkers, unscathed.
August West
Sr. Member

Posts: 13661

« Reply #11 on: 09 23, 22, 10:23:24:AM » Reply

True the Bidens have always sold their loyalty to the highest bidder!You have no proof of that!  In fact, Trump and his family lost money!Democrats have always been the pay-to-play party!  When Democrats rule so do bribes!  That would be?Evil has always been Monarchism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, and Communism!

Capitalism is freedom and freedom is good!

Care to tell me what nation is better than America and why?
True the Bidens have always sold their loyalty to the highest bidder!You have no proof of that!  In fact, Trump and his family lost money!Democrats have always been the pay-to-play party!  When Democrats rule so do bribes!  That would be?Evil has always been Monarchism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, and Communism!

Capitalism is freedom and freedom is good!

Care to tell me what nation is better than America and why?
They`re really loving their Capitalism in Mexico, India, Guatemala, Haiti, etc.
Canada and most European countries are better than America because they don`t let crazy people have guns, for one thing.
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