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Trump knows who the BAD GUYS are.
Thats why they want him gone.

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Author Topic: DJIA goes straight down under AP Biden  (Read 51921 times)
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #5256 on: 05 18, 24, 12:55:49:PM » Reply

Democrats don't get that!

The economy under President Trump did things Obama said were impossible!
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #5257 on: 05 19, 24, 10:15:07:AM » Reply

Finance expert sounds alarm over 'spaving' trend: An old 'trap' with a new name hitting your wallet!

'Spaving' comes in many forms like 'buy one, get one' deals!

"Spaving" – spending more to save – is an old "trap" with a new name hitting grocery stores, retailers and even online gambling.

Though there are times "spaving" is worthwhile, one personal finance expert outlined how consumers can avoid becoming the "victim" of the marketing ploy.

"The whole concept of ‘spaving’ is to get consumers to buy more," Kuderna Financial Team founder and "What Should I Do with My Money?" author Bryan Kuderna told Fox News Digital.

"You see different examples like that all throughout the economy. And where it hurts the consumer is if it encourages them to essentially waste money to buy more than it's necessary, just so that they feel like, okay, now I'm getting the deal."


This was common during the Carter years when it was cheaper to use your credit card than to save!
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Posts: 55680

DJB is a closet homo

« Reply #5258 on: 05 19, 24, 09:33:06:PM » Reply

Last week brought the release of the much-anticipated April CPI (consumer price index) report.

The outcome was just what the market was hoping for, with inflation appearing to resume its trend of moderation after a string of hotter-than-expected reports in the last few months sparked a bout of market anxiety, as investors fretted the likelihood that the Fed would need to wait longer before cutting rates.

The underlying trends in the CPI release were encouraging.

 Overall core CPI fell to 3.6% on a year-over-year basis, the lowest reading in three years. The recent source of upward pressure has been insurance premiums, which showed some early signs of abating last month. Similarly, prices for services, which have remained stubbornly high of late, eased in April, while goods prices continued to decline outright, helped by falling auto and home-furnishing costs1. Shelter remains the fly in the ointment, with prices moderating, but only gradually.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #5259 on: 05 20, 24, 12:35:15:PM » Reply

No, it didn't!

Inflation continues to increase!
TRUMP = GREAT President; SOBama/Biden = WORST Presidents
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Posts: 22385

Libs are Racists/Bigots against all White People.

« Reply #5260 on: 05 20, 24, 12:39:57:PM » Reply

Thanks to Biden-flation, the Dollar is only worth 73% of what it was under President Trump!!!

America is in worse shape than any other time in modern history under Joe Biden!!!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #5261 on: 05 20, 24, 12:50:05:PM » Reply

core CPI fell to 3.6% on a year-over-year basis, the lowest reading in three years

So … since Trump was president.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #5262 on: 05 20, 24, 07:34:36:PM » Reply

Jw2 will never respond!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #5263 on: 05 20, 24, 09:21:52:PM » Reply

15-year-old NAACP pioneer in 1957. Vice president during COVID, Book ban-lying,  “Jump-cut,” Inflation-lying, Pants-pooping, Israeli aid-withholding, Morally bankrupt, Hamas-importing, Unable to pull bread apart, Runner up in State Scoring Title, Arrested for protesting a black family, Saying Hamas terrorists are good people, UNCLE BOSIE-CANNIBALIZED, ”Scran” Joe, you think I’m kidding, ran-Israel missile attack allowing, Illegal alien-flying, Four-time Supreme Court-defying, Full-time jobs-losing, Israel back-stabbing, Democracy-threatening, Removing Religion from Easter, Declaring LBGQT visibility day on Easter, Denying declaring LBGTQ visibility day, NY fundraising instead of funeral-attending, Record U.S. embassy evacuations, Bridge-collapsing, Baby-attracted, Gas car-banning, Rain-stopped, Gig economy-attacking, Murderer-apologizing, Shouting liar, Lincoln Riley, Debate-dodging, Border-stumbling, Cognitive test-failing, Taxpayer funded-campaigning, Wife’s name-confusing, Putin-endorsed, Declared mentally incompetent, Paper Tiger, Ukrainian bureaucrat pension-funding, Incoherent, Inviting Iran to kill soldiers, Border fence-destroying, Mumbling Terrorist-inviting, Spirit Airlines-bankrupting, Sec-Def-losing, 13-day absent, Hitler-comparing, J6-pandering, A.I.-manipulating, Culture-corrupting, Due process ignoring, Daily record - 12,000 illegal alien entries, Israel back-stabbing, Hunter associates-denying, Election Selfish, Trans violence-lying, Christmas tree-toppling, Unintelligible, joking about destroying the world with nuclear bombs, Iran’s bitch, 7% saying Biden election would be good for the country, "Joey Baby" liar, Islamo terrorism-permitting, Antisemitism-ignoring, Non-decider, "Other team," Iran attacking Americans-permitting, Comatose, Ceasefire-pressuring, American hostage-ignoring, Hamas-funding, Terrorist-supporting, Hamas-enabling, morning lid-calling, Border wall hypocrite, Irresponsible dog-owning, Extremist, Chinese money-receiving, L.L.J. Cool Boy, Jewish Cross-signing, Ukraine flag- bumping, Charlottesville lie-repeating, $1.2 billion per Iranian hostage-paying, F-35-losing, Media-weaponizing, Time for bed, 1.5° increase is worse than 1000°, 9/11 victim-snubbing, Alaska oil lease-canceling, Babied, Mask-idiot, Trump persecution-coordinating, Strom Thurmond-lying, Right to exist-denying, AKA Robert L. Peters, Kitchen fire-lying, Oblivious failure, Maui fire-ignoring, 9th Wonder of the World, AA-rated, Chronic DOJ-weaponizing, 20-time conference caller, Short-stairs, I am A.I., sneaker-wearing, Child-licking, Multiple times Supreme Court-ignoring, Beach chair bungling, Cocaine-infested, Constitution-ignoring, Founding documents confusing, Racial-discriminating, CPAP-wearing, Putin losing in Iraq claiming, State secrets-selling, China-extorting, Submarine-lying, sitting next to Hunter, Dog-faced Lying Pony Soldier, God save the Queen man, Railroad across the Pacific & Indian Oceans, Bad teeth, LGBTQ emergency lying, Sandbagging, Face-planting, unable to get up, Debt-exploding, Black-pandering, Durham report-denying, NY Post-barring, Money-laundering, Grandaughter-denying, Criminal son-deluded, Selling U.S. policies to foreign governments, Negotiations-refusing, Anti-freedom hypocrite, Supreme Court- ignoring, illegal EPA-regulating, Corrupt crony-hiring, E-I-G-H percent, high credit-punishing, 9am work-day ending, Pentagon-leaking, Ukraine capability-lying, Automobile-sabotaging, Child mutilation approving, Dollar-crashing, Christian victim-mocking, Ice cream-obsessed, assault weapon-lying, Anti-2nd amendment demagogue, Racist Investment-forcing, Suspicious transaction-flagged, woke bank bailing out, Drone collision-allowing, Pebble Mine-blocking, Tax-raising, Fentynyl victim-mocking, stupid white boy, Fiduciary-violating, Abortion Pill-promoting, Bootyjudge-protecting, upward-falling, Lynch-accusing, Chemical burn-ignoring, Ukraine-obligating, $12 balloon-popping, $400K missile-wasting, Stiff-walking, Social Security-threatening, Laughing stock, Non-transparent, Covid emergency-extending, Dead son-lying, War-escalating, Non-negotiating, No regrets, No there there, Happy Birthday, Val-???, F-15-taunting, race-baiting, Gas stove-banning, Corvette-hiding, Transportation disaster creating, Secret document-stealing, Puppet boy, Ukraine-pledging Dominic Giacoppa's son-in-law, Marriage-perverting, Russian terrorist-freeing, Chinese protest-ignoring, America-apologizing, Stuck on stupid, Threat to democracy, Social Security-lying, 54-State, Quintuple-vaxxed, yet twice Covid-infected, Gas price-lying, generic cereal-advocating, Press-mocking, Student Loan forgiveness-lying, Dozing off, genital-mutilating, Oil reserve-depleting, Let them eat ice cream, Saudi corruption dealing, Dead son-lying, House on fire, Two words, Armageddon, Bear Market, Stage-wandering, global-taxing, Taiwan bungling, Inflation-denying, Neo-Hitler, Demonizing, Gaslighting, Semi-Fascist, College student-bribing, Global warming scammer rewarding, FBI-weaponizing, Jacket-struggling, IRS-weaponizing, Border wall hypocrite, China-appeasing, Recession-causing, Pelosi-enriching, Interest rate exploding, Recession redefining, Oil-Cancer-ridden, Saudi fist-bumping, Holocaust honoring, 9.1% inflation, 29% approval, TOTUS-led, 10 year-old traveling to Indiana to terminate a PRESIDENCY, Emergency Strategic NPR oil selling to China, Abortion-loving, Oil executive fearing, Business-trashing, Training wheels, Innocent horse patrolman-punishing, Price controlling idiot, economic illiterate, Stock market crashing, 15-second amnesia, Chinese slave labor solar panel loving, Defense Production Act-abusing, 2nd amendment ignorant, Police-hindering, School tragedy-exploiting, Health Sovereignty-ceding, White supremacy imagining, Economy shrinking, baby formula diverting, MAGA-trashing, $5.2 million in un-laundered income, Ill-begotten, Carbon-free war machine, Title 42-confused, Easter Bunny-led, Bird poop attracting, Gun-grabbing, Obama-ignored, Parental rights opposing, Child abuse promoting, Walk back denying, Chemical weapons threatening, MIG-welching, wealth-confiscating, sanctions confused, Pedo-sniffer, Putin’s doormat, Dead dog moving, Wise guy, Anti freedom protest, Ignorant on mask efficacy, Ignorant on crime, Stupid SOB, triple speaking Google boy, Joe Crow two point oh, George Wallace-approved, Divisive, Global warming scamming, Warmongering, Obsessive-Compulsive face touching, Rittenhouse slandering, Angry finger shaking puppet, Royal flatulator, Poopy Pants, Empty suit, Freedom-mocking, Cornholio, Empty shelves, Story time, Anti-science, horse-hating, Prejudiced, Angry, Lawless, disgraced plagiarist, clueless, out of touch, inept, Terrorist-approved, Illegitimate, incompetent, racist, pedophile, cut-and-run, fake president "Butt Wipe" Whisper “Time Check”  Apartheid dictator, Afghanistan withdrawl-bungling, "Omni-cron" PINOOTUS is in the loss column today in the DOW as White House insurgent.  That brings Creepy zero responsibility dementia Fuhrer Traitor Jabbin' Joe’s record to 427-387.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #5264 on: 05 20, 24, 10:31:24:PM » Reply

Conservative group partners with gas stations to highlight 'Biden's war on American energy': Here's how!

The national average gas price when President Biden took office was $2.38 per gallon. Today it is $3.59!

An influential, fiscally conservative, and libertarian political advocacy group will work with gas stations across the country this week to remind Americans what the price at the pump was four years ago.

On Monday, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) will host the first of a series of events that will roll back gas prices from coast to coast "to get a pre-Bidenomics break at the pump." More than 20 gas stations will participate throughout this week, temporarily reducing prices to as low as $2.38 per gallon – near the average price per gallon of gas on the day President Biden assumed office.

"Biden’s war on American energy has had disastrous results and Americans are reeling from high gas prices going into the summer," said Akash Chougule, AFP vice president of government affairs.

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #5265 on: 05 21, 24, 05:26:53:PM » Reply

Democrats don't like that!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #5266 on: 05 21, 24, 09:10:09:PM » Reply

15-year-old NAACP pioneer in 1957. Vice president during COVID, Book ban-lying,  “Jump-cut,” Inflation-lying, Pants-pooping, Israeli aid-withholding, Morally bankrupt, Hamas-importing, Unable to pull bread apart, Runner up in State Scoring Title, Arrested for protesting a black family, Saying Hamas terrorists are good people, UNCLE BOSIE-CANNIBALIZED, ”Scran” Joe, you think I’m kidding, ran-Israel missile attack allowing, Illegal alien-flying, Four-time Supreme Court-defying, Full-time jobs-losing, Israel back-stabbing, Democracy-threatening, Removing Religion from Easter, Declaring LBGQT visibility day on Easter, Denying declaring LBGTQ visibility day, NY fundraising instead of funeral-attending, Record U.S. embassy evacuations, Bridge-collapsing, Baby-attracted, Gas car-banning, Rain-stopped, Gig economy-attacking, Murderer-apologizing, Shouting liar, Lincoln Riley, Debate-dodging, Border-stumbling, Cognitive test-failing, Taxpayer funded-campaigning, Wife’s name-confusing, Putin-endorsed, Declared mentally incompetent, Paper Tiger, Ukrainian bureaucrat pension-funding, Incoherent, Inviting Iran to kill soldiers, Border fence-destroying, Mumbling Terrorist-inviting, Spirit Airlines-bankrupting, Sec-Def-losing, 13-day absent, Hitler-comparing, J6-pandering, A.I.-manipulating, Culture-corrupting, Due process ignoring, Daily record - 12,000 illegal alien entries, Israel back-stabbing, Hunter associates-denying, Election Selfish, Trans violence-lying, Christmas tree-toppling, Unintelligible, joking about destroying the world with nuclear bombs, Iran’s bitch, 7% saying Biden election would be good for the country, "Joey Baby" liar, Islamo terrorism-permitting, Antisemitism-ignoring, Non-decider, "Other team," Iran attacking Americans-permitting, Comatose, Ceasefire-pressuring, American hostage-ignoring, Hamas-funding, Terrorist-supporting, Hamas-enabling, morning lid-calling, Border wall hypocrite, Irresponsible dog-owning, Extremist, Chinese money-receiving, L.L.J. Cool Boy, Jewish Cross-signing, Ukraine flag- bumping, Charlottesville lie-repeating, $1.2 billion per Iranian hostage-paying, F-35-losing, Media-weaponizing, Time for bed, 1.5° increase is worse than 1000°, 9/11 victim-snubbing, Alaska oil lease-canceling, Babied, Mask-idiot, Trump persecution-coordinating, Strom Thurmond-lying, Right to exist-denying, AKA Robert L. Peters, Kitchen fire-lying, Oblivious failure, Maui fire-ignoring, 9th Wonder of the World, AA-rated, Chronic DOJ-weaponizing, 20-time conference caller, Short-stairs, I am A.I., sneaker-wearing, Child-licking, Multiple times Supreme Court-ignoring, Beach chair bungling, Cocaine-infested, Constitution-ignoring, Founding documents confusing, Racial-discriminating, CPAP-wearing, Putin losing in Iraq claiming, State secrets-selling, China-extorting, Submarine-lying, sitting next to Hunter, Dog-faced Lying Pony Soldier, God save the Queen man, Railroad across the Pacific & Indian Oceans, Bad teeth, LGBTQ emergency lying, Sandbagging, Face-planting, unable to get up, Debt-exploding, Black-pandering, Durham report-denying, NY Post-barring, Money-laundering, Grandaughter-denying, Criminal son-deluded, Selling U.S. policies to foreign governments, Negotiations-refusing, Anti-freedom hypocrite, Supreme Court- ignoring, illegal EPA-regulating, Corrupt crony-hiring, E-I-G-H percent, high credit-punishing, 9am work-day ending, Pentagon-leaking, Ukraine capability-lying, Automobile-sabotaging, Child mutilation approving, Dollar-crashing, Christian victim-mocking, Ice cream-obsessed, assault weapon-lying, Anti-2nd amendment demagogue, Racist Investment-forcing, Suspicious transaction-flagged, woke bank bailing out, Drone collision-allowing, Pebble Mine-blocking, Tax-raising, Fentynyl victim-mocking, stupid white boy, Fiduciary-violating, Abortion Pill-promoting, Bootyjudge-protecting, upward-falling, Lynch-accusing, Chemical burn-ignoring, Ukraine-obligating, $12 balloon-popping, $400K missile-wasting, Stiff-walking, Social Security-threatening, Laughing stock, Non-transparent, Covid emergency-extending, Dead son-lying, War-escalating, Non-negotiating, No regrets, No there there, Happy Birthday, Val-???, F-15-taunting, race-baiting, Gas stove-banning, Corvette-hiding, Transportation disaster creating, Secret document-stealing, Puppet boy, Ukraine-pledging Dominic Giacoppa's son-in-law, Marriage-perverting, Russian terrorist-freeing, Chinese protest-ignoring, America-apologizing, Stuck on stupid, Threat to democracy, Social Security-lying, 54-State, Quintuple-vaxxed, yet twice Covid-infected, Gas price-lying, generic cereal-advocating, Press-mocking, Student Loan forgiveness-lying, Dozing off, genital-mutilating, Oil reserve-depleting, Let them eat ice cream, Saudi corruption dealing, Dead son-lying, House on fire, Two words, Armageddon, Bear Market, Stage-wandering, global-taxing, Taiwan bungling, Inflation-denying, Neo-Hitler, Demonizing, Gaslighting, Semi-Fascist, College student-bribing, Global warming scammer rewarding, FBI-weaponizing, Jacket-struggling, IRS-weaponizing, Border wall hypocrite, China-appeasing, Recession-causing, Pelosi-enriching, Interest rate exploding, Recession redefining, Oil-Cancer-ridden, Saudi fist-bumping, Holocaust honoring, 9.1% inflation, 29% approval, TOTUS-led, 10 year-old traveling to Indiana to terminate a PRESIDENCY, Emergency Strategic NPR oil selling to China, Abortion-loving, Oil executive fearing, Business-trashing, Training wheels, Innocent horse patrolman-punishing, Price controlling idiot, economic illiterate, Stock market crashing, 15-second amnesia, Chinese slave labor solar panel loving, Defense Production Act-abusing, 2nd amendment ignorant, Police-hindering, School tragedy-exploiting, Health Sovereignty-ceding, White supremacy imagining, Economy shrinking, baby formula diverting, MAGA-trashing, $5.2 million in un-laundered income, Ill-begotten, Carbon-free war machine, Title 42-confused, Easter Bunny-led, Bird poop attracting, Gun-grabbing, Obama-ignored, Parental rights opposing, Child abuse promoting, Walk back denying, Chemical weapons threatening, MIG-welching, wealth-confiscating, sanctions confused, Pedo-sniffer, Putin’s doormat, Dead dog moving, Wise guy, Anti freedom protest, Ignorant on mask efficacy, Ignorant on crime, Stupid SOB, triple speaking Google boy, Joe Crow two point oh, George Wallace-approved, Divisive, Global warming scamming, Warmongering, Obsessive-Compulsive face touching, Rittenhouse slandering, Angry finger shaking puppet, Royal flatulator, Poopy Pants, Empty suit, Freedom-mocking, Cornholio, Empty shelves, Story time, Anti-science, horse-hating, Prejudiced, Angry, Lawless, disgraced plagiarist, clueless, out of touch, inept, Terrorist-approved, Illegitimate, incompetent, racist, pedophile, cut-and-run, fake president "Butt Wipe" Whisper “Time Check”  Apartheid dictator, Afghanistan withdrawl-bungling, "Omni-cron" PINOOTUS is in the win column today in the DOW as White House insurgent.  That brings Creepy zero responsibility dementia Fuhrer Traitor Jabbin' Joe’s record to 428-387.
Sr. Member

Posts: 55680

DJB is a closet homo

« Reply #5267 on: 05 21, 24, 09:11:51:PM » Reply

gee dan, that post would take almost a year in professional mental health services.
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