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Author Topic: The Constitution is a Living Document  (Read 17074 times)
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
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Posts: 63633

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #36 on: 03 30, 16, 05:25:29:AM » Reply

Corporations ARE people.  Who do you think run Corporations?  Robots?  There is not one single Corporation that runs itself.
It requires people.

class Dismissed...
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
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Posts: 6742

« Reply #37 on: 03 30, 16, 06:07:08:AM » Reply

you are an idiot.  god.  you need to take a college level remedial EVERYTHING course.  you are completely stupid!!  you actually just said this- CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE.  i remember when this huge corporation was found guilty of hiding the fact that due to a faulty design, the odds of a certain type of car it produced bursting into flames from a relatively minor rear end collision were way over what most reasonable people would accept as within the realm of statistical normality.  so instead of fixing the problem, and saving many lives and horrible injuries to many others, they decided it would be cheaper to not fix it, and just pay off the few cases they might be sued for.  they were eventually found culpable in a huge civil suit, and the corporate headquarters was moved into prison for 25 years or 50,000 miles, whichever came first, until finally, 10 years later it was killed by a fellow prisoner who said God told him to avenge all the crispy critters this corporation killed. 
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Posts: 26544

« Reply #38 on: 03 30, 16, 06:49:11:AM » Reply

jivin' jim: Corporations ARE people.  Who do you think run Corporations?  Robots?  There is not one single Corporation that runs itself. It requires people. [sic]

The fact that people run corporations does not make them people. Using jivin' jim's flawed logic, when motor vehicles are operated by people they become people.
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #39 on: 03 30, 16, 06:50:53:AM » Reply

guns also become people....wow, the NRA is going to be so mad!!  they keep saying guns don't kill people, people kill people!!  and here is one of their own hypnotized loons disagreeing!!
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #40 on: 03 30, 16, 05:12:47:PM » Reply

1965hawks says people who are members of corporation are no longer people!

What are they, 1965hawks?

When people marry they form a corporation, does that cause them to cease to be people?

When people form a union they form a corporation, does that cause them to cease to be people?

Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #41 on: 03 30, 16, 06:51:42:PM » Reply

D2Deranged: 1965hawks says people who are members of corporation are no longer people! [sic]

I said no such thing, you lying, dim-witted strumpet. That's what your DUMB ass said.

What are they, 1965hawks?

"They?" To whom are you referring, D2Demented?

When people marry they form a corporation, does that cause them to cease to be people?

When people marry they form a marriage, not a corporation, you blithering idiot.

When people form a union they form a corporation, does that cause them to cease to be people?

A marriage is sometimes called a union, but never called a "corporation."

Take a seat and shut the fuck up, you demented fool!
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #42 on: 03 30, 16, 06:53:30:PM » Reply

Under the law marriage and incorporation are the same thing!

Two or more people entering into a legal contract for mutual benefit and protection!
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #43 on: 03 30, 16, 08:26:16:PM » Reply

D2D: Under the law marriage and incorporation are the same thing[.]

Really? Explain how a marriage forms a corporation. Give me an example of someone owning shares (stocks) in a couple's marriage; give me an example of someone buying and selling shares in a couple's marriage.

Two or more people entering into a legal contract for mutual benefit and protection[.]

People entering into a contract do not form a corporation, you know-nothing windbag. And having more than one marriage partner is called either bigamy or polygamy--not a corporation, you shit-for-for brains ass clown.
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Posts: 18678

« Reply #44 on: 03 30, 16, 10:00:39:PM » Reply


Loser,  I do not like the CLINTONS,  either of them... more than likely including Chelsea too.   And I definitely think that YOU are one of the most close minded assholes in the cyber world.  BAR NONE!!!!

Looking back, I was not a big fan of Carter... At the same time I was loyal to my party which was the D's...But I had hopes for Bill.  Even though I understand that he benefited from REAGAN to a large degree. regardless OF THAT... HE WAS A LYING JERK WHO DID NOT DESERVE the breaks that he received,

Why could I NOT expect more from the guy I supported and VOTED FOR as POTUS? He claimed to be above board and was willing to make changes that would help this nation.

I really do not give a Fuc* for what you now claim that he accomplished in his first term... He lost me at the lies and the wagging his finger and telling us that "he did not have sex with that woman"... And Hillary used her status to ruin these females and claimed it was a VAST RIGHT WING  CONPIRACY.  She is actually worse than Bill as he hid his action and she lied to assist his lies."  knowing damn well he was lying.


Hillary has no clue and should not even be considered until she has answered for all of her lies and her dishonesty. 

And there is the actual reality of the truth... and your refusal to accept it...is more of a view into your moral character that is sorely lacking. 
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #45 on: 03 31, 16, 03:22:10:PM » Reply

Again, 1965hawks proves himself woefully ignorant!

Pity him!

Sad to see such a display of intentional ignorance!
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #46 on: 03 31, 16, 05:52:28:PM » Reply

Sorry, D2Debunked. Your silly ad hominem attack against me  doesn't attack the argument I presented. In actuality, our calling me ignorant doesn't refute any point I've argued does it, you shit-for-brains ignoramus? And, yes, I'm calling you an ignoramus and with good reason: anyone who would attempt to argue that a wedding creates a corporation is obviously ignorant and, in addition to that, also an idiot. So instead of pitying me, what your ignorant ass really should do is take a seat and shut the fuck up. You're too stupid to even pretend you know what the fuck you're talking about. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #47 on: 03 31, 16, 07:23:28:PM » Reply

Your silly ad hominem attack against me 

Ad hominem attacks are all you have, hawks.  Try using logic instead of invective and you may someday win an argument with D2D.
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