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Author Topic: The LIE has ended. WMDs was not a Lie.  (Read 17341 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #144 on: 03 13, 16, 12:21:54:PM » Reply

Good post.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #145 on: 03 13, 16, 12:24:04:PM » Reply

CBS/AP/ March 12, 2016

Security and hospital officials say the latest attack took place early Saturday in Taza, which was also struck by a barrage of rockets carrying chemicals three days earlier.

Sameer Wais, whose daughter Fatima was killed in the attack, is a member of a Shiite militia fighting ISIS in Kirkuk province. He said he was on duty at the frontline when the attack occurred early in the morning, quickly ran home and said he could still smell the chemicals in the rocket.

By the next morning, Fatima had died, Wais said.

The hundreds of wounded are suffering from infected burns, suffocation and dehydration, said Helmi Hamdi, a nurse at the Taza hospital. He said eight people were transferred to Baghdad for treatment.

"There is fear and panic among the women and children," said Adel Hussein, a local official in Taza. "They're calling for the central government to save them." Hussein said a German and an American forensics team arrived in the area to test for the presence of chemical agents.

CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reported Delta Force commandos captured the Iraqi who had once worked for the regime of Saddam Hussein. After interrogating him, U.S. intelligence was able to identify a building in Mosul where mustard agent was manufactured and loaded into artillery shells.

Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #146 on: 03 13, 16, 01:52:52:PM » Reply

not that shit again....good god.  yeah, they found some old toxic bullshit left in the desert produced 20 years ago instead of destroyed.  did you see pictures of this crap you morons are claiming was so deadly?  do you really think whatever they found rotting in the desert is what Bush was talking about when he said Iraq is so dangerous with all these wmds Iraq "no doubt" has that we cannot even wait for the UN to end the cease fire first?

"25,000 liters of anthrax ... 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin ... materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent ... upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents ... several mobile biological weapons labs ... thousands of Iraqi security personnel ... at work hiding documents and materials from the U.N. inspectors."

George Bush
State of the Union Address
January 28, 2003

here is how unweaponized the toxic shit found rotting in the desert was:

 But what is never mentioned is that these weapons, made 20, 25 or 30 years ago, are certainly unusable, having long since passed their stable shelf-life, according to the Department of Defense's own documents based on a decade of international inspections, electronic surveillance and information supplied by spies and defectors.

Strangely, the U.S. media have, with almost no exceptions, failed to mention that most bio/chemical agents have a rather limited shelf life. The few who do usually quote Scott Ritter, former UN Iraqi weapons inspector.

The chemical weapons which Iraq has been known to possess -- nerve agents like sarin and tabun -- have a shelf life of five years, VX just a bit longer. Saddam's major bio weapons are hardly any better; botulinum toxin is potent for about three years, and liquid anthrax about the same (under the right conditions). And he adds that since all chemical weapons were made in Iraq's only chemical weapons complex- the Muthanna State establishment, which was blown up during the first Gulf War in 1991 -- and all biological weapons plants and research papers were clearly destroyed by 1998, any remaining bio/chemical weapons stores are now "harmless, useless goo."

But the truth of the matter is that Iraq's WMD may have even less of a shelf life-- and the U.S. government knows it.

So what is the MCTL's opinion of Iraq's chemical weapons program? In making its chemical nerve agents, "The Iraqis . . . produced a mixture which was inherently unstable," says the report. "When the Iraqis produced chemical munitions they appeared to adhere to a make and use regimen. Judging by the information Iraq gave the United Nations, later verified by on-site inspections, Iraq had poor product quality for their nerve agents. This low quality was likely due to a lack of purification. They had to get the agent to the front promptly or have it degrade in the munition."

Furthermore, says this Defense Department report, "The chemical munitions found in Iraq after the [first] Gulf War contained badly deteriorated agents and a significant proportion were visibly leaking." The shelf life of these poorly made agents were said to be a few weeks at best -- hardly the stuff of vast chemical weapons stores.

here is a picture of what lying ass jerkwater is talking about.  does this look like something so dangerous we needed to lose 4500 soldiers to stop?

* iraq toxic bullshit.jpg (137.03 KB, 1050x549 - viewed 549 times.)
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #147 on: 03 13, 16, 02:06:59:PM » Reply

here is the lowdown on that super deadly chemical attack that killed one person recently in Iraq that jerkwater apparently thinks is somehow connected to the wmds Iraq did not have when bush invaded on lies.  this is from the story jerkwater half ass quoted- leaving out the part where this stuff was being produced TODAY BY ISIS, and the plant was apparently blown up recently.  and then a fox article talking about how easy and relatively non-dangerous this low grade shit is.  nothing to do with Bush and his lies. 

Video released by the British Defense Ministry shows a building described as an ISIS weapons factory being destroyed by an airstrike last weekend.

By the Pentagon's count, ISIS has mounted a dozen chemical weapons attacks in Iraq and Syria, a fact confirmed by CIA Director John Brennan in a "60 Minutes" interview.

The U.S.-led coalition said the chemicals ISIS has so far used include chlorine and a low-grade sulfur mustard which is not very potent. "It's a legitimate threat. It's not a high threat. We're not, frankly, losing too much sleep over it," U.S. Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters.

and from fox noise:  http://www.foxnews.com/story/2004/05/17/fast-facts-mustard-gas.html

Experts say making mustard gas is easier than making nerve gases but harder than weaponizing industrial chemicals such as chlorine. It would take vastly more mustard gas than nerve gas to kill the same number of people, limiting mustard gas' appeal to terrorists.
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #148 on: 03 13, 16, 02:22:43:PM » Reply

Still Scott makes it clear he doesn't know what a lie is!
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #149 on: 03 13, 16, 02:43:13:PM » Reply

You would think he would know, since he tells so many lies.
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Posts: 89405

« Reply #150 on: 03 13, 16, 02:50:12:PM » Reply

someone masquerading as a duke calling another a liar
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Posts: 59627

« Reply #151 on: 03 13, 16, 02:55:44:PM » Reply

Get your head out of your asshole, cass-hole.
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Posts: 89405

« Reply #152 on: 03 13, 16, 02:59:27:PM » Reply

yer the one with the phoney name
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Posts: 71530

Let's go Brandon!

« Reply #153 on: 03 13, 16, 03:12:29:PM » Reply

As for Hillary voting for the war, so the hell what?  She later stated that she had made a mistake in doing so.

How many more mistakes will she make?   She was gangbusters behind Obama going to Libya with regime change where there were no WMDs or congressional resolution, at all.  That was another mistake.  How many more?
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #154 on: 03 13, 16, 03:19:06:PM » Reply

she didn't vote for the war.  I thought you morons could read?  the Iraq Resolution as written never authorized force unless Iraq did not not allow inspectors back in.  they did a month later.  resolution no longer in force.  get it?  besides, it also only authorized force against those who attacked us on 9/11 AND BUSH AND CHENEY AND RICE ALL ADMITTED IRAQ WAS NOT TIED TO 9/11, EVEN THOUGH THEY DID SAY IT WAS UNTIL AFTER THE INVASION.

and duke of john is either ankle biting his superiors with one sentence feeble attempts at insults, or kissing dvd's ass for being a deranged right wing puppet in a one sentence salute to his ignorance. 
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