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Author Topic: No One Was Ever Killed By A Gun  (Read 24437 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #120 on: 12 23, 15, 04:04:32:PM » Reply

D2D: Wrong!Guns are nothing more than safety tools!Do you drive without wearing a seat belt?Do you operate power tools without wearing hearing and eye protection? Do you pull food out of a 400 degree oven with your bare hands? If you do, you are an idiot!

Guns are protection against violent criminals liberals insist must be out in society.


How can that be?  How can guns used for protection? Guns are incapable of killing, according to you, wmdn-bs, WWV10MHZ, and the NRA. Remember?
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #121 on: 12 23, 15, 04:18:33:PM » Reply

D2D: Wrong!Guns are nothing more than safety tools!Do you drive without wearing a seat belt?Do you operate power tools without wearing hearing and eye protection? Do you pull food out of a 400 degree oven with your bare hands? If you do, you are an idiot!

Guns are protection against violent criminals liberals insist must be out in society


How can that be?  How can guns used for protection? Guns are incapable of killing, according to you, wmdn-bs, WWV10MHZ, and the NRA. Remember?

Guns are used as a tool for protection, but it is still a person operating it. If the tool is use to kill someone, then the person did the killing.

If during the commission of a crime, a victim is shot and killed. Is the person who did the shooting charged and tried, or the gun? Case closed.
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #122 on: 12 23, 15, 04:40:23:PM » Reply

wmdn-bs: Guns are used as a tool for protection, but it is blah blah blah blah blah....


True or False: Guns don't kill.

If during the commission of a crime, a victim is shot and killed. Is the person who did the shooting charged and tried, or the gun?


When a person is shot dead. What does the death certificate list as the cause of death--the shooter or the fatal wound inflicted by the firearm?

A person accused of shooting a person dead is charged and tried for committing a murder. The instrument the accused used (or allegedly used) to commit the murder is called the murder weapon; and, of course, murder weapons are never tried and convicted of murder. Are they, wmdn_bs? That would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it, wmdn_bs? And since you know that murder weapons are never charged and  tried for murder, your asking me if a gun is charged and tried for murder was incredibly stupid. Isn't that right, wmdn_bs?   
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #123 on: 12 23, 15, 10:25:47:PM » Reply

Guns are nothing more than safety tools!

Do you drive without wearing a seat belt?

Do you operate power tools without wearing hearing and eye protection?

Do you pull food out of a 400 degree oven with your bare hands?

If you do, you are an idiot!

Guns are protection against violent criminals liberals insist must be out in society!
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #124 on: 12 24, 15, 07:53:25:AM » Reply

A person accused of shooting a person dead is charged and tried for committing a murder. The instrument the accused used (or allegedly used) to commit the murder is called the murder weapon; and, of course, murder weapons are never tried and convicted of murder. Are they, wmdn_bs? That would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it, wmdn_bs? And since you know that murder weapons are never charged and  tried for murder, your asking me if a gun is charged and tried for murder was incredibly stupid. Isn't that right, wmdn_bs?    

Thank you for proving my point that guns don't kill, people do. If guns killed, then guns would be charged, tried and imprisoned.

Your incessant blah blah blahing won't change the fact that you couldn't be more wrong. You will not defeat the Constitution of the United States.
Sr. Member

Posts: 32425

ante omnia armari

« Reply #125 on: 12 24, 15, 08:48:45:AM » Reply

Will this thread ever die?
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #126 on: 12 24, 15, 09:27:20:AM » Reply

It will probably live until hawks and others stops the attacks on the Constitution or Jim moves it to hot topics.
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #127 on: 12 24, 15, 12:40:00:PM » Reply

wmdn is so confused he thinks telling the truth about how our country proves that the more guns in society, the less safe everyone in that society is in public, is some sort of an attack on the Constitution!!  Were gun nuts given guns as pacifiers as kids?  What can explain their bizarre, almost sexualized addiction to guns?  Nobody is saying a gun can kill anyone by itself, we are just noting the obvious- a 10 year old kid with a gun in a public place is more dangerous to anyone near him than an out of control Mike Tyson, unarmed, would be.  It is a tool, used by punks, cowards, morons, hate filled losers and criminals to intimidate, injure or kill others.  The rate of guns being used in public for these reasons are at least 500 times higher than any private citizen using a gun in public to stop these incidences of guns being used for crime.  We need less guns in public, not more.  We need assault weapons and high capacity clips banned.  We need universal background checks.  And by God, we are going to have it.  Fuck the NRA and fuck everyone who refuses to accept the truth about what a gun nutty society we have become and thinks the answer to too many guns in public is MORE GUNS. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #128 on: 12 24, 15, 12:42:55:PM » Reply

wmdn-bs   3

Hawk - 0

Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #129 on: 12 24, 15, 02:09:26:PM » Reply

Law abiding gun owners save a minimum of 392,500 lives annually!

Proving guns are not a public health problem but a contributor to good public health!

An average minimum of 1075 lives are saved by law abiding gun owners every day!

Fact: Every year, people in the United States use guns to defend themselves against criminals an estimated 2,500,000 times – more than 6,500 people a day, or once every 13 seconds.(243) Of these instances, 15.7% of the people using firearms defensively stated that they "almost certainly" saved their lives by doing so.
Firearms are used 60 times more often to protect lives than to take lives.

(243) Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kleck and Gertz, Fall 1995
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #130 on: 12 24, 15, 02:22:14:PM » Reply

wmdn is so confused he thinks telling the truth about how our country proves that the more guns in society, the less safe everyone in that society is in public, is some sort of an attack on the Constitution!!  Were gun nuts given guns as pacifiers as kids?  What can explain their bizarre, almost sexualized addiction to guns?  Nobody is saying a gun can kill anyone by itself, we are just noting the obvious- a 10 year old kid with a gun in a public place is more dangerous to anyone near him than an out of control Mike Tyson, unarmed, would be.  It is a tool, used by punks, cowards, morons, hate filled losers and criminals to intimidate, injure or kill others.  The rate of guns being used in public for these reasons are at least 500 times higher than any private citizen using a gun in public to stop these incidences of guns being used for crime.  We need less guns in public, not more.  We need assault weapons and high capacity clips banned.  We need universal background checks.  And by God, we are going to have it.  Fuck the NRA and fuck everyone who refuses to accept the truth about what a gun nutty society we have become and thinks the answer to too many guns in public is MORE GUNS. 

Your argument makes perfect sense until you're the one that needs a gun and don't have one. I've never needed one in nearly 65 years of walking around on this rock, and hope I never do. Just like keeping a spare tire in your car. You hope you never need it, but it's a good idea to have one, just in case.
Shoulder fired ground to air missiles have no moral status, since they have no will of their own. Everybody get some.
Honored Member

Posts: 6742

« Reply #131 on: 12 24, 15, 05:44:45:PM » Reply

Not anything like that.  Try to be logical.  If more guns in public meant less homicides and especially less gun deaths then this country WOULD BE THE SAFEST OF ALL THE MODERN COUNTRIES, NOT THE LEAST SAFE.....what part of that do you not understand?  This is a true fact- Americans are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than a citizen of any other country.  and this- there are 20 kids a day in this country treated for gunshot wounds.  And your solution is more guns, especially in public?  You have read the incredibly racist, sexist, anti-foreigner, anti-gay, anti-liberal, anti-muslim shit posted here by goons who are also the ones most fervently addicted to their guns and so pathetically chickenshit to even go out in public without their gun.  Would you want to be anywhere near these armed loons with your family nearby in a public place?
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