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Author Topic: Ain't "buying" the full dose of intentional blood thirsting  (Read 2125 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 15141

Formerly known as lm-oregon

« on: 07 18, 15, 12:08:07:PM » Reply

monstrocities of Abdulazees this week inside of the USA- and his "excuse" as he went down - "all for Allah".


What are we supposed to do when our friends are (supposed) reflections of ourselves - naturalized American citizens?

THIS naturalized racist American citizen/mass murdering monster, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez - chose to go down instead of stand trial like Dzokhar Tsarnaev did - because why again - he's a faithful peaceful loving follower of Islam?

IS Allah pleased with him today? Is "our" God?

One trip to Jordan turned Abdulazeez into "this" and emboldened him to do what he chose to do to those five innocent Americans? I ain't f-ing believing it or "buying" it. I would have to visit HELL to figure out why Abdulazeez did what he did - to all of those innocent human beings in Chatanooga, Tennessee, USA this week. And trust me,  inflammed racist Islamic jihadists - I ain't going there on your behalf. Ever. These five honorable innocent U.S. Military men - were not deserving of being labeled as the "enemy" by fellow American citizen, Mohammed Youssuf Abdullazeez. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 20552

« Reply #1 on: 07 18, 15, 12:55:29:PM » Reply

treat them like the terrorists that they are and kill them!
Sr. Member

Posts: 87375

Try Jesus, if you no like, Satan will take U back

« Reply #2 on: 07 19, 15, 12:07:36:AM » Reply

I didn't hear that he was an American but a Kuwaiti

As long as we have "gun free zones" advertised for this shooter to ply his evil

From our misguided and deluded "prog." Leftist, this will continue!
Sr. Member

Posts: 89405

« Reply #3 on: 07 19, 15, 12:32:44:PM » Reply

kill them

spoken like a true isil
Sr. Member

Posts: 87375

Try Jesus, if you no like, Satan will take U back

« Reply #4 on: 07 19, 15, 12:41:11:PM » Reply

Does " kill them all include all terrorist" enablers isreali and American both?

Gassadio appears to agree but he has such a small brain, micro in fact!
Sr. Member

Posts: 15141

Formerly known as lm-oregon

« Reply #5 on: 07 27, 15, 11:44:30:AM » Reply

It is what it is - apparently Americans don't give a damn that five unarmed defenseless American military men were slaughtered by a jihadist terrorist American inside of this nation. An American terrorist aligned with this nation's declared war enemy.

We don't give a damn. And more instance of targetted terrroism against Americans will only continue to go on and on and on. And the world witnesses us not giving a damn about it - mass murder intendingTERRORISTS are who again - not naturalized Americans?

Get real, Murica.
Sr. Member

Posts: 89405

« Reply #6 on: 07 27, 15, 12:53:16:PM » Reply

we doan give a damn Huh??

waddaya suggest shooting all muslim look likes?

I know

carpet bombing the middle east

how does that grab pou?
Sr. Member

Posts: 15141

Formerly known as lm-oregon

« Reply #7 on: 07 27, 15, 03:10:44:PM » Reply

Obama won't be remembered for giving a damn. He will be remembered for receiving a peace prize and choosing to engage in WAR - every single day - blowing apart innocent civilians with HIS armed drones dialed up slaughtering them - in the name of peace.

More of that in more nations than Bush ever dreamed of.

And Obama is no closer to credibly stopping jihadist inflamed terrorism anywhere.

In fact - Jihadist terrorism is closer to us and more engaged against us EVEN INSIDE OF THIS NATION on Barack H. Obama's watch.

Ain't that a f-ed up HOOOT, Murica?

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