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Author Topic: Measuring Putin for Mount Rushmore  (Read 65 times)
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
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Posts: 31404


« Reply #12 on: 09 15, 13, 11:12:10:AM » Reply

Putin or 0bama.... who is more of a threat to America?

The tea party and the GOP.
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Posts: 99142

« Reply #13 on: 09 15, 13, 11:27:34:AM » Reply

Obama’s new top economic deputy is a former management consultant who worked for Gov. Mitt Romney’s Bain & Company investment firm.

On the campaign, Obama repeatedly slammed Romney’s management-consulting business.
“Jeff has a sterling reputation as a business leader, and he earned the admiration and respect of everyone he worked with during his four years in leadership positions at the Office of Management and Budget,” Obama said in a statement Sept 13 that did not mention Zient’s role at Bain.
“I am certain that in Jeff’s hands we will continue to have strong leadership of our economic policy team and his advice will be critical as we keep moving this country forward and building an economy where everyone who works hard can get ahead,” Obama said.
The appointment was leaked to The New York Times on Friday. The paper did not not mention the adviser’s controversial connection to Bain. Neither did Politico’s Playbook.
From 2009, Zients worked for Obama in a series of jobs, including acting director of the Office of Management and Budget. He also worked as Obama’s representative on his CEO-heavy jobs council.
The council includes many firms, such as General Electric, that profit from close cooperation with government. Throughout the economy, many companies, including those on Wall Street, profit from government contracts or regulatory changes.
Since Obama was inaugurated, a greater percentage of the nation’s wealth has gone to the already rich and the clever who take advantage of government’s growing power.
AP also reported that “95 percent of the income gains reported since 2009 have gone to the top one percent.”
If it is wrong for and hurts middle America, Obama is going to do it.
How is anything going to change when we still have a left wing economic idiot sitting in the Oval Office?       

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