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Author Topic: GOP attacks OVERTIME PAY and 40-hour workweek  (Read 1205 times)
« on: 05 23, 13, 09:18:52:AM » Reply

While the Republicans distract you and the media with fake Benghazi etc stuff:
New bill before Congress would end overtime pay and 40-hour work week
Most Americans work longer hours than ever before and are seldom “off the clock.” Congress recently voted to essentially end our 40-hour work week and overtime pay. “The Working Families Flexibility Act H.R. 1406,” is not yet law, and is in a Senate committee, but we are precariously close to losing rights that have protected the American worker since 1938.
This deceptively titled bill would replace our current overtime pay after 40 hours worked each week with ‘compensatory time.’ This time off would be at the employers’ convenience, so there are no guarantees about getting the time off at all. Unscrupulous employers may heap on extra work hours with unfulfilled promises of future time off. The workers’ only remedy would be to sue their employer which is costly, inefficient and practically impossible for most workers.
Relying on the ethics of business to take care of workers has not worked in the past and there is no reason to think that it would today. Most big business takes full advantage of every opportunity to increase profits; this would be one more avenue for profit on the backs of workers.

Lord Monckton
« Reply #1 on: 06 17, 13, 01:12:32:PM » Reply

The End of the 40-Hour Week?

Last week, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce passed a bill along party lines that would replace our guaranteed overtime pay with a new comp time system. That means rather than paying you overtime for extra hours worked, your employer could assign extra work only to those who chose more time off instead of overtime wages. It is a blow to the idea of the 40-hour work week, as there would be no more incentive for employers to avoid excess overtime. Proponents including the corporate community and HR managers are calling it The Working Families Flexibility Act (HR 1406). This couldnt be more misleading.

This will impact union and non-union workers alike. While collective bargaining agreements may protect union workers initially, it will be increasingly hard to retain our overtime pay if our employers competitors are gaining an advantage through comp time. Before long, overtime pay will be one more contentious subject of bargaining. In many USW workplaces, excessively long hours of work can mean more danger and problems on the job. This is one more pressure we need to avoid.

Its a pay cut. If comp time becomes law, employees can expect to work overtime but not get any extra income.

That flexibility is for employers. Want to use comp time to catch the grandchilds play? Looking to bank time for maternity leave? There are no guarantees. Under this bill, workers couldnt just use their comp time whenever they wanted. Employers could reject requests that unduly disrupt the operations of the employer or that are not made within a reasonable period. This leaves all the power on the employers side, not the workers.

That 40 hour week we fought for? This will be a major setback. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 established the 40-hour work week. The FLSA allows employees to spend more time away from work and encourages employers to hire more staff when workloads increase. The FLSAs only incentive for employers to maintain a 40-hour week is the requirement that they pay time-and-a-half cash premium for overtime.

Like mandatory overtime and unpredictable work schedules? Youll love this. Comp time legislation would make mandatory overtime less expensive for employers, therefore encouraging the practice. We can expect more unpredictable work schedules. If you have kids, expect more issues with finding child care and having to incur more child care costs.

A vote could come soon in the House.
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« Reply #2 on: 06 19, 13, 01:30:14:AM » Reply

Next the GOP Congress will lower the minimum wage to $5 an hour.
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