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Author Topic: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think  (Read 12463 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #84 on: 09 19, 12, 06:13:50:PM » Reply

Judging from the comments from the right, which are predictably and completely wrong, and assuming they watched the video, the video has not helped them understand how modern liberals think at all. As is normal for the right wing, they just make things up about other people even how others think and then assume it to be the gospel, even when proven wrong.

So is that 47 minute video really worth even loading? It clearly has done nothing to educate the right, and as a lefty, I already know how I think and don't need some rightie trying to tell me what I think and claiming to know me even better than i know myself.

You do it to muslims too. How many times have I seen the claim that any muslim who is not a terrorist is not a true muslim? Nevermind the fact that sounds like the sort of propaganda you'd hear from alqueda yet it is coming from flag waving righties. It is arrogant in the extreme.
Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #85 on: 09 19, 12, 06:47:56:PM » Reply

I gave him 20 minutes. The video is crap. He makes an interesting observation now and then but blows it with false assumptions and flawed logic.

Liberals not only believe in critical thought but trumpet it. Liberals do have ideas of truth, good, and beauty. Liberals do not support evil and tear down good.

One of his many false assumptions was everything he supports is good and that anybody who does not is therefore supporting evil. Even the Iraq war, opposing that war did not mean supporting saddam. But he assumes it does. Or on airport security, he completely glosses over the option of not treating anybody like a criminal, and he ignores quite a lot regarding profiling (the ease of terrorist simply not standing out as a muslim, the whole point of civil liberties and the 4th).

And while he goes on about children being indoctrinated he ignores how they are also indoctrinated by school and media to support the empire, for more so than to question it.

And what liberals seek regarding religion is not to wipe it out but for mutual respect of people to believe and live as they wish. The only thing liberals want gone are hard liners who insist on their way being law.

One history, liberals look at it as something to be improved on. That is the essense of making the world better, you improve on it. To say liberals reject everything that was ever thought is absurd.
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #86 on: 09 19, 12, 06:48:54:PM » Reply

What's a modern liberal..? Are they even dumber than you older liberals..?

liberalism is a disease that rots everything it comes in contact with, no where has liberalism/socialism/communism been successful for hardworking people..
Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #87 on: 09 19, 12, 06:53:36:PM » Reply

Liberalism works fine. The failure is letting the banksters and wall street take over and screw over the working class.
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #88 on: 09 19, 12, 06:57:34:PM » Reply

Unbelievable, how is liberalism working today in America...people out of work, losing their homes, their savings, their families the muslims killing Americans cause they want to and are being helped by the pos muslim in the WH..
liberalism sucks
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63637

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #89 on: 09 19, 12, 07:21:39:PM » Reply

The Modern Liberal foot soldier believes:

That One persons success indicates Someone else must have been cheated.

That their failure is not their fault, its the failt of those who succeeded in their place.

That Success, itself, is proof positive of a likelihood of cheating and bigotry.

That Failure, by itself, is proof positive that someone has been "Victimized."

That more Entitlements mean "something free for ME, and I'll worry about who pays for it - later."
That America has earned being attacked.
That American people have earned being hated.
That Christians behead as many people as Islamic Terrorists, so they are one and the same.
That children should know everything about sex because it protects them.
That having sex with whomever, or whatever they want, indicates nothing of the society's values or morals system.
Honored Member

Posts: 9332


« Reply #90 on: 09 19, 12, 07:22:51:PM » Reply

Evan Sayet does call it right - calls it correctly for those of you in rio linda - it's why the left

...This guy explains the Left (capital L) to a Tee.  It explains why they think America deserves to be attacked, it explains why they condone everything from child promiscuity to killing baby's in the womb.  It explains why they hate others with a penny more than them.

Listen to it, save a youtube link.  Email the link to your list.

Liberal policy's have destroyed the state of California and the country - our finances, future, businesses, education, the economy- you name it


The liberal mentality seeks to destroy all that is good - from our founding framers - to God, family, the Boy Scouts - even the singing of Christmas songs.

Liberal mentality hates self-sufficiency and strong economies---- and encourages dependence and BIG GOV
Sr. Member

Posts: 23321

« Reply #91 on: 09 19, 12, 08:15:40:PM » Reply


No wonder you people are so hateful. You don't know the first thing about anybody else.

And Greece was not brought down by liberals, it was brought down by banksters. And yes, you are still headed in the direction, the banksters still have this country and its people in their cross hairs. It is amazing how you can blame everybody BUT the ones actually behind the collapse.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63637

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #92 on: 09 19, 12, 08:25:14:PM » Reply

No wonder you people are so hateful.
Decscribe how "we" are Hateful, and you are not.
Are we hateful because we want to protect our country?
because we want to protect our children from promescuity?
because we want to protect the unborn baby?
because we want to protect our society from immoral behaviour?
Explain how "we" are the hateful ones, and you who support the above and believe our country deserved being attacked; are not....
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63637

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #93 on: 09 19, 12, 08:31:30:PM » Reply

It is amazing how you can blame everybody BUT the ones actually behind the collapse.

President Bush attempted to warn Congress over and over about Freddie and Fannie, to no avail.
They refused to listen to a "Republican". The Democrat Congress refuse to hear a single word.

See for yourself here:
Forgive them, for they know not what they doodoo. Now go, and sin no more. Never vote for a Republican.
Sr. Member

Posts: 11973

HA! HA! Republicans have poopypants™.

« Reply #94 on: 09 19, 12, 09:07:41:PM » Reply

Sr. Member

Posts: 13762

That which does not kill me, had better run

« Reply #95 on: 09 19, 12, 09:28:00:PM » Reply

Greece, as well as the rest of Europe, is being brought down by the policies of Liberalism. The belief that the State is the ultimate provider of all things, collectivism, the reduction of individuality for the purpose of promoting the "common good".
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