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Author Topic: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think  (Read 12436 times)
Honored Member

Posts: 9902

« Reply #72 on: 09 19, 12, 04:26:41:PM » Reply

Liberals support the freeloaders and parasites .................
................. and conservatives look out for tax-paying, working families ..............
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #73 on: 09 19, 12, 04:29:46:PM » Reply

Republicans support the Righteous
liberals support the evil
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #74 on: 09 19, 12, 04:37:35:PM » Reply

It is obvious that not a single right winger on this board has a clue how the modern liberal thinks. 80% of my right winged associates are incapable of independent thought, and the remaining 20% are drowning in red Kool-Ade.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63637

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #75 on: 09 19, 12, 04:43:02:PM » Reply

There is NO fighting, and NO denying what this guy says.   And the proof is that the Left can't bear to listen to it all.
The Left really does believe America "Deserves" to be ruined. Because America is not "Perfect."
This is why they voted for Obama. Because he actually promised to ruin America.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/ODXgGS50AVY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/v/ODXgGS50AVY</a>
Evil does not exist within a gun. It exists in the minds and hearts of those who pull the trigger for evil purposes.---Laus Deo
Sr. Member

Posts: 33442


« Reply #76 on: 09 19, 12, 04:46:48:PM » Reply

democrats believe in giving a handouts

Republicans believe in giving a helping hand
Forgive them, for they know not what they doodoo. Now go, and sin no more. Never vote for a Republican.
Sr. Member

Posts: 11973

HA! HA! Republicans have poopypants™.

« Reply #77 on: 09 19, 12, 04:47:57:PM » Reply

“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #78 on: 09 19, 12, 04:53:52:PM » Reply

There is NO fighting, and NO denying what this guy says.   And the proof is that the Left can't bear to listen to it all.

The Left really does believe America "Deserves" to be ruined. Because America is not "Perfect."
This is why they voted for Obama. Because he actually promised to ruin America.


Some retardlican's opinion is NOT fact. You do know the difference, don't you? If not, it wouldn't surprise me. So few of you do.
« Reply #79 on: 09 19, 12, 05:00:53:PM » Reply

You do know that anything said/seen on this board has little to no value what's so ever...
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63637

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #80 on: 09 19, 12, 05:11:38:PM » Reply

I implore everyone here on the Right to listen to this video several tinmes, and keep a link to it to listen to again. This guy explains the Left (capital L) to a Tee.  It explains why they think America deserves to be attacked, it explains why they condone everything from child promiscuity to killing baby's in the womb.  It explains why they hate others with a penny more than them.
Listen to it, save a youtube link.  Email the link to your list.
« Reply #81 on: 09 19, 12, 05:29:12:PM » Reply

(( Listen to it, save a youtube link.  Email the link to your list. ))

Give us a meaningful reason why we should watch it, let alone watch it a second time...
Sr. Member

Posts: 71317

Let's go Brandon!

« Reply #82 on: 09 19, 12, 05:42:58:PM » Reply

Herd mentality in humans is not hard to understand.  It is the nature of the beasts.
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #83 on: 09 19, 12, 06:03:41:PM » Reply

Some retardlican's opinion is NOT fact. You do know the difference, don't you? If not, it wouldn't surprise me. So few of you do.
According you, a liberal dumbass...LMAO..
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