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Author Topic: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think  (Read 12450 times)
« Reply #60 on: 09 19, 12, 02:21:47:PM » Reply

(( Why are you whining? ))

Why are the right wingers whining.  They have been whining for the last three and a half years now...
Sr. Member

Posts: 37652

« Reply #61 on: 09 19, 12, 02:27:49:PM » Reply

jock washer,
I know you likely haven't heard, living in the Peoples Republic of Illinois, but McCarthy was right.
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Posts: 37652

« Reply #62 on: 09 19, 12, 02:43:37:PM » Reply

I see a lot of hatred of the speaker, but I have yet to see any of youse commies refute a single thing the man said.
Americans, in general, are fat, lazy and stupid! And deserve all that is taking place and all that is yet to come!
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« Reply #63 on: 09 19, 12, 02:48:15:PM » Reply

I actually listened to just short of 1 half of this video and finally shut it off because it was evident that he was repeatedly right and wrong, all at the same time. I believe his interpretation of what makes liberals tick, is spot on. But lets face some other facts, shall we.. Regardless of why liberals protested the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, they were inevitably right, even if they're reasoning may have been wrong. I remember way back to the days of Excite when documents had been leaked that proved Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq prior to invading. But he did it anyhow. And Ron Paul sometime ago pointed out that the war in Afghanistan was a waste of time, resources and lives because we should have simply sent in a crack team to get Bin Laden. And how did we get him, just a short time after Dr. Paul spoke these controversial word?? With a crack team and he wasn't in Afghanistan, was he?

The banking industry runs this nation and several others, including the UK. War is big money and the military industrial complex racks up record profits but NO ONE makes more than the banking industry, who've been a frequent financier of both sides of various conflicts. Not only have we lost thousands of young Americans in these two wars of aggression, that were fought for nothing, we've buried our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and probably our great, great grandchildren with a mountain of debt, further insuring that the banking industry will always own their very existence from the day they're born until the day they die.... Tell me, where is the nobility in that? Which one of you has the balls to try and defend this very truth??

In short, it comes down to a very basic reality and that is that both sides are wrong, that both sides are destroying this nation, that both sides are demanding our civil liberties be diminished or extinguished. It matters not what the particular pursuit of the individual is, whether it be liberal or so called conservative, to me. I, personally find you all guilty of conspiring to destroy the United States.
« Reply #64 on: 09 19, 12, 02:55:16:PM » Reply

(( but I have yet to see any of youse commies refute a single thing the man said. ))

It's one man's opinion.  So what is there to refute.  With opinions, the only thing that happens is the innuendos, accusations,  profanity and name calling.  But to refute, it's just not in the cards...
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Posts: 37652

« Reply #65 on: 09 19, 12, 03:09:36:PM » Reply

It's one man's opinion.  So what is there to refute. 
Opinions? LOL. Look around you, you leftist hack.
Maybe offer your own opinions to refute him, point by point, rather than just add your usual psycho babble.
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Posts: 99142

« Reply #66 on: 09 19, 12, 03:15:01:PM » Reply

Romney brought up a very important point in a private meeting that needs a national discussion. A society dependent on government is a failed society yet Obama keeps pushing in that direction. We need to find out why?

Posted by: Etc-ctE                        

(( We need to find out why? ))

Most Americans already know why. It's the people who lack the intelligence, that have a problem of understanding the reasons why...

Why do some, a minority, want a failed society dependent on government?   You did not answer?
Sr. Member

Posts: 12729

There is a SEVERE lack of common sense these days.

« Reply #67 on: 09 19, 12, 03:57:45:PM » Reply

sweetwater5s9, the libs WON'T answer that question - because they CAN'T answer it without knocking their beloved "Dear Leader".

keno, "psycho babble" is a very good way to describe it.
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Posts: 45455

« Reply #68 on: 09 19, 12, 04:02:47:PM » Reply

The liberal nose pickers on here can't defnd the dismal failure cleric hussien obumba so all they have left is the vile and vulgar attacks against their betters..
In Nov we're going to drive that trash obumba back under his rock where his supporters live..
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Posts: 99142

« Reply #69 on: 09 19, 12, 04:10:30:PM » Reply

 the libs WON'T answer that question - because they CAN'T answer it
Actually, they enjoy the handouts, imo...  They cannot see it coming to an sudden end.  It couldn't happen in the U.S., they think...  Guess again, it's coming... 
Sr. Member

Posts: 12729

There is a SEVERE lack of common sense these days.

« Reply #70 on: 09 19, 12, 04:13:43:PM » Reply

sweewater5s9, you and I know that.  It would take some kind of magical major brain surgery to awaken the libs, however.
« Reply #71 on: 09 19, 12, 04:18:24:PM » Reply

(( Why do some, a minority, want a failed society dependent on government?  You did not answer? ))

Well I have been on this board long enough to know that answering anything here is just offering fodder for the right wing idiots. 

Another thing I have noticed.  When facts are posted from either side.  Most of the replies come from the clueless..

And that is what makes this board so hilarious and fun to read.  If I want serious, I go to where the real information is...

OK right wing idiots, it's your turn to come back with your meaningless dribble...    
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