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Author Topic: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think  (Read 12471 times)
Honored Member

Posts: 2892

« Reply #48 on: 09 19, 12, 10:55:36:AM » Reply

bhsgrad.  You are so fucking right!!!   Let's all the assholes on this board do like me and refrain from nasty bull shit talk
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #49 on: 09 19, 12, 11:01:00:AM » Reply

Romney, who criticizes President Obama for dividing the nation, divided the nation into two groups: the makers and the moochers. Forty-seven percent of the country, he said, are people “who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

Actually, he brought up a very important point in a private meeting that needs a national discussion.  A society dependent on government is a failed society yet Obama keeps pushing in that direction.   We need to find out why?
Sr. Member

Posts: 12729

There is a SEVERE lack of common sense these days.

« Reply #50 on: 09 19, 12, 11:12:06:AM » Reply

Well, THAT didn't take long, and once again, someone on the left shows that it's not possible to be civil.
Forgive them, for they know not what they doodoo. Now go, and sin no more. Never vote for a Republican.
Sr. Member

Posts: 11973

HA! HA! Republicans have poopypants™.

« Reply #51 on: 09 19, 12, 11:44:38:AM » Reply

« Reply #52 on: 09 19, 12, 11:55:22:AM » Reply

You right wing idiots need to take a good look in the mirror.  Because all the BS you throw out on this board about the liberals is nothing but a reflections of yourselves...
Sr. Member

Posts: 20043

« Reply #53 on: 09 19, 12, 12:03:44:PM » Reply

TOO RIGHT, etc...  


The repubs KNOW they have lost....
The wah wahs are just a lil too convenient these last days...

Typical republican cry babies... 


Dismissed.... as always...

Ldy R.*       
Sr. Member

Posts: 29691

« Reply #54 on: 09 19, 12, 12:06:10:PM » Reply

I am Irrelevant

Yes, you are.
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #55 on: 09 19, 12, 12:59:59:PM » Reply

Romney brought up a very important point in a private meeting that needs a national discussion. A society dependent on government is a failed society yet Obama keeps pushing in that direction.  We need to find out why?
No bs..  Just a fact.
« Reply #56 on: 09 19, 12, 01:16:12:PM » Reply

(( We need to find out why? ))

Most Americans already know why.  It's the people who lack the intelligence, that have a problem of understanding the reasons why... 
Sr. Member

Posts: 18174

« Reply #57 on: 09 19, 12, 01:32:03:PM » Reply

Sr. Member

Posts: 55680

DJB is a closet homo

« Reply #58 on: 09 19, 12, 01:54:00:PM » Reply

Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #59 on: 09 19, 12, 02:04:25:PM » Reply

JW2, you get healthcare at the VA from when you served your country in the military.    Why are you whining?
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