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Author Topic: Understanding How Modern Liberals Think  (Read 12435 times)
Honored Member

Posts: 2682

« Reply #36 on: 09 19, 12, 10:06:48:AM » Reply

Modern liberals don't think...Their party thinks for them....
Sr. Member

Posts: 20043

« Reply #37 on: 09 19, 12, 10:09:23:AM » Reply

Really, dejerk?

With the election day being so near, you lying/whining loser repubs will say or do anything.., although, in "mitt the twit's" case, it won't help you...



Ldy R.*       
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #38 on: 09 19, 12, 10:09:39:AM » Reply

Many agree that statism and Obama's marxism lite is a good thing.   Most do not, however and fortunately.   It goes against the founding principles of this nation.
Honored Member

Posts: 7455

« Reply #39 on: 09 19, 12, 10:15:47:AM » Reply

Every time I see a thread count that is WAY up there I know it's Melinda or cassy  sending one liners a hundred times.
It's boring !  I wish Jim would put a stop to all this spamming .
Honored Member

Posts: 7455

« Reply #40 on: 09 19, 12, 10:16:52:AM » Reply


NOPE Missed by a mile ! 
Sr. Member

Posts: 45455

« Reply #41 on: 09 19, 12, 10:17:55:AM » Reply

oooozzzz blittered...When a Candidate actually tells half of Americans they are lazy, shiftless, don't work,  do-nothings who think they are entitled to everything.... that's a little different than just exlaining how Mitt and his millionaire buddies think.....

How is it different, it's the truth and idiots can't face the truth..But what Mitt said resonates with the American people, that's something Mitt said you parasites cannot change..

Modern liberals, that's a oxymoron
Sr. Member

Posts: 20043

« Reply #42 on: 09 19, 12, 10:30:22:AM » Reply

And HERE'S lil liar/hypocrite llukey....

Another dull witted repub idiot that is desperate for Americans to believe the republican bullshit...

But they don't....



Ldy R.*       
Sr. Member

Posts: 20043

« Reply #43 on: 09 19, 12, 10:31:58:AM » Reply

Good day, cath.

Here for another political bashing or just passing through again?

Jim won't do shit because i don't spam.... but i DO tell you lying repub bastards EXACTLY what you are...

Dismissed... AGAIN.. as always...

Ldy R.*       
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Posts: 18174

« Reply #44 on: 09 19, 12, 10:34:21:AM » Reply

Sr. Member

Posts: 20043

« Reply #45 on: 09 19, 12, 10:35:47:AM » Reply

You WOULD say that, beavisbutthead....

You and the OTHER lying republicans' asses are on the line now, boy..



Ldy R*       
Honored Member

Posts: 2892

« Reply #46 on: 09 19, 12, 10:39:43:AM » Reply

Romney, who criticizes President Obama for dividing the nation, divided the nation into two groups: the makers and the moochers. Forty-seven percent of the country, he said, are people “who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them, who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

This comment suggests a few things. First, it suggests that he really doesn’t know much about the country he inhabits. Who are these freeloaders? Is it the Iraq war veteran who goes to the V.A.? Is it the student getting a loan to go to college? Is it the retiree on Social Security or Medicare?   
It suggests that Romney doesn’t know much about the culture of America. Yes, the entitlement state has expanded, but America remains one of the hardest-working nations on earth. Americans work longer hours than just about anyone else.

The people who receive the disproportionate share of government spending are not big-government lovers. They are Republicans. They are senior citizens. They are white men with high school degrees. As Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution has noted, the people who have benefited from the entitlements explosion are middle-class workers, more so than the dependent poor.   
Romney’s comments also reveal that he has lost any sense of the social compact. In 1987, during Ronald Reagan’s second term, 62 percent of Republicans believed that the government has a responsibility to help those who can’t help themselves. Now, according to the Pew Research Center, only 40 percent of Republicans believe that.   
The Republican Party, and apparently Mitt Romney, too, has shifted over toward a much more hyperindividualistic and atomistic social view — from the Reaganesque language of common citizenship to the libertarian language of makers and takers. There’s no way the country will trust the Republican Party to reform the welfare state if that party doesn’t have a basic commitment to provide a safety net for those who suffer for no fault of their own.   
Sr. Member

Posts: 12729

There is a SEVERE lack of common sense these days.

« Reply #47 on: 09 19, 12, 10:52:32:AM » Reply

Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME something critical of the LEFT is posted, that the entire thread becomes nothing but a "troll-fest"?  Sorry, lefties, but you all do seem to be way more thin-skinned than those on the other side.

I could name names, but what's the use?

My point is that we are so divided over this upcoming election that civility has gone completely out the window.  It doesn't seem that ANYONE can debate ANYTHING without it descending into a lot of filthy name-calling and vile insults. 

So here's the deal:  I challenge EVERYONE on here to try, for ONE DAY, to refrain from filthy profane name-calling, vile insults and general all-around nastiness.  There are plenty of ways to defend YOUR POLITICAL VIEWPOINT without resorting to such lowlife tactics.

Any of you EVER read the writings of our Founding Fathers, during the early years of our country?  Believe me, there were differing views on just about everything, and they weren't shy about letting people know how they felt - but they did NOT use vile language in their writings.  It just wasn't done back then.  Yet they could verbally skewer their political opponents, and all without a single vile profane word.

So - can any of YOU ALL do the same?  Can YOU ALL make your point WITHOUT USING F-BOMBS, OR OTHER CURSE WORDS?
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