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Question: Should "Anyone" in (or applying for) a High Level Position - Be Vetted?
Yes - 27 (93.1%)
No - 2 (6.9%)
Total Voters: 29

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Author Topic: POLL: Simple Question  (Read 10752 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #60 on: 08 30, 12, 08:25:56:AM » Reply

Now, aren't you the just the perfect hyper-intellectual buffoon?

Proud that you can't answer a simple question when you could add your own qualifier?
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #61 on: 09 03, 12, 06:52:25:AM » Reply

in re: Reply #54
dumb_john: You call the board's moderator "Jivin' Jim" and accuse me of appealing to ridicule?
I've always presumed that "Jivin' Jim" is this website's administrator (webmaster?), but I've never considered him to be this forum's moderator. In argumentation and debate, a moderator is unbiased (impartial, disinterested). But I'm sure you've noticed that Jim is often an active discussant in this forum, and is always a vociferous and staunch right-winger. No. "Jivin' Jim" is obviously not this forum's moderator.
in re: Reply #52
dumb_john: Come on, Hawks, find something from Mad magazine to prove how Jim's simple question, to which you can qualify your answer, is a bad one.
Suggesting that I refer to Mad (an American humour magazine) to substantiate my argument is a fallacy of logic called an appeal to ridicule. Notice that the statement above conveniently avoids providing evidence to refute my assertions. Instead, it attempts to refute my claims by simply ridiculing them. Appeal to Ridicule is a fallacy in which ridicule is substituted for evidence in an "argument." That sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because mocking a claim does not show that it's false.
So now, dumbo, you should understand why "Jivin' Jim" is not this forum's moderator, and what "appeal to ridicule" really means.
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #62 on: 09 03, 12, 08:20:30:AM » Reply

You're such a buffoon, 666ChickenShit. 

This is Jim's board to do with as he pleases.  He owns it, he pays for it.  I sent in a contribution to defray costs.  Did you?  Fuck you parsing over whether he's an admin or moderator.  It's his board.  Fuck you, boy.  Get it?

Your sources are suspect, at best.  That's more proof that you're just a buffoon.  I was almost serious that you use Mad magazine.
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #63 on: 09 03, 12, 11:17:57:AM » Reply

You're such a buffoon, 666ChickenShit. 

This is Jim's board to do with as he pleases.  He owns it, he pays for it.  I sent in a contribution to defray costs.  Did you?  Fuck you parsing over whether he's an admin or moderator.  It's his board.  Fuck you, boy.  Get it?

Your sources are suspect, at best.  That's more proof that you're just a buffoon.  I was almost serious that you use Mad magazine.

Your defense of "Jivin' Jim" is laughable.
DUMBO_john: This is Jim's board to do with as he pleases. He owns it, he pays for it.
But that doesn't mean he's immune to criticism when he posts a poll based on a fallacy of logic.
DUPED_john: I sent in a contribution to defray costs. Did you?
Nope. And your boasting that you sent "Jivin' Jim" a contribution doesn't change the fact that his ambiguosly worded survey question is logically unsound, making the results of his so-called poll inaccurate and, therefore, meaningless.
DOOFAS_john: Fuck you for parsing over whether he's an admin or moderator. It's his board. Fuck you, boy. Gft it?
I wasn't parsing over whether "Jivin' Jim" is an administator or moderator. I was explaining to your DOOFAS ass why I believe he is this website's administrator (or webmaster) rather than this forum's moderator (as you erroneously believe). And, yeah. I get it. I understand that you're still a fucking idiot. (Did you get that, you shit-for-brains, wiseacre, asshole?)
DEBUNKED_john: Your sources are suspect at best.
Why, because you disagree with them?
... That's proof that you're just a buffoon.
Really? Proof? What proof? Where's your proof that my souces are suspect. The only thing you've proven (again) is that you're nothing more than a loud-mouth, know-nothing, windbag who can't support his arguments with facts.
And I was almost serious that you used Mad magazine.
And I'm almost 100 per cent certain that you're nuttier than a squirrel turd and that you're competing with Dumb2Doofas for the title of "Most Idiotic" in this forum. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #64 on: 09 03, 12, 12:52:04:PM » Reply

666ChickenShit: you are a pedantic hypocrite!

666ChickenShit: you are a loser!

666ChickenShit: you are an idiot!

666ChickenShit: you are an asshole!

Of course I can continue this.  Your posts have provided enough evidence that even a blind man can see you are all of the above.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63633

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #65 on: 09 03, 12, 09:46:07:PM » Reply

1965hawks  You are such a fucking coward.  I am amazed Duke is spending so much time on you.
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #66 on: 09 03, 12, 10:04:10:PM » Reply

It's an obsessive-compulsive thing, Jim. I know he's an asshole.
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #67 on: 09 04, 12, 12:03:26:AM » Reply

1965hawks  You are such a fucking coward.  I am amazed Duke is spending so much time on you.

Understand now, dumb_john? That's why Jivin" Jim isn't the moderator of this forum.
Jivin' Jim,
Fucking coward, huh? Don't insuult me for exposing you as a bombastic, know-nothing, windbag and dumb-fuck charlatan. Is it my fault that you and dumb_john couldn't spot the fallacy of logic in your survey question?
And you're absolutely correct, Jivin' Jim. I've spent a lot of my time with the retarded DUMBO_john. It was obvious from the first post he submitted in this thread that he didn't know what the hell he was talking about. And the same goes for you. Both of you are clueless. But I must admit: I enjoy making fools of you. But it's all about free speech. Right, Jim? After all, you're not a tyrant like Peisistratus who was againast free speech.
It's an obsessive-compulsive thing, Jim. I know he's an asshole.

Calling me an asshole is easy for you to do, but substantiating your arguments with facts is, evidently, something you still haven't learned to. Right, dumb_john?
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #68 on: 09 04, 12, 05:38:03:AM » Reply

You've provided all the proof needed that you're an asshole, 666ChickenShit. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 26544

« Reply #69 on: 09 05, 12, 12:41:09:AM » Reply

You've provided all the proof needed that you're an asshole, 666ChickenShit. 

You're confused again, dumbeddown_john. I've provided more than enough evidence to expose you and "Jivin' Jim" as nothing more than bombastic windbags who can't ask a logical question, because you (a) lack basic commmunication skills and (b) your reasoning is flawed.
Sr. Member

Posts: 59627

« Reply #70 on: 09 05, 12, 05:34:37:AM » Reply

You've provided even more proof that you're an asshole, 666ChickenShit. 
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