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Author Topic: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet Porn  (Read 10956 times)
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63628

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #60 on: 07 23, 12, 04:23:55:PM » Reply

Yes, of courseYOU are the victim.  And we conspire to lay in wait for you to show up just so we can victimize you.   t.i.c.

good grief
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #61 on: 07 23, 12, 04:53:23:PM » Reply

Yes, of courseYOU are the victim.  And we conspire to lay in wait for you to show up just so we can victimize you.   t.i.c.


good grief
Well since you saID so . Your boys like to use the N word a lot here .  And about the Presidents family peoples family. Hey Jim I know you know very little about real people of color. That why blacks vote video  is a dead  gave away. Hey Jim what does all you niggers mean when said by your boys ? And the black race is the worest race on earth ! Of course it  has nothing to do with blacks familys. But I see if one of the people who call others family names then they come and complaaint to you for doing the same thing they do. And you have seen it Jim !
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63628

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #62 on: 07 23, 12, 05:15:18:PM » Reply

Hey Jim I know you know very little about real people of color. That why blacks vote video  is a dead  gave away.
I have two neices and two nephews whose fathers are black. So stop your racist bullshit with me buddy.
Hey Jim what does all you niggers mean when said by your boys ? And the black race is the worest race on earth ! Of course it  has nothing to do with blacks familys. But I see if one of the people who call others family names then they come and complaaint to you for doing the same thing they do. And you have seen it Jim !
The difference between you and those on the Right that I've felt the need to talk to is that they eventually say" "I hear what you're saying Jim, you are right, I admit I let my anger get the best of me at times and I'll try my best to hold it down as well as I can, but if I'm attacked first, then all bets are off."  Those are the words of 6 members of the Right.  That is the difference between you and them. They have the balls to admit they may be wrong, while you fight in some vain attempt to convince people you are right. When you are not.
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #63 on: 07 23, 12, 07:50:05:PM » Reply

Hey Jim I know you know very little about real people of color. That why blacks vote video  is a dead  gave away.

I have two neices and two nephews whose fathers are black. So stop your racist bullshit with me buddy.

Hey Jim what does all you niggers mean when said by your boys ? And the black race is the worest race on earth ! Of course it  has nothing to do with blacks familys. But I see if one of the people who call others family names then they come and complaaint to you for doing the same thing they do. And you have seen it Jim !

The difference between you and those on the Right that I've felt the need to talk to is that they eventually say" "I hear what you're saying Jim, you are right, I admit I let my anger get the best of me at times and I'll try my best to hold it down as well as I can, but if I'm attacked first, then all bets are off."  Those are the words of 6 members of the Right.  That is the difference between you and them. They have the balls to admit they may be wrong, while you fight in some vain attempt to convince people you are right. When you are not.

My racist bullshit what racists name Have I called you ? Everytime I come here I'm called racist names as many who are assumded to be black. But again you just point the finger at me and say I'm a low life and callled you a racists name what name jim ? pls show me in a post a racists name I called you. NO I know i'm not alwasy right but I 'm alway  called some name and when I fight back by calling names I'm wrong to you. I have not attacked any of them first with racists names. AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM ! many X I have not paid any attention to them  many times. But I don't have to turn the my cheek most of the time. And I asked not to be called any racisl names. I don't call anyone those names unless they call me them first. And 99 % of the time it is not called for ! If i'm so wrong why start a fight then get mad if someone fights using anything the have to use. That is how fights go . They do but you want to restrrict others.. I have never seen you call one of them a low life are any name in the lobby. Big difference. And NO jim I will  not be coming to this board that much. 
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63628

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #64 on: 07 23, 12, 08:05:54:PM » Reply

Do whatever makes you feel good. All I ask is to leave family out of your personal fights.  Its not that hard..
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #65 on: 07 24, 12, 02:10:53:AM » Reply

Do whatever makes you feel good. All I ask is to leave family out of your personal fights.  Its not that hard..

And  all n's  are worthless has nothng to do with ones family ? Don't call me a name and I willnot call anyone a name how about that. That is easy. I was called a a name by the guy who told you I just call him a name and his family for no reason. go to post # 21 and read before that. Hey pal all is fair in love and war and fights. If you can't take being called a name then why call someone else a name . You guys don't mind calling blacks and their familys names. So if you get your fellings hurt don't do it to others. I will be glad not to hurt your fellings. If you keep your names to your self . And if you don't want me on your board NP. You need to learn to not call people names and whine about someone calling you and yours names . When you do it all the time !
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #66 on: 07 24, 12, 02:14:16:AM » Reply

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