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Author Topic: Mitt Romney on Video Swears in His Own Words He'll Block Internet Porn  (Read 10962 times)
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #48 on: 07 23, 12, 03:24:44:PM » Reply

Well, now that talli-tubby is begging for these subjects to be moved to the war board, I guess it will fade into the sunset. 
She wanted a current event fight, and attempting to show Romney in as negative a light as possible, when frankly, most people realize filters have been around for years, and that there are laws protecting the rights of the perverted so that public entities must be very careful how they use those filters...when I think most responsible and intelligent folks would agree w/ Romney that we need those controls at our disposal...

But, she posted it solely to get fights going...she must suffer from caserio syndrome...likes the fights, it gets her off...must be a side affect of her self-described "stomach amputation"...
Clean the keyboard when you're done talli-tubby...
A bad heart should have prevented you from being drafted and absolutely would have prevented you from combat.   It was your choice?
Pls speak about things you know. You know nothing about medicine  are the services. Here it goes for the millionth time I had  a heart murmur  of my mitral  valve which could only be heard if I was lying down on my left side. In the service the only gave  physicals standing up. which didn't allow my murmur to be heard during that type of physical . Oh and by the way my family Dr. was did my inducting  physical . You see I was told at a young age I would have problems with my heart when I got older. I came out of the service and started working and going to school. That is  How I became a Rn. Until I had chf at 47 and needed open heart . You see if someone wants to be a true patriot one can be no matter what. And I joined the service at 18 heart and all.
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~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #49 on: 07 23, 12, 03:26:01:PM » Reply

Yes garfield?
You posted my response, why?
Sr. Member

Posts: 64476

~Well-behaved women seldom make history~

« Reply #50 on: 07 23, 12, 03:27:03:PM » Reply

My son proudly serves, despite chronic bronchitis he's had since age 2...it doesn't hinder him at all.  When he gets a bad cold it bothers him, but he controls it and hasn't missed a day of work ever.
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #51 on: 07 23, 12, 03:34:32:PM » Reply

My son proudly serves, despite chronic bronchitis he's had since age 2...it doesn't hinder him at all.  When he gets a bad cold it bothers him, but he controls it and hasn't missed a day of work ever.

1st AirCav 69/70 co B. , Search and Destroy team- Pointman.  But that does not give me any right to attack someones family members just because I have a beef with a single family member.  Obviously you and I were born with, or were taught, different values.

And as my Mom always said: "I don't care who started it!" 

Sry Jim you do care.. YOu only point out people who are not on the right and call them coward and point them out. If you cared so much about people and familys then why not get on your friends who call other peoples familys names  all kinds of names on this borad. You pointed me out with a name and me only! No jim I have great values. But if one cross the line then all is fair . And as for valvues I have saved a white mans life who spit in my face for no reason. So don't attemp to tell me about values .
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #52 on: 07 23, 12, 03:35:43:PM » Reply

Yes garfield?

You posted my response, why?

My bad ! Tell your son ty for his service !
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #53 on: 07 23, 12, 03:40:22:PM » Reply

 I joined the service at 18 heart and all.
Your choice then as the military didn't need you, then, especially with a bad heart putting others in danger.  The unit comes first . What happened later in life has no bearing on your service.
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #54 on: 07 23, 12, 03:45:31:PM » Reply

I joined the service at 18 heart and all.

Your choice then as the military didn't need you, then, especially with a bad heart putting others in danger.  The unit comes first . What happened later in life has no bearing on your service.
You don't know what they needed and you can't speak for the military? And tell me in your great know it all wisdom how  I put others in danger ?
Sr. Member

Posts: 37652

« Reply #55 on: 07 23, 12, 03:49:23:PM » Reply

Oh any one call any  black person a nigger. EVEN WHEN THAT PERSON HAS DONE NOTHING TO THAT PERSON ? That is ok to you. I insult family members who have doen nothing to me. Then why call me a nigger ?
Get your facts straight, gorefeld. You attacked my wife, mother and daughter. THEN I called you a nigger.
I'm not in the habit of calling anyone a nigger. Until they do something that defines them, to me, as a nigger.
Got it, dumbass?
Sr. Member

Posts: 37652

« Reply #56 on: 07 23, 12, 03:50:48:PM » Reply

Sorry sonnie I was in nam with a bad heart.How about you coward?  You ever fight with  a bad heart for your country?
I was in Nam as well. No, I didn't have a bad heart. I doubt you did either, or you would have been on disability so fast it'd make all of our heads swim.
When someone claims to have an Open Mind they are soon shocked, dismayed, and offended that there actually are other views.
Sr. Member

Posts: 63628

What would they do without Anecdotals or Snark

« Reply #57 on: 07 23, 12, 04:02:29:PM » Reply

Sry Jim you do care.. YOu only point out people who are not on the right and call them coward and point them out.
Listen up buddy. The fact that I can't read every single thread and post  does not mean I am "protecting" anyone. However, I don't owe you any explanation of all the confrontations I've had with both Left and Right on this board. And the fact that you are not privy to my Private Message "chats" with other offenders matters little to me. At this moment I am talking only to you. Got that?   Focus clearly. I am not talking to, or about anyone else.  capiche?
Whatever others may feel about it, I (personally) consider it a cowardly act to attack someones family member. Its uncalled for, and its a lowlife thing to do.
If you are not man enough to fight your own fights on your own, without finding it necessary to include innocent family members, then I suggest you find a forum that accepts cowards and lowlifes more readily than I.   And just so you don't feel like you are being "picked-on" (because you seem to have that Picked-on mentality), this includes everyone, Left and Right.
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #58 on: 07 23, 12, 04:07:14:PM » Reply

Oh any one call any  black person a nigger. EVEN WHEN THAT PERSON HAS DONE NOTHING TO THAT PERSON ? That is ok to you. I insult family members who have doen nothing to me. Then why call me a nigger ?

Get your facts straight, gorefeld. You attacked my wife, mother and daughter. THEN I called you a nigger.

I'm not in the habit of calling anyone a nigger. Until they do something that defines them, to me, as a nigger.

Got it, dumbass?
Go back to post #21 you mADe . I had not said one thing to you until  after that names you called me peno. So now you the race  God!  and yes peno you have called poeple here many times the N word .
Honored Member

Posts: 2578

« Reply #59 on: 07 23, 12, 04:17:28:PM » Reply

Sry Jim you do care.. YOu only point out people who are not on the right and call them coward and point them out.

Listen up buddy. The fact that I can't read every single thread and post  does not mean I am "protecting" anyone. However, I don't owe you any explanation of all the confrontations I've had with both Left and Right on this board. And the fact that you are not privy to my Private Message "chats" with other offenders matters little to me. At this moment I am talking only to you. Got that?   Focus clearly. I am not talking to, or about anyone else.  capiche?

Whatever others may feel about it, I (personally) consider it a cowardly act to attack someones family member. Its uncalled for, and its a lowlife thing to do.

If you are not man enough to fight your own fights on your own, without finding it necessary to include innocent family members, then I suggest you find a forum that accepts cowards and lowlifes more readily than I.   And just so you don't feel like you are being "picked-on" (because you seem to have that Picked-on mentality), this includes everyone, Left and Right.

I'm sure you don't look at every post but some   post you have been on and them talking about Obamas family you said nothing. And I only come here every couple days per month. Np I get  it they can call anyone a name but not me.. Have a great day such breve men .
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