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Author Topic: Is It Time to Feel Sorry for the President and other Obamacare Support  (Read 46 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 12604

« on: 09 15, 13, 09:29:45:AM » Reply

Is It Time to Feel Sorry for the President and other Obamacare Supporters?   

Daniel J. Mitchell


I’ve certainly offered more than my fair share of Obamacare criticism. Since I’m a public finance economist, I’m mostly concerned that the law increases the fiscal burden of government.

But I’m also irked that Obamacare will worsen the third-party payer crisis, which it the main problem with our health care system in America.

Feeling sympathy for Obamacare supporters

And it should go without saying that I’m nauseated by the corruption that has been facilitated by the new regime.
All that being said, I’m almost at the point where I feel sorry for Obamacare supporters. There’s been a growing avalanche of bad news about government-run healthcare and they somehow have to justify this festering pile of you-know-what.
For instance, it must not be fun having to explain to people that their private financial and medical information will now be in the hands of some of the least competent people in America. Which means we’re sure to see more stories like this.
A MNsure employee accidentally sent an e-mail file to an Apple Valley insurance broker’s office on Thursday that contained Social Security numbers, names, business addresses and other identifying information on more than 2,400 insurance agents. An official at MNsure, the state’s new online health insurance exchange, acknowledged it had mishandled private data. A MNsure security manager called the broker, Jim Koester, and walked him and his assistant through a process of deleting the file from their computer hard drives. Koester said he willingly complied, but was unnerved. “The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was,” he said. “What if this had fallen into the wrong hands? It’s scary. If this is happening now, how can clients of MNsure be confident their data is safe?”
Or imagine what it must be like when some of your biggest allies start complaining about the law. Such as union bosses.
Top labor leaders left the White House on Friday after an hour-long meeting with President Barack Obama, still looking for a way to address concerns that “Obamacare” will hurt their members’ healthcare plans. The dispute with unions – traditional allies of Democrats – as the Obama administration begins to roll out Obama’s signature healthcare reforms is providing political ammunition for Republicans who want to defund or repeal the law. …Earlier this week, AFL-CIO members passed a resolution calling for significant changes to the healthcare law, stopping short of asking for its repeal, but exposing the rift between the labor movement and the Obama administration.
Or government bureaucrats.
A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into ObamaCare.  Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.
And what about stories about cost overruns.
According to data published by the Department of Health and Human Services, the cost of the computer cloud that stores cost, coverage, and performance data for insurance plans sold under the Affordable Care Act (also called the ACA or Obamacare) has more than tripled since the contract was originally awarded in 2011. Press reports indicate that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded a $10.8 million contract to Terremark – a subsidiary of Verizon – early in 2011. The contract called for the company to design a system to help consumers find an insurance plan and transfer it to CMS’ computer cloud, among other duties. This week CMS announced the contract is now for $35.5 million – more than triple the original amount.
And how about all the bad news about limited choice in the infamous Obamacare exchanges.
Only one company will participate in West Virginia’s new individual health insurance marketplace. Media outlets report that Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and Carelink/Coventry applied and were accepted to participate in the individual marketplace. But Carelink/Coventry has withdrawn. …The health insurance marketplace is part of the Affordable Care Act. Enrollment begins Oct. 1. Coverage will begin Jan. 1, 2014.
Or rising insurance costs.
For the vast majority of Americans, premium prices will be higher in the individual exchange than what they’re currently paying for employer-sponsored benefits, according to a National Journal analysis of new coverage and cost data. Adding even more out-of-pocket expenses to consumers’ monthly insurance bills is a swell in deductibles under the Affordable Care Act. Health law proponents have excused the rate hikes by saying the prices in the exchange won’t apply to the millions receiving coverage from their employers. But that’s only if employers continue to offer that coverage–something that’s looking increasingly uncertain. Already, UPS, for example, cited Obamacare as its reason for nixing spousal coverage.
Sr. Member

Posts: 12604

« Reply #1 on: 09 15, 13, 09:31:19:AM » Reply

So let’s add all this up. Our privacy will be compromised, our choices will be limited, our costs will increase, and the government will squander more of our money. All for a law that even left-wing groups are learning to despise.
That’s why I almost feel sorry for the President and his media flunkies.

But notice I said “almost.” In reality, I feel zero empathy for those who undermine our freedom with statism.
Indeed, I want to add to their misery with some satire. So let’s close this post with a few new Obamacare cartoons, starting with this gem from Steven Breen.

Gary Varvel adds his insight.

And here’s a clever cartoon from Lisa Benson, though let’s hope and pray something saves us from single-payer.

Last but not least, Bob Gorrell shows the overall impact of this costly new entitlement on the economy.

I have plenty of additional Obamacare cartoons here, here, and here, all of which help mock a bad law.

But let’s remember a very serious point. As suggested by the Benson cartoon, the left sees Obamacare as a stepping stone to single-payer. And it you think Obamacare’s a mess, I invite you to peruse the horror stories about the U.K. system linked at the bottom of this post.
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #2 on: 09 15, 13, 09:39:06:AM » Reply

You guys are sure swayed by cartoons and the opinions of imbeciles. It must be what makes you right-wingers?
Sr. Member

Posts: 76164

« Reply #3 on: 09 15, 13, 09:42:31:AM » Reply

But we were not swayed by a community organizer with a gift of gab, like you were BS, you got taken twice with your eyes wide open.
Sr. Member

Posts: 12604

« Reply #4 on: 09 15, 13, 09:43:21:AM » Reply

yup wmn......

He's Barack Obama - JibJab
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own."
Sr. Member

Posts: 31404


« Reply #5 on: 09 15, 13, 09:49:04:AM » Reply

But we were not swayed by a community organizer with a gift of gab, like you were BS, you got taken twice with your eyes wide open.

No, you are swayed by immoral thieves with their hands in your pockets, their eyes in your bedroom, and complete disdain for the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the future of the planet and your descendants. I'll stick with the community organizers. The choice is easy.
Sr. Member

Posts: 32425

ante omnia armari

« Reply #6 on: 09 15, 13, 09:52:58:AM » Reply

If the legislation had been passed honorably, without political skullduggery and parliamentarian abuse I might feel sorry for the AHA and it supporters.
As is was, it was passed only by less than honorable parliamentary bullshit that worked it way around the well expressed wishes of the Public.  In other words, it was jammed down the public throat for Political purpose.  So, in that light...  I give it and them a hearty FUCK'EM
Sr. Member

Posts: 76164

« Reply #7 on: 09 15, 13, 10:05:16:AM » Reply

I give it and them a hearty FUCK'EM   Well said
Honored Member

Posts: 9699

« Reply #8 on: 09 15, 13, 10:23:26:AM » Reply

I bet HO couldn't wait to sign up.  I can see Him Drooling Over His Messiahs Magic Pill!
Sr. Member

Posts: 99142

« Reply #9 on: 09 15, 13, 10:46:07:AM » Reply

The delusions are, of course, leading us all directly into a head-on collision with history, where the global debt collapse unfolds at a quickening pace and becomes “real” for hundreds of millions of people in North America who have so far escaped reality.

Before that day comes, here are 26 things you might want to get  done.
26 things to get done before the global debt collapse-

- Buy some hardcopy  books so you have something to read when the power grid fails.
- Move your  money out of the big globalist banks.
- Bury your gold and silver. Use an  appropriate container to protect from moisture and don’t forget to tell someone  else where you’ve buried things, just in case you don’t make it.
- Get the  heck out of the city and learn some country living skills.
- Pay off as  many assets as you can so you have a clear title to anything you don’t want the  banks to seize.
- Wrap up needed apologies or forgiveness. Don’t allow regrets to  burden you in a time of crisis.
- Make color copies of all your important  documents, then store them in a safe place. (BTW, a bank’s safe deposit box is  NOT a safe place. Those will all be looted.)
- Get off prescription meds.  Any dependence on prescription drugs is a death wish in a collapse  scenario.
- Stock up on diatomaceous earth (DE) to protect your garden  vegetables. The stuff stores forever.
- Stock up on extra glasses or  contact lenses if you might need them.
- Get fit, you’ll need to be more  fit if you hope to survive.
- Take out some cash and start saving nickels.  Why? Because nickels are actually still worth a nickel in terms of what they’re  physically made of.
- Learn to use shortwave radio, or better yet get a  radio operator’s license.
- Learn and practice basic gardening  skills.
- Learn how to raise chickens, goats or other small  animals.
- Buy a premium-quality set of basic gardening tools, even if you  don’t yet garden.

read more!
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