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Biden is like the alcoholic stealing our milk money
to buy drinks for strangers at the local Bar.

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Author Topic: Fuhrer Trump Sits in a Courtroom, while Dark Brandon...  (Read 352 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 55682

DJB is a closet homo

« on: 05 08, 24, 08:52:35:AM » Reply

President Joe Biden heads to Wisconsin to laud a new Microsoft facility, meet voters — and troll Donald Trump
Sr. Member

Posts: 41226

« Reply #1 on: 05 08, 24, 09:26:17:AM » Reply

Sr. Member

Posts: 65045

« Reply #2 on: 05 08, 24, 10:09:10:AM » Reply

And Putin's Pussy loses.  Tough luck Comrade Lippy Liktits. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 41226

« Reply #3 on: 05 08, 24, 10:30:49:AM » Reply

Trump has lost nothing.

In fact, he's showing first hand how petty, slimy, and desperate democrats are to keep their thumbs over us for as long as possible in furthering the Soros/Schwag agenda of 2030 where we the people have lost our voices, our rights and freedoms, so the elites can stay in control over us peasants.
Sr. Member

Posts: 65045

« Reply #4 on: 05 08, 24, 10:55:24:AM » Reply

Putin's Pussy lost nothing!!!

Sure he is Comrade Lippy.  Your orange Jesus is a convicted rapist, a convicted con man who tried to overthrow our government to make himself our dictator.  You MAGA-Commie slimy animals are losing at everything you do.  BTW, how are those impeachments coming?  What are you, 0 for 10 now? 
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #5 on: 05 08, 24, 11:08:20:AM » Reply

I have heard that NOW, tRump is going to DITCH his son's graduation
and this will allow him to campaign on the road!

I wonder what the judge will say to that?

I wonder what voters will think of THIS obvious LIE?

tRump has normalized lying, so don't be surprised when you kids start doing it.
tRump has normalized adultery, so don't be surprised when you kids start doing it.
tRump has normalized corruption, so don't be surprised when you kids start doing it.
tRump has normalized being unethical, so don't be surprised when you kids start doing it.
tRump has normalized being two-faced, so don't be surprised when you kids start doing it.
tRump has normalized breaking vows, so don't be surprised when you kids start doing it.

tRump, the Anti-Christ, is hard at work in America!
Sr. Member

Posts: 41226

« Reply #6 on: 05 08, 24, 11:09:45:AM » Reply

Clearly you have Trump confused with Biden and your democrat party.

Typical spin job from Davik.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #7 on: 05 08, 24, 01:02:16:PM » Reply

Martyr Trump Sits in a Courtroom, while Fuhrer Brandon...

Does what?  Finish your sentence, John Walsh.
Sr. Member

Posts: 65045

« Reply #8 on: 05 08, 24, 01:40:50:PM » Reply

Who is John Walsh?  Don't you mean John Galt Gaslight Dan?
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