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Thats why they want him gone.

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Author Topic: GOP Celebrates the Slaughter of Young Children!  (Read 117 times)
Republicans believe every day is the fourth of July! Democrats believe every day is April 15!
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Posts: I am a geek!!

#SayHisName Cannon Hinnant

« Reply #24 on: 04 03, 23, 08:31:28:PM » Reply

Democrats are drug-addled and violent people all good people should fear!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #25 on: 04 03, 23, 08:39:23:PM » Reply

MAGA Trumpers are closet pedophiles and violent people who will use ANY excuse to shoot people!
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #26 on: 04 03, 23, 09:55:30:PM » Reply

Fuck the kids being scared of guns

Guns should not be feared.  They are tools that should be respected.

they SHOULD be scared of Drag Queens!

They shouldn't ever be exposed to drag queens.  They shouldn't be exposed to pornography.  They shouldn't be exposed to alcohol.

I mean just LOOK at the numbers of kids who DIE at Drag Queen shows, right?

Their innocence dies.  Leave kids alone.  Don't force adult material on them!

Then compare that to the number of gun related deaths and incidences.

The gun is not the issue.  The people using the guns are the problem.

There's just NO COMPARISON

Exactly.  So why did you compare them?
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

GW & Truman are Banned

« Reply #27 on: 04 03, 23, 09:59:20:PM » Reply

MAGA Trumpers are closet pedophiles

If they are closeted, how do you know unless you're in the closet with them?

Knock off the demagoguery.

violent people ... will use ANY excuse to shoot people!

... or stab them; or bomb them, or bludgeon them.  Whatever tool they use is irrelevant.  Its the anti-social mentality that needs to be delt with.
Sr. Member

Posts: I am a geek!!

MAGA Policies bring Misery and Death to America!

« Reply #28 on: 04 04, 23, 08:44:03:AM » Reply

I wonder if a Drag Queen is going to shoot people in NYC at today's riot?

According to the MAGA Trumpers they are DANGEROUS!
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