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Author Topic: TV stinks!!!  (Read 1353 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 18088

« on: 01 21, 13, 06:17:00:PM » Reply

Sunday tv sucked!  I was bored this week with my regular Lifetime movies  so I sat there and just flipped through channels. I never do that...what I found was disgusting. A full day marathon it seemed of Toddlers and Tiaras.  I saw  Snookie  from Jersey Shore having a plaster cast made of her 8 plus month  pregnant tummy and boobs. I saw a few minutes of Honey Boo , someone had a pumpkin stuck on the head and  then beat his head on the sidewalk to get it off.  This is why our country is going down the tubes....and Housewives shows....ewwwwwww. The only good that came out of this weekends tv was the fact the Ravens football team  kicked NE 's butts! Yeah!
Honored Member

Posts: 9332


« Reply #1 on: 01 22, 13, 04:40:20:AM » Reply

I hear there will be two brothers playing against each other in the superbowl.

Sunday I had a Monk marathon on. I never did see the original series. I discovered Monk in reruns a year or two ago and am really liking most of them. I always click through the channels.  Do you ever watch HGtv, Sun? It's goodun. You might not, you are Home and Garden huh haha.
Sr. Member

Posts: 18088

« Reply #2 on: 01 22, 13, 05:13:42:PM » Reply

Yeah, we were addicted to HGTV for so long.... I weaned myself away for awhile. LOL  I tried to watch Amish Mafia....I fell asleep.  I've never seen Monk. Is it on late? I'm an early bird so it has to start by 8 eastern time.
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Posts: 59627

« Reply #3 on: 01 22, 13, 05:17:24:PM » Reply

Monk is often a humorous show.  Shaloub plays an interesting character with so many hangups, your personal foibles seem insignificant.
Sr. Member

Posts: 18088

« Reply #4 on: 01 23, 13, 11:08:21:AM » Reply

I'll do a search online, maybe I will find out when it is on here.
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