General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => TV / Movies => Topic started by: takncarabizniz on 04 01, 10, 11:07:36:AM

Title: Actor fired for refusing sex scenes
Post by: takncarabizniz on 04 01, 10, 11:07:36:AM (
What a travesty!  A man with values!!!
I think he should be commended for having some morals...

Title: Re: Actor fired for refusing sex scenes
Post by: nannat6 on 04 01, 10, 12:26:17:PM
Good for him........he is more of a man than those that feel they must strip to prove their manhood...........

Title: Re: Actor fired for refusing sex scenes
Post by: francopinion on 07 17, 10, 10:15:32:AM
I'll bet the actress was not Megan Fox !!!