All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: John Adams on 12 15, 11, 05:48:13:AM

Title: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: John Adams on 12 15, 11, 05:48:13:AM
Border arrests cut in half under President ObamaDecember 13, 2011 by Don Surber

The number of arrests for illegal immigration by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection are down 53% since Barack Obama was elected president, that agency reported on Monday. The news comes as the president prepares to withdraw troops from the Mexican border — leaving the USA even more vulnerable to infiltration by foreign terrorists.
Meanwhile, the frisking of citizens at airports will continue in the name of security.
The federal government spun its 53% cut in productivity as “proof” that it is doing a good job. From the press release ( “U.S. Border Patrol apprehensions — a key indicator of illegal immigration — decreased to 340,252 in FY 2011, down 53 percent since FY 2008 and one fifth of what they were at their peak in FY 2000. Of these apprehensions, 87,334 people had a record in the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, a law enforcement database of individuals with criminal charges and convictions.”
This shows a lack of interest by both President Bush 43 and Obama in protecting our borders. Both men favor amnesty for illegal immigrants. Their failure to secure the border led Arizona to pass a law that enforces the federal law that Bush 43 and Obama have ignored.
This is not to say that illegal immigration has not slowed. That would be in keeping with a poor economy. But to attribute this to the piss-poor job done by CBP is like saying the murder rate has dropped because the police have stopped arresting murderers. (

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 05:50:32:AM
hardly any mexicans coming in lately, dumbass.  do you try to show what a dumbfuck you are every day?...durrrr.....hard to arrest anybody for illegally entering if no one is illegally entering...

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: John Adams on 12 15, 11, 05:59:25:AM
And you know this how? The fact that more wetbacks may not be coming across the border is more a reflection of how bad the job opportunities may in fact be for these wetbacks, the barry economy.....
But, there are still millions here, should we not arrest and deport those wetbacks as well, they are here illegally, are they not....

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: mudslinger on 12 15, 11, 06:05:19:AM
Just one more case of misinformation arrests are cut in half becaue Obama quit arresting.

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 06:35:47:AM
from the Washington Times-
Ilegal immigration has seen a “sharp decline” over the last two years, the Pew Hispanic Center said in a new report Wednesday — the first significant drop in the last 20 years.
The drop coincides with both a slowing economy and stepped up enforcement under President George W. Bush and the early months of President Obama, though the report’s authors said their data doesn’t signal which factor is more important.
“At this point both of those broad factors seem to be working in the same direction,” said Jeffrey Passel, the Pew Center’s senior demographer.
Still, the drop is substantial. Just 300,000 illegal immigrants came per year in the last two years, or down nearly two-thirds from the rate earlier this decade.

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 12 15, 11, 07:19:16:AM (
The Obamacrats are moving energetically to implement and expand their Administrative Amnesty.

Only today (December 15) I read that the Mayor of New Haven in Connecticut is trying to enable illegal aliens to vote.

MEXICALI, Mexico — Arrests of illegal migrants trying to cross the southern U.S. border have plummeted to levels not seen since the early 1970s, according to tallies released by the Department of Homeland Security last week, a historic shift that could reshape the debate over immigration reform.
The Border Patrol apprehended numbers not seen since Richard Nixon was president.
By comparison, the agency made 852,500 to 1.6 million apprehensions each year from 1983 to 2007 along the Southwest border. (

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 07:33:11:AM
what does the mayor of new haven have to do with obama, you senseless asshole?

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 12 15, 11, 07:49:56:AM
Politicians selling out America for votes continues.

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: 1965hawks on 12 15, 11, 08:26:09:AM
To: John Adumbs, merdslurper, and sweetnutjob (

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: Oz on 12 15, 11, 09:06:04:AM
If you stop them fom coming across the border, you don't have to arrest them...  saves a lot of money and manpower...

"Border arrests cut in half under President Obama" is a good thing...

Title: Re: Border arrests cut in half under President Obama
Post by: captain_kook on 12 15, 11, 10:06:07:AM
Anything good happening in America = BIG problem for America-haters and the GOP