All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: ttopcat on 12 14, 11, 11:59:43:PM

Title: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: ttopcat on 12 14, 11, 11:59:43:PM
Hard to believe that 6 people have more in assets than around 100 million people.;_ylu=X3oDMTUzYnFpYWNtBGEDMTExMjE0IG5ld3MgZm9yYmVzIHdhbHRvbnMgdARjY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRjcG9zAzQEZwNpZC04MDY3NDUEaW50bAN1cwRtY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRtcG9zAzIEcGtndAMyBHBrZ3YDMgRwb3MDMQRzZWMDdGQtbndzBHNsawN0aXRsZQR0ZXN0AzcwMQR3b2UDMTI3NzU2Mzk-/SIG=134nc0cqc/EXP=1324011309/**http%3A// (;_ylu=X3oDMTUzYnFpYWNtBGEDMTExMjE0IG5ld3MgZm9yYmVzIHdhbHRvbnMgdARjY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRjcG9zAzQEZwNpZC04MDY3NDUEaW50bAN1cwRtY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRtcG9zAzIEcGtndAMyBHBrZ3YDMgRwb3MDMQRzZWMDdGQtbndzBHNsawN0aXRsZQR0ZXN0AzcwMQR3b2UDMTI3NzU2Mzk-/SIG=134nc0cqc/EXP=1324011309/**http%3A//

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: ttopcat on 12 15, 11, 12:08:29:AM
I have read that 2% of the wealthy in Brazil own more than all the rest of Brazilian people.
In Saudi Arabia the rich Royality own the entire country,and all the oil.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: Jim on 12 15, 11, 12:15:51:AM
WalMart (and its other entity Sams Club), as well as Home Debot and Lowes et al are responsibile for much of the small business losses in this country.
The worst is the Internet. So, if Al Gore wants to claim he invented the Internet, then he is also responsible for all those businsess and job losses as well.  Ya can't eat the icing without getting a little cake in there too.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: fun n games on 12 15, 11, 12:22:31:AM
And the conservatives wonder why the 99% are screaming and hollering at the 1%.  You just told them why.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: ttopcat on 12 15, 11, 12:30:08:AM (
The rich have always controlled this country,nothing has changed...All countries have a rich elite 1 or 2 %.Even China.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: ttopcat on 12 15, 11, 12:36:01:AM (

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: ttopcat on 12 15, 11, 12:37:22:AM (

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: Baretta19 on 12 15, 11, 04:55:30:AM
But this comparison of wealth desn't show us quite what Mr. Goldberg thinks it does. If you've no debts and have $10 in your pocket you have more wealth than 25% of Americans. More than that 25% of Americans have collectively that is.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 05:58:07:AM
no, it did not use to be that way in this country.  before reagan, after WW2 to Reagan, the middle class was kicking ass.  the leave it to beaver years.  the average family could get by on just one paycheck!!  have a car, maybe two, pay for the house, have 2 to 3 kids, go on vacations.  and this was the average family, not just the upper middle class.  but reagan's redistribution of wealth supply side plan, the cutting of income taxes for the rich by 42% while raising taxes 11 times, one being the largest tax increase in history, has led to the devastation of the middle class, and the working poor, and the rich having way more control of the income and the wealth in this country and political power to-  WHY ELSE WOULD THE REPUBS BE BITCHING SO MUCH ABOUT A 4.6% TAX INCREASE ON THE RICH?  they used to pay a 70% income tax rate, now they pay 35% and they are bitching about a 4.6% hike?

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: mudslinger on 12 15, 11, 06:06:40:AM
Well it that is the case why don't they buy one third of America, it would be a good investment.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 12 15, 11, 06:17:51:AM
The standard of living for Americans has fallen longer and more steeply over the past three years than at any time since the US government began recording it five decades ago.

Bottom line: The average individual now has $1,315 less in disposable income than he or she did three years ago at the onset of the Great Recession – even though the recession ended, technically speaking, in mid-2009.
What has led to the most dramatic drop in the US standard of living since at least 1960? One factor is stagnant incomes: Real median income is down 9.8 percent since the start of the recession through 2011, according to Sentier Research in Annapolis, Md., citing census bureau data.

To be sure, the recession has hit unevenly, with lower-skilled and less-educated Americans feeling the pinch the most, says Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's based in West Chester, Pa. Many found their jobs gone for good as companies moved production offshore or bought equipment that replaced manpower.

"The pace of change has been incredibly rapid and incredibly tough on the less educated," says Mr. Zandi, who calls this period the most difficult for American households since the 1930s. "If you don't have the education and you don't have the right skills, then you are getting creamed."
Per capita disposal personal income – a key indicator of the standard of living – peaked in the spring of 2008, at $33,794 (measured as after-tax income).   

The so-called misery index, another measure of economic well-being of American households, echoes the finding on the slipping standard of living. The index, a combination of the unemployment rate and inflation, is now at its highest point since 1983, when the US economy was recovering from a short recession and from the energy price spikes after the Iranian revolution.

Stock investments aren't any better. Since 1999, the Standard & Poor's index, on a price basis, is off 17 percent. It's up 3.2 percent when dividends are included, but that's a small return for that length of time.

"This is really a lost decade of affluence," says Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at Standard & Poor's in New York.
And then there is your ordinary senior whose Social Security [check] has not gone up in the last several years, but food and gasoline [prices] have skyrocketed. (

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: Baretta19 on 12 15, 11, 06:57:30:AM
no, it did not use to be that way in this country.  before reagan, after WW2 to Reagan, the middle class was kicking ass.  the leave it to beaver years.  the average family could get by on just one paycheck!!  have a car, maybe two, pay for the house, have 2 to 3 kids, go on vacations.
"Borrow 125% of the value of your home" And they did.
"Zero percent interest rate" (Unless you default then it's 28%.. And they did
"60" BIG SCREEN TV $3700" And they did
"Drive a Lexus for only $559.00 mo" and they did
"6% on second mortgage, send your kids to college, go on vaction, get a new car" and they did.
I am 55 yrs old, own my home,(2400 sq ft on 5 acres) make 6 figures take 3 vacations a yr and carry about $9000 in debt. I am a RESPONSIBLE AMERICAN, Live within my means, I highly suggest that the morons get a clue, I feel about this {} bad.
Last year they foreclosed on my neighbors home (liberal moron) He/they drove off in a 2009 Mustang GT, Lexus SUV and a Hummer.
Saw a guys on ABC news standing in front of his house they bank took over, he couldn't afford the payments yet leaning on his $35,000.00 Ford PU

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 07:42:50:AM
fuck off, bitch.  it's not just about you, moron.  the point is, the average income for the middle class and working poor was so high that the average family could get by on just one paycheck.  back when unions were much stronger, and taxes on the rich were much higher and the effective tax rate for everybody else was much lower.  you can scream and cry like the little bitch you are but it doesn't change the facts, boy.  you need to straighten out that dress, fix your make-up, and try to grow a pair and face facts- reagan began the fucking up of the economy with his supply side trickle down bullshit and gomer bush almost killed it when he continued it.  suck on that, little bitch.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: Baretta19 on 12 15, 11, 07:45:17:AM
it doesn't change the facts,
I agree, that you as a socialist asshat demand that the 1% take care or your worthless ass. get a mitt and get in the game moron and learn to take care of yourself, learn to become RESPONSIBLE and stop looking for other people to wipe your little ass.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: topgear on 12 15, 11, 07:49:18:AM
As usual, hooty posts his lying bullshit, because he is lying bullshit. Reagan, yeah right, ho-fucker, it's all Reagan's fault.

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: Baretta19 on 12 15, 11, 07:50:06:AM
And by the way IT IS ALL ABOUT ME..As long as I take care of me and mine I don't NEED Gov cheese like you ! and because I have been RESPONSIBLE for ME and MINE, I will NEVER need Gov cheese. I will retire at the ripe old age of 59 1/2 yrs old and start and imagine I'm not part of a union or Gov worker or anything you socialist NEED to make your life livable.   

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: topgear on 12 15, 11, 07:58:51:AM
Inflation under Carter
1977   6.5
1978   7.6
1979   11.3
1980   13.5
Under Reagan
1981   10.3
1982    6.2
1983    3.2
1984    4.3
1985    3.6
1986    1.9
1987    3.6
1988    4.1
Wanna try again, hooty, you asshole?

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 08:02:27:AM
you will probably shoot yourself because you are such a miserable old man before you reach 59 anyway, asshole.  all you do is bitch at the poor and hungry and the sick and the aged and at democrats for wanting to help them...if you are so set for life, why do you care?  you are not a millionaire, you are not being asked to give up some of the 42% tax cut reagan gave why do you bitch so much? 

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 12 15, 11, 08:26:55:AM
you judge the economy by the inflation rate?  do you know how fucking stupid that makes you?  inflation has been incredibly low since the mid 90's.....even during bush's dismal years and even today.  what does that have to do with the economy and how people are able to keep their heads above water?  reagan fucked the economy, no doubt about it.  and bush nearly destroyed it...

Title: Re: Six Waltons have more wealth than bottom 30% of Americans
Post by: topgear on 12 15, 11, 09:22:13:AM
You're the fucking stupid moronic asshole herem Jimmy. You continually post bullshit graphs from your anti-American traitor websites and always take a pass on Johnson and Carter. Why is that, dickwad? Take your lying bullshit and cram it up you ass. Oh, sorry, you can't. The dog is still humping you, bitch.