All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: natalukjoe on 12 14, 11, 11:00:08:PM

Title: Dezinformatsia
Post by: natalukjoe on 12 14, 11, 11:00:08:PM
Belly Laugh of the Week: "You gave up a lot. You said you wanted a balanced approach. You didn't get it. You cut a trillion dollars and set up the framework to cut another trillion plus, and the Republicans gave up nothing. ... It seems to be all the compromising is being done by you." --CBS's Steve Kroft to Barack Obama
Defending class warfare by denying it exists: "People are accusing [Barack Obama] now of class warfare. It seems a bit trite to say that, because in any kind of society where you have this kind of financial meltdown, isn't it instinctively the right thing to do that the rich should contribute a little bit more to the recovery than those with no money?" --CNN's Piers Morgan

Title: Re: Dezinformatsia
Post by: ttopcat on 12 15, 11, 12:18:43:AM
We have always had class warfare.