General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => TV / Movies => Topic started by: takncarabizniz on 11 08, 11, 11:06:46:AM

Title: Michelle 20 kids ?
Post by: takncarabizniz on 11 08, 11, 11:06:46:AM (
I don't fault the Duggars for their beliefs, and obviously, their finances are in order because of their television exposure...but at age 45, I cannot imagine that there is not fear of more complications to both mother and baby...and frankly, I find it a bit selfish to continue carrying on in this manner...
IMO, God will not fault Michelle and Jimbob for either having a tubal ligation or a vasectomy, because modern methods were not known back in Biblical days and Biblical passage would indicate that it's not the method or use of contraceptives themselves, but the "motivation" behind their use...whether it is one of selfishness or anger...(as in the case of Onan in Genesis)...
For the Duggars to provide the most love and care for the children they have, would be a sign of fruitfulness in God's eyes...providing their grown children w/ the means to understand the best methods to raise a caring, well-heeled child should be the most important factors...