General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Music / Audio => Topic started by: takncarabizniz on 09 02, 11, 07:14:17:PM

Title: My latest CD acquistion...
Post by: takncarabizniz on 09 02, 11, 07:14:17:PM
An album I got when it first came out, on cassette, of course...and played it till it broke.
I had to have it in CD (
If you like Willie, you will gain an entirely new appreciation for his music, his voice, his creativity and that damned old, hole ridden acuistic guitar of his.  My only regret is that he didn't do a fully orchestrated version of Angel Flying too Close to the Ground, my all time favorite and the song that reminds me so much of my sweet, dearly departed mama that I cry every time I hear it...she was truly an angel on Earth in her lifetime.

Title: Re: My latest CD acquistion...
Post by: emilyB on 09 02, 11, 10:59:35:PM
My favorite was "You are always on my mind" - artists come and go but Willie will go on forever!