All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Bob Huntress on 07 15, 11, 03:17:26:PM

Title: by degree
Post by: Bob Huntress on 07 15, 11, 03:17:26:PM
Starting in 2005 the media began a relentless attack on George Bush. He was blamed for every problem that arose, including a hurricane. This resulted in serious dislike of the president, and paved the way for Obama to seize power. We did not, however, see a large number of people join militia groups to consider the possible overthrow of the government, as we have seen since Obama has become president. About a year or so ago this was reported by Time Mag. When Bush left office less people liked him than do Obama, so what is the difference? The difference in the degree to which those who dislike Obama feel betrayed. It is one thing to protest. It is a far different thing to align oneself to a group who's open message is to overthrow the government. I mention this to show why polls are misleading on the topic. While Bush and Obama could both have the same poor poll numbers, drastic action could result over one, yet not the other. Many experts use the 20% number to indicate revolt, though some feel that even at 10% disaster could erupt, calculating those opposed would remain inactive, is where revolution happens. These numbers do not represent approval, but, the percentage of Americans prepared to defy the government. If Obama were to withhold Social Security payments while continuing to completely fund departments, such as EPA and such, more Americans become part of those willing to arm against our government. Not all those against Obama are willing to take extreme action, yet, as his disregard for the people grows, so does the number of those who are. My point is not that we will incure a revolution if the Social Security checks are withheld, but, that as we look at poll numbers that merely show approval or disapproval, we are not getting a complete picture.

Title: Re: by degree
Post by: jst-the-fax on 07 15, 11, 03:28:07:PM
$200 billion intake
$35 billion service debt
$50 billion to write ss checks
$2.9 billion to pay military personal
$2.9 for veteran checks
That still leaves $110 billion for other government bills..
So what the fuc* is this ignorant idiot odumba talking about???   

Title: Re: by degree
Post by: Bob Huntress on 07 15, 11, 03:30:38:PM
While that is true, Just the fax, that doesn't include those agencies of government that provide for liberals, such as EPA shutdown of companies, or the Department of reEducation and Propaganda.

Title: Re: by degree
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 03:39:43:PM
Bob Huntress --- I hate Hitler Bush so very, very much!  Bush lied, people died!  Also, Bush was selected, not elected.
I also deeply hate both Sarah Palin and Congresswomen Michele Bachmann. ( (


Title: Re: by degree
Post by: jst-the-fax on 07 15, 11, 04:06:59:PM
oh no....they can't shut down the EPA and the Dept. of the Republicans will immediately give us dirty water and our kids will become stupid and vote Republican.  Please tell me that will not happen?????? 

Title: Re: by degree
Post by: aesopsfable on 07 15, 11, 04:07:34:PM
Bush acted to Protect America, Obama acted to destroy it.

Title: Re: by degree
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 06:02:22:PM
There are many non-gubbermental agencies that recieve taxpayer money, unconstitutionally I might add that could help with the debt...
The aclu is one..
Planned parenthood is another...I laugh every time I see that name, it has nothing to with parenthood as much as it does with the death of it....
Gubberment agencies such as the dept of entergy, the dept of education and many more like this are useless, expensive and serve no purpose that helps anyone but their own pocket books..
Of course there are many more of these unconstitutional agencies that should be cut off the money plus overseas aid to America's enemies is one that really makes an American mad...
end of rant...(