All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Byteryder on 07 15, 11, 02:54:53:PM

Title: My, Oh my.
Post by: Byteryder on 07 15, 11, 02:54:53:PM
For those who doubt the World is on the verge of turning up side down....

CHICAGO (WLS) - Mayor Rahm Emanuel says he's going to lay off up to 625 city workers, a move he says will save $10 million to $12 million for the rest of this year.

During the news conference Emanuel said, “I did not create this problem, but I will resolve this problem. They can be my partner in doing things smarter, better and more efficient and cost-effective to the tax payers. The people that struggle everyday in this city, get up, raise their kids, go to work and pay the bills. I will be their voice. They deserve one in City Hall.”

Emanuel says he gave the city's unions until Friday to come up with proposals to avoid the cuts, and they haven't produced any.

The layoffs will affect the call center at the city's water department, custodial services at the airports and libraries, and the seasonal workforce in the transportation department.

Some of those jobs will be transferred to private companies.

The Mayor also added that he won’t hesitate to lay off more workers in hopes to close the budget gap.

“Saving money, doing things better, the clock doesn’t end now, it will be as long as I am Mayor, the mission of this office.”

Emanuel is trying to close a $31 million budget gap he says was created by the expiration of furlough days for city workers.

He says he didn't create the problem but will resolve it.

The Associated Press Contributed To This Report

Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: Bob Huntress on 07 15, 11, 02:58:01:PM
"I did not create this problem..."
As Obama's chief of staff, he may not deserve all the blame, yet, he is entitle to a fair share!

Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: gwboolean on 07 15, 11, 03:12:04:PM

I fail to see why he should share in the blame for you RWFs giving tax breaks to corporations so they could finance shipping millions of American jobs overseas, or the failed economy, the trillions in debt you RWFs added to the debt, the millions of illegals you allowed to cross our borders or the millions of families that you kicked out of their homes into the streets.  Why should he take the sword for what you assholes did?

Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: Bob Huntress on 07 15, 11, 03:19:34:PM
As Obama's hatchet man, he has plenty of blood on his hands. He pushed the Stimulus as well as Obamacare. Both of these laws have drained the national coffers, and created the problem he faces.

Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 03:41:36:PM
gwboolean --- I don't blame Rahm Emmanuel for any of Chicago problems.  The people to blame are those Republicans who have refused to raise the debt-ceiling to allow for more stimulus spending and funding for further health care reform! ( (


Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: aesopsfable on 07 15, 11, 04:09:48:PM
What he didn't tell you byte is those are the workers that didn't vote for him.

Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 15, 11, 04:14:17:PM
<crickets, chirp, chirp>

Title: Re: My, Oh my.
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 05:53:02:PM
Looks like even the liberals are turning against the workers, but IMO they never were for any workers, just their vote they could buy...