All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: sine-qua-non on 07 15, 11, 12:43:30:PM

Title: Dems Turning on Barry the Kenyan
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 15, 11, 12:43:30:PM
Progressive Group Plans Protest at Obama Campaign Headquarters ... s-protest-at-obama-campaign-he (

What ever could be the problem with the messiah with a forgery for a  BC (

(    Dims eating their own.  Gotta LOVE  it! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


Title: Re: Dems Turning on Barry the Kenyan
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 15, 11, 12:50:58:PM
Cindy Sheehan joins with others calling for Obama's impeachment: (

Title: Re: Dems Turning on Barry the Kenyan
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 01:38:55:PM
No doubt you have to be a complete loony asshole to be a liberal are they will throw you under their pile of camel excrement

Title: Re: Dems Turning on Barry the Kenyan
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 15, 11, 02:18:44:PM
"I am a Democrat who wants Obama impeached and removed from office for the high crime of violating the War Powers Act by ordering American forces to attack a country that was at peace with us without first consulting the Congress.

That is a high crime that qualifies for impeachment.

Barrack Obama wrote about the “Audacity of Hope.  This letter is about the “Audacity of a Dope” – Barrack Obama."