All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 12:01:58:PM

Title: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 12:01:58:PM
First of all, let me just say that I hate all conservatives and their so-called Tea Party allies so very, very much!  For one thing, why must they always be so cruel to President Obama, when he has worked non-stop to give this country hope and change, and clean up those messes left by Bush & Cheney?  I hate Hitler Bush so very, very much!

But the neocons are simply filled with hatred and racism, and so they endlessly attack him on right-wing talk radio, while at the same time telling lies and distortions about him on the FOX News Channel.  I hate FNC so very, very much!

So why do conservatives lie so much?  Could it be because they'd rather see children starve and old people left to die, while slavery is re-instated in the deep south?  I hate the deep south more than anywhere else in this fascist, racist country!

It seems to me that the only people telling the truth anymore are those politically-progressive members of the Democrat Party who want to increase federal spending to create new jobs, adding more money for stimulus and health care reform, while at the same time ending America's illegal & immoral wars in both Afghanistan & Iraq.  I hate the U.S. military so very, very much!

Where would America be today if it weren't for former President Jimmy Carter's peaceful overtures to Hamas and the Palestinians?  Where would our world be today if not for former V.P. Al Gore and his endless campaign to end the ravages of global warming on our planet?  And where would America be if not for all that Barack & Michelle Obama have done to show how much we care about the poor & the middle class?  I so very much hate those rich, white, Christian Republicons who have opposed him every step of the way!

In conclusion, let's all get behind President Obama and stop believing all of these conservative liars, OK?  Let's end the right-wing hatred, and support our president!  Can we do that, America?

Yes, we can! ( (


Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: wise1ray on 07 15, 11, 12:08:01:PM

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 12:12:34:PM
wise1ray --- You realize, of course, that that photo is hate speech, right? ( (


Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: lakitss on 07 15, 11, 12:15:22:PM
The only thing democrats are good for is a laugh, because no single group of people could possibly believe the amount of ideological, impractical, unsustainable, and flawed conceptual bullshit, BUT a democrat.

Their policies are not working, their spending is making shit worse, and now these incompetent socialist morons want to raise taxes AGAIN!

You just can't make this kind of shit up!!

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dan on 07 15, 11, 12:20:07:PM
Hey Dard,
I like your new signature image.  You nailed the liberal point of view!

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: wise1ray on 07 15, 11, 12:20:29:PM
You realize that is all that spews out of your mouth Dardmex

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 12:23:16:PM
lakitss, wise1ray, & anchoragedan --- You three simply don't understand the goals of today's Democrat Party.

The way to fix our economy is very simple.  We need to do the following five things:

1)  Raise taxes on the rich.  Actually, we should probably raise taxes on everybody!

2)  Raise the debt ceiling so that we can borrow another several trillion-dollars for stimulus!

3)  Help the struggling union workers by allowing them full collective bargaining rights!

4)  Stop all of this racist talk about slashing federal spending!

5)  Silence the FOX News Channel from continuing their lies and distortions.

If we do all of the above things, we can fix this economy and create green jobs here in America, along with free quality health care for everyone!  That's the Democrat Party solution, pure & simple! ( (


Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: littleeye on 07 15, 11, 12:25:04:PM
Spending other peoples money is what liberals do best. It is time to stop feeding this beast and starve them into submission.

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 12:29:19:PM
littleeye --- I completely disagree!
Where are my politically-progressive friends?  Why aren't they coming here to help me fight off these right-wing attacks?
Where are you, Griobhtha, Oz, dallas, darkflower, mikefx, grant, Mayzin, gwboolean, davik62, wvit1001, internetto, hoosier daddy, warrenpees, jw2, justincase, modernwriters, August West, LadyravensWing, slickclick, wmdn-bs, and francopinion?
Come here, my friends, and help me make my argument!  I could really use your help! ( (


Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 12:40:28:PM
The truth is, Socialists have run out of other peoples money in the U.S. so you are on your own just like after the signing of our Constitution... (   Time to buck up....  (

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dan on 07 15, 11, 12:50:47:PM
anchoragedan --- You simply don't understand the goals of today's Democrat Party

Sure I do, Dard.  You articulate that message extremely well.  Keep up the good work in informing us on what democrats stand for.

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: pacifica on 07 15, 11, 01:56:48:PM
Wow, Dard, Your flag is so pretty. And so deceiving! ( colors and plants...woo...machine rickets look like they're turning.......and it's all a (borrowed) GUFFAW.
Fairytale popsickle land.
Those lib stripes color guard you found from.......1term?(Making fun of you?)

I saw a Jim Jones Special last night. All about the false face and terrifying dangers of socialism and dictators.

I hope you saw it too.   (

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: Dardmex on 07 15, 11, 03:32:01:PM
anchoragedan --- The other liberals here fully agree with me, only they're sometimes afraid to openly echo what I'm calling for, as they're often frightened of being attacked by all of you right-wing Republicons who frequent this forum.

pacifica --- Actually, 1-Term-BHO was posting this flag without my permission.  I designed it myself.  As for Jim Jones from Jonestown in Guyana, he was actually a hero of mine with his dream of a socialist utopia.  It almost worked, too. ( (


Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: pacifica on 07 15, 11, 04:33:55:PM
Oh. ( Well it's a colorful design, dardiepoo, like listening to this song and pretending we are all frolicking on the beach holding hands... after our equal~work we all put in to
Aesops Farm... Such a happy place la la la la
No one would say any nasty swears ( and we would all love to be ruled by a dictator. (

Title: Re: Why Conservatives Lie
Post by: pacifica on 07 15, 11, 04:51:16:PM
Actually a Caribbean getaway would be better, one on one, don't you think?
( that a no duh

I found some Berkeley Hills and Campus pics.......One is of students sitting around in a circle staring at incense.......pretty funny lol, but I can't get the hippy pic to post, darn!...too many pixels or something little notebook I'm using right now.
But here's a smaller one with a pretty good view!!