All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: delurk on 07 15, 11, 10:16:45:AM

Title: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: delurk on 07 15, 11, 10:16:45:AM
Recently a Liberal blogger named Chauncey DeVega wrote some disparaging things about presidential candidate Herman Cain. DeVega accused Cain of entertaining for white masters. How original.

Yet another ignorant black Liberal, throwing away the best and brightest of blacks, based strictly on political ideology....
Silly Negroes like Chauncey DeVega are quick to attack black Conservatives, yet they would commit suicide at the first sign of abandonment by other blacks. That fear of loss is what makes them toe the line.  They fear going against the grain, more than they fear the wrath of God. Black Liberals need to be accepted, even when they know in their hearts that they are wrong.

Comparing Herman Cain’s life to any of the so-called black Liberal leaders is to compare a man to boys. Cain surpasses Obama’s true accomplishments, using on a couple of weeks of his life.  Cain actually worked hard to become a success. Obama got everything handed to him, which is why he is only window-dressing.

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 10:22:47:AM
You, sir, are a bigot.

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:24:33:AM
that is the dumbest piece of shit article ever, asshole.  how did obama have everything handed to him?  his mother wasn't rich, his grandparents were not rich, he QUALIFIED FOR SCHOLARSHIPS BECAUSE OF HIS OUTSTANDING INTELLIGENCE, IDIOT....that is like saying jack nicklaus had everything handed to him just because he was great at want someone who had everything handed to him, you need to look up gomer was president and vice president, his grandfather was a senator from connecticut and has buildings named after him at yale, where bush was only allowed in as a legacy, not because of his very mediocre grades....he went to private schools in connecticut, where all the rich kids go, he was a male cheerleader at his all male prep gay....his first 6 oil companies all failed, he was so bad he couldn't even find oil in texas!!!  he has been bailed out his whole life by his dad....and cain might be okay at making pizzas, but he is a total dumbass...he might could make the pizza but i wouldn't trust him to be able to find my house to deliver it...very stupid son of a bitch.   

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: delurk on 07 15, 11, 10:27:37:AM
Notice how comical it is to watch a liberal attempt to debate a fact?

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: duke_john on 07 15, 11, 10:34:17:AM
Herman Cain is a fine man, introspective and intelligent.

If lefties call you a racist by praising him, Cain must be a threat to leftist thinking.

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:39:28:AM
he is a bigoted piece o' shit moron, probably not much more informed than john wayne gacy.  he was asked what he thought about the right of return...and he had no idea what the guy was talking about....and the guy said do you think palestinians that were displaced from their homes by the creation of israel have the right to return...and he said, yeah, i guess, if the israelis are in favor of it, why not?  not knowing that this is Israel's number one rule...that no arabs, palestinian or not, have the right to return...that all the land is theirs, period, no conditions, no strings attached....he also said he would never have any muslims in his administration, which is clearly religous bias.  he was in favor of the ryan budget, which americans hate with a passion.  he said some planned mosque in bumfuck, tennessee might be dangerous to america...the guy is a fucking moron...probably dumber than bachmann or palin or even clarence thomas....

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 10:40:06:AM
Cain is more intelligent than the garden variety black liberal, that's what they hate..

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:46:29:AM
no, he is not...he is not even but 2 or 3 times smarter than you, llllluke.  that's how fucking stupid he is....

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 11:00:10:AM
DeVega accused Cain of entertaining for white masters.
Some blacks on the far left are saying the same about Obama lately.   
Maybe hooty thinks Obama is - "a bigoted piece o' shit moron, probably not much more informed than john wayne gacy," too?

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 11:03:21:AM
If cain is smarter than me he is a genius, you and oboner are like insects as far as intelligence goes..

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: duke_john on 07 15, 11, 11:10:43:AM
Back so soon from molesting little boys, "who's your daddy?"

Did your daughter finally threaten to slit your fucking throat for raping her, asswipe?

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 11:11:04:AM
no, hooty thinks obama squeezes out beer farts with higher IQs than the right wingers that post here have....

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 11:13:51:AM
I'm glad my ebonics translater is working, I would never have understood that liberal racist gibberish from hoserlips..

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 11:14:11:AM
Posted by: hoosier_daddy
Insert Quote (;topic=61136.10;num_replies=11#top)
no, hooty thinks obama squeezes out beer farts

So what do you think of far leftwing blacks saying the same about Obama as you are Cain?

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 11:16:05:AM
free country.  go for it...

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 11:48:54:AM
I agree, especially when Cain isn't a bs artist like Obama but far ahead of him in economics.

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 01:08:35:PM
yeah, he's freaking brilliant....if our country ever needs a pizza, we'll know who to call.

Title: Re: Black Liberals are funny zoo animals
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 01:31:25:PM
What does oboner do, organize race is good you dumbass, oboner has never accomplished one thing on his own, its all been handed to him by America's enemies..