All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: 1-Term-BHO on 07 15, 11, 10:00:05:AM

Title: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: 1-Term-BHO on 07 15, 11, 10:00:05:AM
His Plan is NO plan!!!!
He will NOT offer any plan and that means there is NOTHING to negotiate.
Obama is sitting back and waiting for the crisis to peak and hoping the GOP will wilt and he will just get the Debt Limit raised as
   he originally asked.
Then, he will merely say the GOP would "not compromise"!!
The GOP needs to come out and continually say Obama is sitting back and doing NOTHING despite numerous GOP proposals so that
   everyone KNOWS he is stonewalling the process!!!!

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: gwboolean on 07 15, 11, 10:03:06:AM

You might be right asshole.  Maybe he doesn't have a plan.  Or if he does it obviously isn't a very good plan.  But asshole what interests me is that you would be making an issue of this since you RWF cock suckers were the one's who ran up so much fucking debt that we have a debt crisis.  sorry asshole, but no one cares what you RWF assholes think since you caused the problem.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 10:08:28:AM
Obviously Bool.....that is EXACTLY what nobama is thinking.....good leadership!.....Guffaw!!

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 10:10:02:AM
Obama's last budget proposal :  The one we're using now...
Obama's 2011 Budget Highlights - CBS News (

Feb 2, 2010 – Highlights: Obama's proposed budget includes hundreds of millions of ... Obama's 2011 plan spares the military's major defense systems. ... -
Cached ('s+proposed+2011+budget&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us& -
Similar ('s+proposed+2011+budget&tbo=1&sa=X&ei=fEkgTrO7JsLl0QHMp_26Aw&ved=0CGYQHzAG)

He also has a proposal for the 2012 Budget.  It's been out since February.

Obama's 2012 Budget Proposal: How It's Spent -
Feb 14, 2011 – Explore every nook and cranny of President Obama's budget proposal. - Cached

The President proposes, Congress disposes.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 10:10:38:AM
Maybe he doesn't have a plan.  Or if he does it obviously isn't a very good plan.

With Obama's debt already reaching all of Bush's eight years worth of debt in such a short time, Obama cant come up with any plan for debt cuts.  It destroys his whole ballgame for statism.

All he has is bs and some are stupid enough to bow down and kiss his feet.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 10:12:11:AM
Yes should have checked with the Wizard....his own people voted that budget you're up to date....try and keep up.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Local5th on 07 15, 11, 10:12:52:AM
Obama's plan for the debt crisis is to borrow.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:18:07:AM
there you are lying again, jerkwater...the debt on obama's two budgets is not anywhere near what bush ran up, you lying piece of shit.  if you take the amount of debt under obama since being elected, and go back a similar piece of time in bush's awful last term, bush ran up more debt in the same time period.  bush started off with a fucking great economy!!  a surplus the last 3 fucking years!!  unemployment at about 4%, stock market had tripled in just 8 years, AND NO AMERICAN TROOPS IN COMBAT ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD FOR THE LAST 7 YEARS IN A ROW....and he still managed to fuck it all up and leave a gigantic economic turd for obama....and stuck in two senseless, 100 billion dollar a year wars and a trillion dollar deficit from DAY ONE.....

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 10:19:17:AM
Obama's first budget had a smaller deficit than Bush's last budget, which ended Sept. 30, 2009.

jack:  No, no one has voted down Obama's budget.  It's still the subject of negotiations right now.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 10:23:54:AM
bush started off with a fucking great economy!!  a surplus the last 3 fucking years!! 
There you go lying again Hooty.   Bush started off with a recession and their was no surplus.   Obama's spending in 2.5 years has increased our national debt almost equal to Bush over his 8 years.  Get a grip.
Obama's National Debt Impact
Upon Inauguration:  $10,626,877,048,913
As of Jul 13, 2011:  $14,342,954,633,916
In 2.5 yrs Increased: $3,716,077,585,003
George Bush (8yrs): $4,899,100,310,609 was created to track the National Debt on a daily basis from the inauguration and during the Obama administration - and provides a way to watch if the spending continues - increasing the debt - or if the promised "change" will occur without spending our great Nation into a deeper hole. At some point, one of our presidents must accept responsibility, be accountable, and be committed to change the direction of this graph. Will Obama be the one to make it happen - no matter what it takes?

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 10:26:54:AM
Oz.....get a grip.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: gwboolean on 07 15, 11, 10:27:22:AM

We know all about how Obummer's debt has surpassed Bush's.  We also know that you RWF assholes has taken Bush's entire $10 trillion in debt, the over $4 trillion he spent in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the cool trillion you RWF assholes gave to wall street and the banks and charged all of that to Obummer.  After we subtract the debt you RWF assholes ran up we find that Obummer has, so far, not even tipped the scales at $2 trillion yet.  You RWF asshole really aren't too bright if you think your can clear up your bad debt simply by tagging it to someone else.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 10:28:15:AM
Sweetie:  There you go again trying to blame Bush's last budget on Obama.

When Bush's last budget ended on Sept. 30, 2009, the deficit was $11.9 trillion.

Bush increased the deficit by $6.5 Trillion. (more than doubled it)

And, yes, Clinton's last budget had a $289 Billion SURPLUS.  Bush killed that with his first tax cut.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 10:32:56:AM
Oz.....get a grip.
Impossible.  Oz thinks Barry is incompetent to handle his job apparently.  (

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 10:38:54:AM
Who is Barry?  (

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:42:42:AM
you are lying, jerkwater....the economy had cooled, but no real job loss, only about a 1000 point dja loss before it picked up again, and within 6 months of bush's term it was back where it are a goddamn liar....

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 10:44:28:AM
Who is Barry?  (
His other legal name or did you miss that a few years ago?

School registration in Indonesia clearly shows his legal name to be Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia.

Not sure when Barry legally changed his name to Barack Hussein Obama, are you?

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Local5th on 07 15, 11, 10:49:34:AM
When Bush's last budget ended on Sept. 30, 2009, the deficit was $11.9 trillion.

Add it up any way you want. It changes nothing. The simple truth is Bush developed a budget for 2009, it was approved by a veto proof dem majority, and Obama blew it.

Hell, his first big expenditure was signing the stimulus bill in Feb 2009. From that point on there was no hope in hell of staying within the budget.

Now, had Bush had to approve Obama's spending on his budget you might have a case.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 15, 11, 10:57:17:AM
Obama is sitting back and waiting for the crisis to peak and hoping the GOP will wilt and he will just get the Debt Limit raised as
  he originally asked.

There is nothing sacrosanct about Aug 2nd.  If an agreement can't be reached without raising  taxes then let the date pass without raising the limit, so we will find out they are liars (for those of us who don't already know that).

The only thing that will happen is people will get scared for nothing (stock prices will temp fall).   Moody's and S&P will lower the credit rating from a ridiculously high AAA rating to what it should have been lowered to months ago, because further borrowing is a sign of sickness.  Getting your spending act together is a sign of health to follow.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 11:15:05:AM
future spending should have no affect on congress paying for what it has already spent, chuck.  what part of that don't you understand?  we are now paying for the two dumbfuck wars bush started, that almost all of these repubs were so hot for and voted for....and both of them were put entirely on the credit card, with no accompanying tax fact, with a huge tax cut voted for during the same time!!  durrrr...hey, let's start two trillion dollar wars and a mega trillion dollar tax cut AT THE SAME TIME and then not raise the debt limit when the next president takes office!!  good fucking plan...

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 11:18:48:AM
chuck:  Even Boehner's not that dumb:
WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner said Wednesday that no one wants to see the nation go into government default as the White House and lawmakers scramble to find a deal to avoid that.
The Obama administration says the government will not be able to pay its obligations if Congress does not raise the nation's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit by Aug. 2. President Barack Obama and Boehner, R-Ohio, have both spoken about the importance of avoiding that scenario.
Yet while the White House insists Congress will ultimately vote to raise the debt limit regardless of whether an accompanying deal comes together to slash the deficit, House Republicans say no such bill can pass unless it includes commensurate spending cuts.
Asked whether House Republicans will ultimately vote to raise the debt ceiling regardless, should it come down to the deadline, Boehner said: "Nobody wants to go there because nobody knows what's going to happen. It's a crapshoot."
His office said that Boehner meant going into default would be a crapshoot and that it should be avoided.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 11:24:59:AM
One more time:
Obama's 2012 Budget Proposal: How It's Spent -
Feb 14, 2011 – Explore every nook and cranny of President Obama's budget proposal. ( - Cached

The President proposes, Congress disposes.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 15, 11, 12:41:45:PM
Boehner is wrong.  The nation won't go into default for many months after Aug 2 if the ceiling is not raised.  It's all scare tactics.  Let it happen, so will see that.  1.6 trillion of debt is not even real; it's an illusion (in the same way that the money created from it is not real).

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 01:00:20:PM
So all the people who know about it, Boehner, Obama, Bernake, Treasury, the Fed, Moodys and Standard and Poors and all the others are all wrong?  (
Highly unlikely.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 15, 11, 01:02:41:PM
Yes.  Believe it or not, the facts indicate that they are all wrong.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 01:10:20:PM
How about Warren Buffett?  You believe him?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=804c136e9e03bc4a&biw=1016&bih=577 (,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=804c136e9e03bc4a&biw=1016&bih=577)

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 02:06:54:PM
Give Obama a short term (6 months)debt ceiling raise that will fund SS and essentials along with matching cuts in the budget and see if he will veto it?   If he does then he is responsible.

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 02:21:25:PM (

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: sweetwater5s9 on 07 15, 11, 02:27:54:PM
Obama warns GOP he won't accept short-term deal on debt.   Looks like Barry is the problem...

Title: Re: Obama's Plan For The Debt Crisis
Post by: Local5th on 07 15, 11, 02:38:51:PM
Increase the debt limit and allow borrowing only to service those debts required by law, prohibit any & all new spending (including government wages/benefit increases) that is not covered by real cuts in other areas.

Yes, borrow and spend Barry is a large part of the problem. He want's a default.