All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 08:41:51:AM

Title: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 08:41:51:AM
I was switching through the channels last night and caught the "Ed Show"....that show is a of MSNBC's finest....guffaw!

Anyway.....there was this....this woman?....talking with Ed....I'm not saying she was ugly, but she'd make a freight train take a dirt road!!

This got me to thinking why the left hates Fox news and the Republican women so much....THEY'RE Jealous!!

Imagine Hillary debating Michelle Bachmann......Good Lord....everyone would be fixated on Michelle....just to keep from becoming nauseous!

Then there's Fox babes against what......Rachel Maddow.....GUFFAW!!! This is just too good...even MSNBC's women have the hots for Fox's women...GUFFAW!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 08:46:09:AM
if you are going to say democrat women, shouldn't you say republic women?  know anything about adjectives, much?  who gives a shit about such goofy shit.  look at how fluffy and puffy republic men are- mcconnell, rush, beck, savage, levin, rove, gingrich, huckabee, cheney.  almost all the right wing dudes are pussies.  and you are worried about democratic women?  all the democratic women could beat the shit out of you pussy republic men.  and the head pussy of all republic men- reagan!!!  avoided world war 2, dyed his hair black well into his 70's and called his wife "mommy!!!"  what a puss....

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 08:55:00:AM
Republican women are airheads.  Democratic women have a brain... (well, except for Maxine Waters...)

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 09:01:45:AM
i am sure there are more than maxine!!  but compared to the stepford wife republic women?  no contest...besides, from my own personal experience, democratic women are much better looking, hotter and more intelligent than republic women.  republic women usually have a great big stick up their ass, hate blacks and minorities, and are total downers.  here is my last democatic girlfriend-and below that, rachel maddow...

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: aesopsfable on 07 15, 11, 09:11:33:AM
Before she became a Lesbian.

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 09:14:02:AM
she always was a lesbian, clown.  just like you have always been an idiot. 

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 09:24:30:AM
 Actually Aeos...that was before she ADMITTED she was rug merchant....hey....did you hear what they call dykes in Alaska?....Fur Traders...Guffaw!

Now, Hooty.......did you really think your spin with the first picture would hold up....if anyone looks closely they would see that's a picture from Europe.....France to be exact.

Here's the reality.....the ol' Fur Trader with her "Life Partner"....guffaw!


Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: delurk on 07 15, 11, 09:47:04:AM
If it were not for ugly Democrat women, Democrat men would not have wives...

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 10:02:56:AM
dekurk...Ugly is one thing...but these people have made a profession out of it....guffaw!

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:12:46:AM
at least they are butt ugly and severely retarded republic men have to try and entice goats to fuck you up the ass, or get them to stand still so you can blow them.  and you are trying to make fun of democratic women?

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 10:45:12:AM
liberals are ugly on the inside and that is usually reflected on the outside with their vile attitudes and hate for decency...

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 10:47:41:AM
says the lying racist asshole.  can't get more vile than that, you piece of shit lying chickenshit racist bitch...

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: lluke47 on 07 15, 11, 11:22:42:AM
What part do I have wrong about weenies like you, you racist coward..?

Title: Re: Republican Women Vs democrat women....
Post by: jackbp on 07 15, 11, 03:37:27:PM
"says the lying racist asshole.  can't get more vile than that, you piece of shit lying chickenshit racist bitch..."

Congratulations there a little less than three days you've managed to break the all time record for verbal abuse by a tourettes victim.

You'll be receiving an honorarium of "Bladeless Knives Without Handles in the new clear motif for the modern home. Great work!

Good News there Hooty.....Rachelle herself will be delivering the knives and can plant a big smooch right on ol' Vagina Breath herself..... (