All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: John Adams on 07 15, 11, 05:45:48:AM

Title: Video: Michelle Obama – Barack Quoted Alinsky When we Met
Post by: John Adams on 07 15, 11, 05:45:48:AM
Video: Michelle Obama – Barack Quoted Alinsky When we Met (
Chapter one of Rules for Radicals ( by Saul Alinsky is entitled The Purpose, and the first line is this:
“What follows is for those who want
Chapter one of Rules for Radicals ( by Saul Alinsky is entitled The Purpose, and the first line is this:
“What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be.”
 to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be.”

Title: Re: Video: Michelle Obama – Barack Quoted Alinsky When we Met
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 15, 11, 06:01:48:AM
so, republicans quote reagan and reagan started this awful supply side shit that has almost ruined this country....

Title: Re: Video: Michelle Obama – Barack Quoted Alinsky When we Met
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 08:30:13:AM
Alinsky was the mentor for all organizers.

Title: Re: Video: Michelle Obama – Barack Quoted Alinsky When we Met
Post by: John Adams on 07 15, 11, 06:46:09:PM
alinsky is a far left dirtbag radical, he is further left of lenin or stalin.....