All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: pacifica on 07 14, 11, 07:59:27:PM

Title: ***Flygrl***
Post by: pacifica on 07 14, 11, 07:59:27:PM
I agree with your thread,

DC should do their job in the interest of America. Obama does run with the muslim brotherhood crowd; Even he himself said that the most beautiful sound is that of the muslim call to prayer.

Well a sitting American President with 20 years in Jeremiah Wright's God D*mn America church.

The thread exposing the current DC workers doing everything they can to hide America's Founding, says it all. The Rotunda Fresca's Judeo-Christian pictured history -- deliberately bungled and left out;
Same with the Washington Monument giving 'Glory to God' THAT IS ENGRAVED -- they tried to hide.

Everyone knows the facts except maybe school children, who is the generation they want to wash away our Foundings from. WELL IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK.

And I saw the filth that that booger GW wrote.
No man would ever speak such a way to the good person you are - so it's obvious that diarrhea-mouth is just a troll.
