All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 07 14, 11, 06:26:59:PM

Title: Boehner, the Failure, Could Cry...
Post by: Truman62 on 07 14, 11, 06:26:59:PM
if he doesn't get hsi way.
Not sure how he is going to get his way, since most of the Repocons won't listen to him, and the Democrats won't either.
Boehner, the Failure, is becoming more and more of a non-entity.
Cantor and Kyl are taking the spotlight, and showing us how radical and extreme they can be.
Why do Repocons hate America?
Boehner Losing Control (

Title: Re: Boehner, the Failure, Could Cry...
Post by: Dardmex on 07 14, 11, 06:34:51:PM
davik62 --- What we really need to do is to replace John Boehner with former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi!
She would immediately agree with the president to raise the debt ceiling, along with increasing taxes on the rich! ( ................ (


Title: Re: Boehner, the Failure, Could Cry...
Post by: grant on 07 14, 11, 06:49:06:PM
davik says, "Boehner, the Failure, is becoming more and more of a non-entity"

If they could find another GOPper Evolutionary throwback who can manage the House, maybe they'll vote Boehner out.

Title: Re: Boehner, the Failure, Could Cry...
Post by: lluke47 on 07 14, 11, 07:22:06:PM
We just got rid of an evolutionary throwback, what more do you want..

Title: Re: Boehner, the Failure, Could Cry...
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 08:06:08:AM
Boehner: No one wants default, would be crapshoot
House Speaker John Boehner
 said Wednesday that no one wants to see the nation go into government default as
the White House
 and lawmakers scramble to find a deal to avoid that.
The Obama administration says the government will not be able to pay its obligations if
 does not raise the nation's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit by Aug. 2.
President Barack Obama
 and Boehner, R-Ohio, have both spoken about the importance of avoiding that scenario.
Yet while the
White House
 insists Congress will ultimately vote to raise the debt limit regardless of whether an accompanying deal comes together to slash the deficit, House Republicans say no such bill can pass unless it includes commensurate spending cuts.
Asked whether House Republicans will ultimately vote to raise the debt ceiling regardless, should it come down to the deadline, Boehner said: "Nobody wants to go there because nobody knows what's going to happen. It's a crapshoot."
His office said that Boehner meant going into default would be a crapshoot and that it should be avoided.
But it's beginning to look like loon Cantor wants to go there.........