All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Dardmex on 07 14, 11, 06:20:10:PM

Title: Bush is to blame for everything that's wrong today!
Post by: Dardmex on 07 14, 11, 06:20:10:PM
Look people, I can understand how a lot of you might be unhappy about our nation's debt crisis and the many other problems plaguing our country right now, but let's not forget that it would be a whole lot worse if President Obama and the Democrats hadn't passed stimulus legislation and health care reform!
Here's the FACTS: President Obama is going to need eight years to clean up the mess made by Bush & the Republicons and their racist, homophobic agenda to keep poor people down.
Thanks to President Obama, our economy is clearly getting stronger with each and every new day, along with cleaner air & water, and the rest of the world loving America more, as well.
Before Barack Obama entered the White House back on January 20th, 2009, I could fully understand what First Lady Michelle Obama had said about never being proud of this fascist, racist nation while growing up.  But with the changes being made by this president, I don't hate this country quite as much as I once did!  (And I hated America so very, very much!)
I think the reason for most of the criticisms I'm hearing here on this forum are a combination of racism and believing the lies & distortions reported by the FOX News Channel and right-wing talk radio!  Let's remember that the REAL PROBLEMS were all because of Bush!
So let's all UNITE instead of constantly bickering, OK?  Let's all UNITE behind the leadership of President Obama and the elected Democrats who are trying to improve this nation for the poor, the elderly, gays, minorities, children, and those undocumented Americans who are still trying to enter and remain in this country!  Can we UNITE and do this, America?
Yes, we can! ( ................ (


Title: Re: Bush is to blame for everything that's wrong today!
Post by: 1-Term-BHO on 07 14, 11, 06:43:24:PM
TURDMAX.........   All you ever talk about is who and what you hate.  OK, we get it.  Whatever is traditional American, you HATE.

We all don't really care who YOU hate all the time!  Why would YOUR hatred have anything to do with anything except YOU and your
   twisted excuse for a brain? ? ? ?

Why don't you give us a break and go back for another swim? (
 ( ................ (


Title: Re: Bush is to blame for everything that's wrong today!
Post by: pacifica on 07 14, 11, 06:52:28:PM
LOL. Well, Dardmex, Thanks for explaining this as-of-late loony lib desperate last ditch tactic of......yeah now..........Obama's failures are NOW ALL BUSH'S FAULT. ( 

President Barack Obama holds no responsibility for his own actions (
-- lets just bring up Bush --

Well isn't that the special ~ progressive socialist way. (

Title: Re: Bush is to blame for everything that's wrong today!
Post by: jst-the-fax on 07 14, 11, 07:38:49:PM
you never cease to amaze...thank for the laugh each and every day

Title: Re: Bush is to blame for everything that's wrong today!
Post by: pacifica on 07 14, 11, 08:07:11:PM
"cute" vid, 1term (

so true, jst-the-fax :`)

Title: Re: Bush is to blame for everything that's wrong today!
Post by: pacifica on 07 14, 11, 08:11:04:PM
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left
...Ecclesiastes 10:2"
