All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wise1ray on 07 14, 11, 05:49:17:PM

Title: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a Lie
Post by: wise1ray on 07 14, 11, 05:49:17:PM
Despite our political and philosophical differences, one of the most touching and humanizing aspects of Barack Obama was his mother’s tragic death of uterine and ovarian cancer in 1995. Obama frequently stated his self-employed mother spent her last days frantic, desperately trying to assure the insurance industry would not deny her coverage, instead of resting and preparing to meet her Maker (Whom she apparently did not believe in). As it turns out, the entire story was, at best, greatly exaggerated and at worst calculated fabrication. Unlike so many of the president’s scandals, this lie has been reported not simply in conservative outlets like The Washington Examiner ( and The Blaze ( but in major Establishment media sources like Politico (, and the New York Times (
Candidate Obama took little shame in cashing in on his dead mother’s lingering illness on the campaign trail. Byron York collected ( a few examples:
 “I remember in the last month of her life, she wasn’t thinking about how to get well, she wasn’t thinking about coming to terms with her own mortality, she was thinking about whether or not insurance was going to cover the medical bills and whether our family would be bankrupt as a consequence,” Obama said in September 2007.
“She was in her hospital room looking at insurance forms because the insurance company said that maybe she had a pre-existing condition and maybe they wouldn’t have to reimburse her for her medical bills,” Obama added in January 2008.
“The insurance companies were saying, ‘Maybe there’s a pre-existing condition and we don’t have to pay your medical bills,’” Obama said in a debate with Republican opponent Sen. John McCain in October 2008.
It turns out, like much of what Obama says (, this is a lie. The truth is embedded in New York Times reporter Janny Scott’s glowing biography of Stanley Ann Dunham entitled, A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother.
In fact, in the months before her death Dunham worked for Development Alternatives, itself under contract to the Indonesian government, which furnished her with health insurance, a housing allowance, and transportation. After an appendectomy failed to relieve her pain, she decided to fly from Jakarta, Indonesia, first to New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center then to Honolulu for treatment. Her boss told her ( “You’ve got health insurance, that’s taken care of. We can cover the airfare.” Scott writes, “the hospital billed her insurance company directly, leaving Ann to pay only the deductible and any uncovered expenses, which, she said, came to several hundred dollars a month.”
However, CIGNA refused her claim for disability insurance to cover her deductible and the remainder of her medical bills and living costs, arguing she had a pre-existing condition when she took the job in Indonesia.
When confronted, Obama spokesman Nick Papas repeated ( the misleading claim that Dunham “was refused coverage.”
If the remaining health bills covered “several hundred dollars a month,” it seems unlikely his mother was wondering “whether our family would be bankrupt as a consequence.” It is shameless enough to exploit one’s dead mother for political gain; it is worse yet to lie about her in the process.
Obama lied about his mother’s insurance coverage to create support for ObamaCare, cashing in on the sympathy of those who thought if America had socialized medicine, perhaps she would have been saved. Obama has now been caught — three years after the fact. If the media had done their job during the 2008 campaign instead of leading a cheering section for his historic election, perhaps it would have caught a hefty number of additional lies in the process. To this day, their support for his radical policies render them incapable of double-checking his assertions or verifying his claims.
This sorry spectacle raises two questions: What is Obama lying about now, and how long will the media be able to cover it up for him?

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: wise1ray on 07 14, 11, 05:56:07:PM
This isn't a surprise as Obama will resort to anything including murder to try & gain complete control over everything that he wants. HE THREW HIS WHITE GRANDMOTHER UNDER THE BUS, allowing her to die quickly during his campaigning in the last election. HE IS SATAN & his wife is a MEDUSA, TO HELL WITH THE BOTH OF THEM.

 Like so much that Obama says it is just another lie. He is one complete phony on all kinds of points, birth certificate, SSN, there is probably quite a nice long list. Some of our great Senators and/or Congressmen should be able to drum up a campaign to impeach him. There has been enough transgressions on his part relative to the Constitution to do it. I think his suing the state of Arizona is treasonous.

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: Dardmex on 07 14, 11, 06:07:59:PM
Bush is the REAL LIAR, not Obama!  Bush lied, people died! ( ................ (


Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: wise1ray on 07 14, 11, 06:16:40:PM
When are we the American people going to wake up to the fact that we are being poisoned, and not by chemicals. It is by those who have been put into our elected offices. Let's make a concerted effort to make our Representatives and Senators know we expect them to do what we elected them to do and that is to ABIDE BY THE CONSTITUTION!!!

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: garfield51 on 07 14, 11, 06:30:25:PM
Dumb ray what web site is your article from?

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 07 14, 11, 06:43:07:PM
Obama, July 28, 2009: The answer is yes. And so let me talk just a little bit about the kind of insurance reform that we're proposing as part of the broader reform package.
Number one, if you've got a preexisting condition, insurance companies will still have to insure you. This is something very personal for me. My mother, when she contracted cancer, the insurance companies started suggesting that, well, maybe this was a preexisting condition; maybe you could have diagnosed it before you actually purchased your insurance. Ultimately, they gave in, but she had to spend weeks fighting with insurance companies while she's in the hospital bed, writing letters back and forth just to get coverage for insurance that she had already paid premiums on. And that happens all across the country. We are going to put a stop to that. That's point number one.
so, basically, all wiseass ray has is what a woman who wrote a book about obama's mother says.  there is no other evidence about how many times she had to try and fight for her covered insurance, and if she had not been accepted, then of course, the cancer treatment would have bankrupted her...she was not a wealthy person.  imagine somebody cold-blooded enough to call some woman a liar because she was worried about not getting insured because the insurance company thought she had a pre-exiting condition...what an asshole wise ass ray is. 

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: lluke47 on 07 14, 11, 07:10:44:PM
Everybody knows dick in obonehead is a liar, he's a libturd isn't he, they're all liars and criminal rats...

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: garfield51 on 07 14, 11, 07:58:27:PM
Everybody knows dick in obonehead is a liar, he's a libturd isn't he, they're all liars and criminal rats...

No like you puke or should I say cowpatty!

Title: Re: Obama's Tear-jerking Story About His Uninsured Dying Mother was a
Post by: Oz on 07 15, 11, 08:26:07:AM
Obama didn't say she was uninsured... he said she had to fight the insurance company to get them to pay.
Like a lot of people.