General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Music / Audio => Topic started by: takncarabizniz on 04 08, 11, 02:48:04:PM

Title: Yes truly a weird video...
Post by: takncarabizniz on 04 08, 11, 02:48:04:PM
For such a cool song...
]] ([/FLASH)
My medicine is coming home...he's on his way...
My salty sailor son has returned and my heart is leaping for joy...I can put away my worry hat for a while, feed him all his favorite foods, play cards, take walks and just give him a giant bear hug...
Medicine like this is amazing...from the first moment I laid eyes on him 21 years ago, so tiny and helpless...all 3 lbs of see him now, so strong and capable, truly the most amazing medicine known to man.  The love for your child...
Color me happy...

Title: Re: Yes truly a weird video...
Post by: emilyB on 04 10, 11, 11:53:56:PM
That is really good news happy for you.  There's nothing like the love we have for our children.  I hope he's home for a good long stay.

Title: Re: Yes truly a weird video...
Post by: sunshine on 04 26, 11, 05:49:54:PM
AWESOME Enjoy your time with him.