All Boards => Moved Hot Topics => Topic started by: Jim on 02 13, 11, 12:27:39:AM

Title: Funny Q&A Session with Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011
Post by: Jim on 02 13, 11, 12:27:39:AM
Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011 - Question & Answer Session - 2/12/11

The Left was all choked up over the "new democracy" happening in Egypt, but where
were they when we helped democracy come into Iraq by removing a brutal Saddam Hussein?



Title: Re: Funny Q&A Session with Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011
Post by: internetto on 02 13, 11, 01:50:14:AM

Does the girl ever change her dress?


Title: Re: Funny Q&A Session with Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011
Post by: chuck_curtis on 02 13, 11, 01:55:09:AM
The Left was all choked up over the "new democracy" happening in Egypt, but where
were they when we helped democracy come into Iraq by removing a brutal Saddam Hussein?

Big difference.  On the one hand, the people of Egypt rose up on their own (or so the mainstream story goes anyway).  On the other hand, some assumed that's what the people of Iraq wanted to do, but moreover, somehow it was our job to do it for them, and not peacefully either.  But I would ask Ann that if going around the world removing dictators is our job then what about the other dictators of the world?  Does she think we should stop in Iraq, or does she just like being a dumb blond trying to be funny.

Title: Re: Funny Q&A Session with Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011
Post by: internetto on 02 13, 11, 02:05:36:AM
Axis Annie can't see the difference.
And the Tea Party Cultists are just jealous, because no handguns were involved.

Title: Re: Funny Q&A Session with Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 13, 11, 08:06:09:AM
what good is a revolution if you don't get to shoot your guns and drool with hate, like teabaggers apparently want to do if they ever lose an election?  anybody that thinks this psychopathic bitch is funny probably thinks pulling the wings off flies is pretty funny, too.  i remember most of all how she described the 9/11 widows, who she hated apparently because they had the audacity to be against the lying ass iraq war.  she said she had never seen women so happy to have seen their husbands die.  this is the "funny lady" Jim apparently likes.  fuck that shrew bitch. 

Title: Re: Funny Q&A Session with Ann Coulter at CPAC 2011
Post by: Griobhtha on 02 13, 11, 11:03:06:AM
She says the darnedest  things

Coulter had this to say, "I am as born-again evangelical Christian as they come… the gay argument is why do conservatives act like our sins are worse then their sins…and no, of course not… I would like gays to be part of conservatism just the way women are without there being a special designation for it, that's what I'd prefer."
"The left is trying to co-opt gays and I don't think we should let them, they should be on our side."
This may be due in no small part to Coulter's affinity for gays with whom she shares "a lot in common." "We like the same music, we like the same cocktails, and we like a lot of the same men."

Except Coulter is a man!


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